Free Essay: Description of Community Resources

Published: 2023-09-25
Free Essay: Description of Community Resources
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Cancer Healthcare Community Healthcare policy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 795 words
7 min read

There are different community resources available to prevent farmworkers in Florida City from developing skin cancer due to sun exposure. There are various health centers located in convenient and accessible places within Florida City. These health centers include Public Health and General Preventive Medicine, Hugo Rams JR.MD (Gastroenterology & Herpetology), Homestead Hospital, and Med Eye Associates. Farmworkers are supposed to visit these resources for treatment and cancer screening to determine their status because they are at risk of getting skin cancer due to their exposure to the sun for a long time (FORSEA et al., 2010). Learning institutions in Florida City should be used to educate farmworkers on preventive measures for skin cancer. Billboards should be used to pass significant knowledge like the causes and risks of skin cancer to farm workers. Family training and the credentialing program is also the important platform used to give an understanding of skin cancer to farmworkers (FORSEA et al., 2010).

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Learner Needs of Farm Workers from Florida City

The farmworkers who are the learners in this assignment need to know the skin cancer risk factors. For example, if one has fair skin, it is likely to develop skin cancer associated with less pigment in the skin, thus less protection from ultraviolet radiation damage (Brewer, et al., 2009). Besides, excessive exposure to ultraviolet light, which is direct from the sun, and tanning beds and lights can increase skin cancer risks. Also, the learners need to be aware that having unusual moles or many moles is likely to face an increase in the risk of skin cancer. Also, it is good for farmworkers to be aware that skin cancer in their family history is one of the factors that result in increased risks of this cancer (Brewer, et al., 2009). If one has a close relative associated with this, cancer has a higher chance of developing it. Lastly, they should get to know that a weakened immune system enhances an increase in skin cancer. People who have weak immune systems like those who have experienced organ transplants are likely to develop cancer (Brewer, et al., 2009).

Farm learners also need to know how to prevent skin cancer. As sun exposure is highly associated with the contribution of skin cancer, and sun protection in one’s lifetime is an essential aspect of the prevention of skin cancer (Benjamin et al., 2008). Parents and farmworkers must help their children develop good habits of sun protection. At peak hours of the sun, farmworkers have to avoid sun exposure and use protective clothing like hats (Vinzón, 2015).

Lastly, farmworkers need to know the treatment of skin cancer. The mainstay of treating skin cancer is surgery, as there are different kinds of medicine available (Zhao, 2010). The workers need to understand that the extent, location and type of skin cancer may be removed by curettage and electrodesiccation, laser surgery or surgical excision. People who are associated with skin cancer but have more advanced disease undergoes additional treatments and procedures (Zhao, 2010). These may involve evaluation and removal of nearby lymph nodes, full-body treatment or delivery of the chemotherapy of the limb affected.

Reasons Why This Group Needs My Teaching

The group needs my teaching because they lack critical knowledge about skin cancers, which I will teach them. The learning will equip farm workers with various facts about this problem and instill courage in them as they continue to work on their farms (Schlehofer et al., 2015). The teaching also highlights the preventable measures that the workers are supposed to adopt in their daily. From this teaching, they will be able to take all precautionary measures since working on the farm will expose them to harmful UVA and UVB sun rays, which are the primary causes of skin cancers.


Benjamin, C. L., Ullrich, S. E., Kripke, M. L., & Ananthaswamy, H. N. (2008). p53 tumor suppressor gene: a critical molecular target for UV induction and prevention of skin cancer. Photochemistry and photobiology, 84(1), 55-62.

Brewer, J. D., Colegio, O. R., Phillips, P. K., Roenigk, R. K., Jacobs, M. A., Van de Beek, D., Otley, C. C. (2009). Incidence of and risk factors for skin cancer after heart transplant. Archives of dermatology, 145(12), 1391-1396.

FORSEA, A. M., Kovalyshyn, I., Dusza, S. W., & Halpern, A. C. (2010). Skin cancer prevention educational resources: just a click away?. Dermatologic surgery, 36(12), 1962-1967.

Schlehofer, M. M., & Brown-Reid, T. P. (2015). Breast health beliefs, behaviors, and barriers among Latina permanent resident and migratory farm workers. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 32(2), 71-88.

Vinzón, S. E., & Rösl, F. (2015). HPV vaccination for prevention of skin cancer. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 11(2), 353-357.

Zhao, B., & He, Y. Y. (2010). Recent advances in the prevention and treatment of skin cancer using photodynamic therapy. Expert review of anticancer therapy, 10(11), 1797-1809.

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