Free Essay on the Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Related to Children of Deaf Adults

Published: 2019-07-18
5 min read

According to Qualitative Research Consultants Association, qualitative research is designed to reveal a target audience's range of behavior and the perceptions that drive it with reference to specific topics or issues. The results of qualitative research are descriptive rather than predictive. Qualitative research can be conducted via various methods which include interviews, group discussions, journals, in-context observations, telephones, video conferencing and via the internet. In contrast to qualitative research, quantitative research is mainly the use of sampling techniques that are numerical and can be solved mathematically to help the researcher predict future outcomes.

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In the family communication literature review, qualitative research is used where Koerner and Fitzpatrick (2002) developed a model family communication by analyzing relational schemas from which they were able to create a general theory of family communication that addresses families with a high degree for conversation. In the expressiveness literature review where Schrodt(2005) conducted a series of surveys questioning young adult children about their family communication schemata. Family satisfaction literature review clearly indicates the use of qualitative research where Burns and Person (2011) conducted an online survey where at least two members from the same family answered questions and also in a study conducted by questionnaires surveying undergraduate students where Caughlin(2003) mentioned about the importance of keeping the differences in mind when maintaining positive family communication.

In the motives literature review Barbato, Graham and Perse(2003) conducted a survey on parents whose children were 17 years or younger as why many children communicate with their parents. Children of deaf Adults literature review shows an observation study conducted by Jones and Dumas (1996) to analyze communication patterns between fully deaf and fully hearing-parented children. A qualitative research is also included in the interpreting article where Filer and Filer (2009) researched CODAs to provide counselors guidance when advising the CODAs in therapeutic sessions and also in interviews with twelve participants conducted by Hadjikakou, Christodoulou, Hadjidemetri, Konidari, and Nicolaou(2009) that captured CODAs opinions on interpreting. In the method of choice review, the researcher states on his reason of using the qualitative research, main reason being looking into how much parents deafness effects the family communication.

In distinction to qualitative research in the children of deaf adults report, the use of quantitative research has been well outlined through the use of numerical data values where the researcher would contact the Florida Association for the deaf to get a list of hearing families within a 40-mile radius of the Pensacola area and the participants criteria requirements being between the ages of 10 and 18 years so as to be able to fully answer the questions, also where the number of the families to observe would depend on the number of children in each family where the minimum number to observe would be four. The researcher would also prefer to interview between 15 and 20 CODAs of different genders. All these are statistical and numerical values that clearly show the use of quantitative research as opposed to qualitative research which has the use of one-one interviewing, ethnographic research and focus group research as clearly indicated this report.

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Free Essay on the Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Related to Children of Deaf Adults. (2019, Jul 18). Retrieved from

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