Dentistry Paper Sample - Thesis

Published: 2022-03-11
Dentistry Paper Sample - Thesis
Type of paper:  Thesis
Categories:  Dentistry
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1007 words
9 min read

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Tooth extraction is necessary when there is advanced decay, significance trauma or injury to the oral cavity, misalignment associated with crowded teeth or even, the poor eruption of third molars. Typically, during extraction procedures, bone grafting material is inserted to minimize bone loss. Bone grafting has become a standard procedure in dentistry and an essential component in modern medicine. The practice started nearly 350 years ago when a Dutch doctor in 1668 performed the first and successful bone grafting operation. Currently, studies have been carried out, and discoveries have been tabled to enhance the success and viability of dental reconstruction. This study examines the effect of different dental graft techniques and approaches on the stability and long-term effect on the jawbone. The systematic review has presented the documented limitations and viability of each method. In this paper, the alternatives to bone grafting have also been elaborated. The study found out that although some of the bone grafting techniques have shown a high survival rate, significant alveolar bone quality and quantity, and success of the implants, several limitations exist that could impact patient outcomes. Nevertheless, the study also found out that the use of bone grafts and implants is a practice that will still dominate dental surgery and attract more clinical assessments.


Table 1: Summary of Other Scholarly Recommendations (Source: Dumitrescu, 2011)


Figure 1: Alveolar Ridge Expansion (Source: CDE World)

Figure 2: Distracted Osteogenesis (Source: AMS Journal)

Figure 3: Sinus Floor Lift (Source: Dental XP)

Figure 4: Guided Bone Regeneration (Source: JICDRO Organization)

Figure 5: Interpositional Grafts (Source: Jama Network)

Figure 6: Onlay Block Grafts (Source: Ebrary)


CSAG - Clinical Standard Advisory Group

UCLP - Unilateral Cleft Lip and Plate

GBR - Guided Bone Regeneration

GTR - Guided Tissue Regeneration

DDM - Demineralized Dentin Matrix

rhBMP-2 - Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2

FDBA - Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft

BFSCs - Buccal Fat Pad Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

LRCP- Lateral Ramus Cortical Bone Plate

AIC - Anterior Iliac Crest

1.0 Introduction

The use of dental implants is a common practice in dental surgery. The approach was adopted in the past, and through evidence-based assessment, the use of implants and bone grafts has become a frequent phenomenon in dentistry (Crespi, Cappare, & Gherlone, 2009). While it is not easy to determine the number of implants and bone grafting carried out each year across the globe, the use of estimates has helped health institutions as well as insurance companies to carry out their respective appropriations and decisions. The question of quality and quality of the bone after tooth extraction has remained the concerns of dental practitioners over the years. Such a concern has contributed to the thousands of research that have been dedicated to determining the viability and success rate of the approved methods. While the objective of bone grafting underpins, thee need for bone quality and quantity, the baseline for carrying out bone grafting is to enhance the success of implants. Therefore, the bone grafting and implant placement are dental procedures that are interdependent. Although the use of bone grafting and implants have become a widespread practice, the conventional methods are still practiced based on the decision of the dentist (Clementini et al., 2015). On the other hand, the question regarding the success of bone grafts and implants as well as the long-term consequences has raised concerns among patients, insurance companies, and health practitioners. Studies are now focusing on determining the best practice for each unique case among patients.

Tooth rehabilitation is one of the highly predictable therapy in dentistry, which is associated with different advantages. For example, oral implants placed after a bone graft is considered essential especially when the avoidance of removable dentures is to be achieved. Moreover, it guarantees tooth structure conservation, which necessitates the achievement of quality and quantity of dentition. Therefore, before implant placement, a minimum of 10 mm by 3-4 mm alveolar bone is required for sufficient implant hosting. The lack of enough bone to host the implants calls for grafting, which has become the most reliable option when seeking to attain the required biomechanics in dentistry as well as to achieve a long-term esthetic outcome. Therefore, different bone grafting techniques and materials have been established to enhance the success and reliability of implant placement. Nevertheless, several limitations have been documented, which indicates how the use of bone grafts requires a proper assessment to determine its appropriateness in comparison to the existing alternatives in the long-run. Therefore, this study is tailored to determine the effect of bone grafting on the stability of the jaw on extraction patients.

2.0 Background

Branemark introduced a dental treatment method that involves the use of implants to preserve the bone quality and quantity after tooth extraction. Since then, advanced methods have been discovered, mimicking the traditional discovery. The use of implants has become a common practice in dentistry. Whenever the size and nature of the bone are sufficient, then the use of implants has proved to be the best treatment option for dental reconstruction (Chiapasco et al., 2009). A cross-comparison of the success rate and reliability has indicated an average outcome of about 95% for non-compromised patients whenever the surgeons recommend the use of implants. However, the possibility of alveolar bone not favoring implants cannot be avoided. In some case, the unfavorable alveolar conditions e...

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