Essay Sample: Hamstring Injuries in Professional Footballers

Published: 2022-02-28
Essay Sample: Hamstring Injuries in Professional Footballers
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Health and Social Care Sport
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1044 words
9 min read

The research in this paper focuses on identifying the risk factors that professional footballers experience when they experience hamstring injury in a well-commanded prospective cohort study. The hamstring injury has been a prevalent problem according to the paper, and the incident keeps increasing at a certain percentage (Van Dyk et al., 2017). Despite the detail introduction, the author makes some overlooked weakness where he fails to define the term hamstring injuries making other readers who do not understand the term do some more research. Despite that, it is not a big deal for any person who understands the term since it is not of so much vitality to the general impact of the proposed work.

The hamstring injury has been fully associated with the amplified by a potency ratio of the lower limb balance that is expressed as a hamstring-to-quadriceps (Van Dyk et al., 2017). An optional method to help fight the problem has been proposed; although, there is no clear evidence of the eligibility of an individual's strength to bear with the hamstring injury. The paper poses some form of weakness since it provides information just in a mention about the device that can be used to measure the strength of the muscles before performing a hamstring exercise but, fails to give further details about it. Comparing the muscles strength regarding ratios to come up with a solution that will help prevent the occurrence of a hamstring injury is an advantage not only to the footballers but also to any other individual that might be easily affected, especially, those who do lots of exercises.

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Findings associated with muscle strength have been minimally provided thus requiring an engagement of extra effort in terms of further research to ensure sufficient is obtained. The method used to gain the samples was generalized on a team of individuals who qualify to compete in a premier league football and was generalized to others. The methodology in some way portrays a weakness about a generalization on all individuals regardless of the difference in muscle strength. It, therefore, means that the generalization of the sample size to the whole group of individuals makes it somehow unrealistic due to the different muscle strength of each. The research was ethically done since all the people who underwent the examination were fully aware, and disclosure issues were well covered; the above renders the ethical approach a great strength.

The approach used to do the research was narrowly based and thus does not provide a comprehensive response to the study questions. The compared muscle strength in this research has very little information that can help other researchers thus rendering it as a weakness. The research method is limited to a specific sample size of individuals eligible for a premier league football team makes the whole research limited, and thus a further investigation on the hamstring injury needs to be done to get details. However, the limitations are somehow minor and thus can be useful in any case when one wants to get information about the topic understand without further details.

The findings of the research on hamstring injury indicate that a good percentage of individuals suffered hamstring in 2 or 3 active seasons. Body weight, age, body mass and the playing position in the field was found as a determining factor for a hamstring injury. Other 23 strength variables used were not associated with a hamstring injury (Van Dyk et al., 2017). According to the above findings, the researcher worked well on finding the correlation of what leads to a hamstring injury and thus, an advantage that adds value to the medical field. The research, however, lacks an alternative interpretation and thus new research can focus on providing a detailed finding that will help give more details in association to the findings of the research. The findings are advantageous since they can easily be generalized to other populations since age weight body mass and other mentioned factors can lead to the control of hamstring injury (Van Dyk et al., 2017). The information has an advantage since it can be applied to other populations despite the small size sample. The variables are significant in helping apply to other populations, but the samples did not provide the detail information regarding the age of this individuals.

The research, in general, is well informed and the researcher did good research to find out about what may be the cause of hamstring and what can be done. The source of information reflects the genre of the discipline source. It adds value to the medical field and thus acts as strength in the field of research. Some details are left especially, on muscle strength ratio related to the isokinetic and novel device (Van Dyk et al., 2017). The relationship described is not so much detailed thus limiting the details of a hamstring injury. The participants taken came from semi-arid areas, and there could be a possibility of other factors regarding the weather that was left out yet generalized to all football players in other areas. The data is logically presented thus coming out so clearly and vocally as evidenced by the vast sources of information provided. The author shows the case in a very positive way without any form of bias, especially, in the conclusion where the clinical value of the isolated strength testing is said to be limited, and the musculoskeletal screening that aims at providing future hamstring injury is not found (Van Dyk et al., 2017). It, therefore, means that the objective viewpoint of the research was met.

The research problem is very significant since it provides a solution to a recurring problem that initially had no answer. The risk factors of hamstring having been found can easily help individuals to regulate their weight and other factors. The study contributes to the body of knowledge since it gives the risk factors of hamstring and thus allowing for detailed future research on what can be done to help control the risk factors that lead to a hamstring injury.


Van Dyk, N., Bahr, R., Burnett, A. F., Whiteley, R., Bakken, A., Mosler, A., ... Witvrouw, E. (2017). A comprehensive strength testing protocol offers no clinical value in predicting risk of hamstring injury: a prospective cohort study of 413 professional football players. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 51(23), 1695-1702. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-097754

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Essay Sample: Hamstring Injuries in Professional Footballers. (2022, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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