Essay Example Exploring Euthanasia: Ethical Considerations and Medical Complexities

Published: 2024-01-27
Essay Example Exploring Euthanasia: Ethical Considerations and Medical Complexities
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Ethics Euthanasia
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1531 words
13 min read


It acts as the right of all people to enjoy life no matter the situations or the circumstances they might be facing. When one acts sick, there is always a possibility for their recovery while on the other hand; one may fail to recover back to life depending on the complications they might be going through. However, our main concern is whether patients need permission to end their lives or request physicians to do it for them. People tend to be always afraid of death as they lack the idea of when it will come. According to everyone, death never comes at the right time because people would like to live longer and enjoy it.

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Euthanasia is one way of taking a patient's life acts acceptable due to some acceptable factors behind it, and that fits reasonably, it includes; a situation where a patient suffers unrelieved pain, Permanent unconsciousness, dehumanization, sorrow that develops when one suffers illness after the decease of a family member. The presence of terminal illness stands to be another factor why physicians may accept to take a patient's life. However, various factors need to be considered before the approval of one life's ending, and if it fails to meet the set standards, it needs to be weighed through objections and, therefore, giving out the best reply. Accordingly, the essay will discuss if Euthanasia needs approval when one suffers dehumanization, sorrow out the death of a family member, unrelieved pain, and terminal illness. Hence, they give out the best objections and replies to act as guidance to health workers. However, Euthanasia needs approval, depending on what one might be going through in their life.


Unrelieved pain and terminal illness

When a patient might be going through a complicated situation out of their sickness, physicians may end up accepting to take their lives away. The Decision-making process of whether Euthanasia needs to get approval depends on the nature of chronic complications patients might be undergoing. For example, when a patient suffers cancer, they may wish to die depending on the pain they undergo, knowing well that the time to die approaches. In such a situation, physicians may accept taking certain patients' lives to relieve them the pain and suffering (Carvalho et al., 2018). Besides, in that case, they aim to relieve the patient from the pain under their request due to the terminal illness they might be suffering. One may decide to take their life if they pass unbearable pain, and feel the solution would only be death.

Dehumanization and permanent unconsciousness

When one suffers from diseases for a long time, they wish to die as one way to relieve themselves from what they might be going through for a long. For example, one might be suffering after losing a family member. When one suffers due to mistreatment, they wish to die rather than continue to receive inhuman treatment and in such situations may want to end their lives. The act of stress develops when they fail to accept they lost an important person in their lives, and they end up suffering diseases out of constant stress and worries. In such situations, patients who might be going through issues like that have a wish to die and forget about it. Dehumanization stands to be another factor in why people would like to take their lives to run away from suffering. Physicians may only approve of such deaths if they feel the impact and suffering one might be suffering (Glebocka, 2017).

Furthermore, various people or patients may wish to take their lives depending on the various forms of suffering they might be going through and feel they need to get relief from pain. On the contrary, physicians would only allow it after gauging its impacts or effects on one. Patients' approval to end their lives acceptability depends on the impact they might be receiving, leading to pain and continuous suffering.


On the contrary, when one adheres to ethics, patients in various circumstances need to face disapproval to take away their lives. When the process of Euthanasia gets approved, it acts as one way of weakening the sanctity of society, allowing life. When Euthanasia gets approved, it means the lives of the weak and the sick never matter. When Euthanasia gauged in terms of ethics, it acts being against other people's lives. According to practical arguments, when Euthanasia gets approval, it acts to give much power to doctors. Besides, based on historical views, Euthanasia may act as one way of facilitating involuntary practices of Euthanasia, leading to the killing of people at any time (Knoetze & de Freitas, 2019).

Moreover, based on the religious argument, Euthanasia acts against the desire and the will of God. Therefore, people may be killed in the name of being unimportant. When it comes to medical approvals, euthanasia acceptability depends on the complications one might be going through, and the physicians approve their desire to be dead to relieve them from pain earlier before their normal death. According to health policies, a patient gets permission to take away their lives when there are no chances for survival.


The response towards Euthanasia needs to be acceptable in circumstances where a patient is in a situation, almost dead. According to medical fields, taking one life is acceptable when a patient suffers a critical condition, and their recovery acts as a challenge. Therefore, patients' permission to take away their lives should only get approval when the ability to recover appears difficult (Desai, 2017). The purpose of performing Euthanasia is to relieve the patient or people from pain and not to kill them. Then, its performance needs to aim at diminishing pain and, on the other hand, try to follow ethics.


In conclusion, the essay has discussed conditions that may lead to Euthanasia. The Decision-making process of whether Euthanasia needs to get approval depends on the nature of chronic complications patients might be undergoing. When a patient suffers from cancer, they may wish to die depending on the pain they undergo, knowing well that the time to die approaches. In such a situation, physicians may accept taking a certain patient's life to relieve them of the pain and suffering. Besides, in that case, they aim to relieve the patient from the pain under their request due to the terminal illness they might be suffering.

Furthermore, when one suffers from diseases for a long time, they wish to die as one way to relieve from what they might be going through for a long. One might be suffering after they lose a family member. When one suffers due to mistreatment, they wish to die rather than continue to receive inhuman treatment and in such situations may want to end their lives. The act of stress evolves when they fail to accept they lost an important person in their lives, and they end up suffering diseases out of constant stress and worries. In such situations, patients who might be going through issues like that have a wish to die and forget about it. Dehumanization stands to be another factor why people would like to take their lives to run away from suffering. Physicians may only approve of such deaths if they feel the impact and suffering one might be suffering. Based on the disfavors, patients under various circumstances need to face disapproval to take away their lives.

When the process of Euthanasia gets approved, it acts as one way of weakening the sanctity of society, allowing life. When Euthanasia gets approved, it means the lives of the weak and the sick never matter. When Euthanasia gauged in terms of ethics, it acts being against other people's lives. According to practical arguments, when Euthanasia gets approval, it acts to give much power to doctors. Besides, based on historical views, Euthanasia may act as one way of enabling intuitive practices of Euthanasia, leading to the killing of people at any time.

Moreover, based on the religious assertion, Euthanasia acts against the desire and the will of God. Therefore, people may be killed in the name of being unimportant. The response towards Euthanasia needs to be acceptable in circumstances where a patient is in a situation, almost dead. According to medical fields, taking one life is pleasing when a patient suffers a critical condition, and their recovery acts as a challenge. Therefore, patients' permission to take away their lives should only get approval when the ability to recover appears difficult. The purpose of performing Euthanasia is to relieve the patient or people from pain and not to kill them.


Carvalho, A. S., Pereira, S. M., Jácomo, A., Magalhães, S., Araújo, J., Hernández-Marrero, P., ... & Schatman, M. E. (2018). Ethical decision making in pain management: a conceptual framework. Journal of pain research, 11, 967.

Desai, P. (2017). A legal right to Euthanasia, the most uncontroversial option: a reply to David Velleman. Rerum Causae, 9(1).

Glebocka, A. (2017). Attitudes towards Euthanasia in the context of fear of death among physiotherapists and caregivers of patients with paresis. Medical Science Pulse, 11(3), 15-20.

Knoetze, A., & de Freitas, S. (2019). The Protection of Conscientious Objection against Euthanasia in Health Care. PER: Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad, 22(1), 1-32.

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