Free Essay. Death with Dignity and Green Burial

Published: 2023-11-03
Free Essay. Death with Dignity and Green Burial
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Euthanasia Ethical dilemma Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1361 words
12 min read

It would be crucial to note why death with dignity and green burials was instigated to discuss it adequately. Death with dignity allows people or those ill patients to decide when to die as they can request an assisted death after they have learned that they will die. The idea of death with dignity started in 1994 in Oregon as it was performed or supported by a medical provider to ease patients' pain (Bouverette, 2017). There were criteria that the patient was expected to meet to go through the procedure. Some of these factors that the patient was scheduled to meet as part of the process are; the patient was expected to be diagnosed with a terminal illness that would probably lead to death, be found of sound mind, and in a position to communicate with healthcare providers to make the decision or choice, and should be eighteen years and above. The research paper broadly discusses the concept of death with dignity and green burials by addressing factors that the patient was supposed to meet to be considered eligible for death with dignity.

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The information gathered in this report has been sourced from primary sources and secondary sources, and all of them are listed in the reference section of the research. References used are sourced from various websites, including academic journals and peer-reviewed articles hence comprehensively providing reliable data for this research regarding death with dignity and green burials.


Death with Dignity

Messinger (2019) discusses what defines death with dignity by giving examples of those old victims in prison. She acknowledges that death with dignity involves decision from the person who wants to die because they are the center of the choice that determines what should be the next step. There are given consideration that has been provided by the healthcare providers to determine when a patient might decide to end their life as much as the idea of death with dignity is considered (Messinger, 2019). A person who would wish to die based on aided death should be eighteen years and above to decide on their own. Since this focuses on a personal decision, it would be crucial to consider age as many research studies put it to proceed with death with dignity. Those claimed raised in this text are crucial to understanding what it is all about death and how people human dignity.


As mentioned before, some factors measure eligibility for one to meet death with dignity procedure. A patient must be the patient of a given state with the policy to ensure that they decide on their own because they have to make the right choice to go through the procedure. The second requirement is that they should be diagnosed with a terminal illness that may render them subjects of death. The third one, they must be in a position to decide on their own with healthcare providers to make the right decision about the end of a human. Different peer-reviewed articles advocate for the fact that there are given requirements that make someone eligible for a death with dignity procedure (Lauffer et al., 2020). These eligibilities are essential that determine it meets the criteria and who does not meet it because the decision of death lies or is determined by the person who wants to die. In the case of efficient communication ability, those who request this practice must be in a position to communicate to make their personal preferences with healthcare providers. They are subjects of making decisions to enable the process that entails Death with Dignity.

Use of Death with Dignity Law

Death with dignity, as covered by other research studies, involves a law that governs how the practice is achieved. There is a way that this practice works hand in hand with the law, which says how the procedure to death is performed. As covered by the majority of research, there is a legal prescription for life-ending medications in states with Death with Dignity practice that guides the procedure. Some of the leading countries that practice Death with Dignity process are Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California, and Colorado (Marshall & Rounds 2011). Times the supreme court decides and rules above someone's case. An individual should be above eighteen years of age to ensure that the supreme court rules out your evidence of Death with Dignity. It is confirmed with many research studies that the death or the period for this practice takes about the first six months. It also involves two procedures to complete the practice of Death with Dignity. They are the two oral requests that individuals or physicians call two applications. There is one written request, and the one for a waiting period to successfully go through the procedure. So, the law of different states that practice Death with Dignity regulate how this practice is conducted, and it provides a platform where people of patients' personal decisions are considered.

Green Burials

Green burial is another essential issue that has been addressed in this assignment to understand what it is all about. It would be crucial to define what Green Burial is too comfortable to relate to Death with Dignity. Green Burial is also known as natural burial, and it is defined as the burial of a corpse or the body of a dead person in the soil. The approach used to bury these bodies does not inhibit decomposition, allowing that body to be recycled (McLeodSordjan, 2014). Research studies have shared why it is necessary or crucial to have Green Burial procedures or guidelines. They protect the public health and safety because it reduces the transmission infection rate of disease that may affect human beings.

Green Burial has principles that enable easy of burials. It would be crucial to mention these principles to determine how families are governed in the burial procedure as they are essential determinants that minimize health risks. These principles are no embalming, direct earth burial, ecological restoration and conversation, communal memorization, and optimization of land use (Roberson, 2020). These are crucial points that govern the green burial process to enable or to minimize health risks to public health because public health is a risk factor when such an issue emerges. In the case of conventional embalming, Green Burial prevents embalming from protecting the environment and health of those around that grave. The standard embalming contains carcinogenic fluid that poses a significant health risk to people, and its prevention is crucial to minimize those risks. Direct earth burial is essential in this case to enable complete decomposition of the dead body.


In conclusion, Death with Dignity takes different factors that explain more about it. It was the first practice in Oregon in 1944 with the support of medical providers to end the life of those patients who opted or requested death (Scalenghe & Pantani 2020). Some factors are considered for one to become eligible for this process of Death with Dignity. Some of these requirements or eligibility are; the patient must be diagnosed with a terminal illness, be eighteen years and above, and be enabled to communicate with health care providers about the health status. In most states, this practice is governed by the law, and they are directed by courts at some points to run effectively.


Bouverette, A. A. (2017). Green Burials: The Deinstitutionalization of Death. The Hilltop Review, 10(1), 14.

Lauffer, K. A., Baker, S. D., & Seely, N. (2020). DC news media coverage of the district’s Death with Dignity Act. Newspaper Research Journal, 41(1), 53-70.

Marshall, N., & Rounds, R. (2011). Green burials in Australia and their planning challenges. In-State of Australian Cities National Conference, Melbourne. Accessed November (Vol. 30, p. 2016).

McLeodSordjan, R. (2014). Death preparedness: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 70(5), 1008-1019.Messinger, K. S. (2019). DEATH WITH DIGNITY FOR THE SEEMINGLY UNDIGNIFIED. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (1973-), 109(3), 633-674.

Roberson, J. (2020). Necrobotany and the green burials of John Keats. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 1-12.

Scalenghe, R., & Pantani, O. L. (2020). Connecting Existing Cemeteries Saving Good Soils (for Livings). Sustainability, 12(1), 93.

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