Essay Example on the Characteristics of a Good Husband

Published: 2022-12-26
Essay Example on the Characteristics of a Good Husband
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Family
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1116 words
10 min read

"I love you so much!" one of our neighbours' eldest daughter told my elder sister's husband and later kissed his lips. Though I did not want to portray me like someone concerned about what had happened, I did observe a frowned face on my sister. Seemingly, she was so upset by such utterances and was just waiting for a time when they were alone so that she could ask him. What was that? Why did she do that? What relationship is between the two of you? My sister asked. The husband replied, "Nothing at all". "Are you trying to protect her?" My sister got upset and decided to pack her stuff and left home. Surprisingly, the husband did not even follow her or barred her from leaving. With a scream, I woke up and found myself surrounded by all family members. I was in a nap, and everyone was at home discussing family matters. I thank God that it was a dream and that while the husband may not be perfect, he did not have an affair with our neighbours elder daughter. So what makes a good husband? I think a good husband should be the best friend to his wife and be able to demonstrate a high level of sincerity and faithfulness to his wife and family.

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A good husband should be the perfect friend to his wife. A man and a woman are brought together by the bonding of love, which usually makes them feel that they handle everything as a unit. After marriage, it is possible or the two to find themselves in reality and recognise that the burning love that may have existed may not be long-lasting. Alongside other challenges, they may realise the weaknesses and the bad side of each other and ultimately get disappointed. Also, they may also find it difficult to fit into the personality of each other in the name of love. Despite these challenges, having a mindset of being the best friends within the marriage plays a crucial role in helping each other, maintaining honesty and providing more serenity of mind for each other. Just like a friend, a good husband, therefore, acknowledges his wife's weak points and accepts those as her personality. In the same way, a good husband is the one who demonstrates a high level of respect to her husband's wife's sense of value, emotion, thoughts as well as the desires just like a friend.

A good husband is the one who has his wife's respect. The issue of respect in marriage is fundamental and originate from the Bible's teachings. The Bible requires wives to demonstrate utmost respect to their husbands. Respecting her husband is an important asset in marriage because it is nearly impossible to love a husband without giving him respect. The respect, in this case, is demonstrated through being submissive. It further integrates being able to address your husband with total humility. It does not mean that a husband must be rich to earn fill respect from his wife. Research has shown that making a lot of money is not the only way husbands can achieve in making their wives happy. A woman can be satisfied with just arose from her husband because studies have shown that the emotional satisfaction of a woman is essential. As such, the husband can still earn respect from the little that he brings home for the wife and the entire family.

A good husband is the one who is sincere to the woman is married to. The sincerity in his case comes whereby a husband is required to keep and always respect his marriage vows. Whether he is happy or undergoing hard times, a good husband should always share his feelings with his wife. The sharing, in this case, is a form of commitment to the marriage. Also, sharing acts as a significant way through which both husband and wife can find some collaborative ways of sharing their problems. Family problems solved together is always better compared to one that is explained by a single person.

In the same way, the sincerity is demonstrated when a husband does not have an affair with another woman as an extramarital affair. Such activities destroy the family bonding, and may also an avenue through which dangerous diseases may get their way into the family. A good husband is, therefore, one who bears in mind that he has a family and that any slight mistake on his part can amount to a severe impact on every family member. Until one is dead, he should always love and be faithful to his wife.

The characteristics of a good husband should resemble those of his wife. Research has shown that there is no one is perfect. It, therefore, means neither the husband nor the wife is perfect. Each of them must consequently learn to accommodate each other's behaviour and personality; however worst it is. I have had so many times the married couples saying, "Until our hairs turn grey or white". This implies that until such a time when they will become old, they will not leave each other. It is however evident that no one can live with another for such a long time without accommodating him or her.

Finally, a good husband is the one who is always there for his wife. This means that he should be able to provide the appropriate help whenever the wife needs it. The help, in this case, can be informed of the financial and economic resources, or even moral support or help. The teachings from our traditional way of life require a good husband to provide for his wife. This does not, however, mean that he should buy his wife luxurious commodities to impress her. A woman can be satisfied with just arose from her husband because studies have shown that the emotional satisfaction of a woman is essential.


In conclusion, this definition essay has offered an argument about a good husband and the characteristics that he needs to demonstrate. Observably, a good husband should be honest, sincere, faithful, humble and supportive to his wife. Moreover, he needs to acknowledge his wife's weak points and accepts those weaknesses as her personality. By demonstrating a high level of respect to her husband's wife's sense of value, emotion, thoughts as well as the desires just like a friend increases the bond. Good husbands must also demonstrate sharing, which in this case is a form of commitment to the marriage. This should be so despite any challenges that may occur within the marriage.

Works Cited

Carson, Anne. The Beauty of the Husband. Random House, 2011.

Scott, Stuart. The exemplary husband: A biblical perspective. Focus Pub., 2000.

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