Essay Sample on My Brother's Voice of Reason in a Family Reunion Meeting

Published: 2023-06-26
Essay Sample on My Brother's Voice of Reason in a Family Reunion Meeting
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Communication Family
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 574 words
5 min read


In a conversation with my friends or family members, I hardly want to listen to others talking. I believe that I am the one who should be speaking to them but not them addressing me. Last week we were in a family meeting discussing how the family can be reunited after a long time of disunity. Every person was expected to speak for a limited amount of time since everyone had a task to take care of after the meeting urgently. My brother started talking, and coherently stated his points within the expected time. My two sisters also addressed the family, and the rest understood their points. All these times I was busy with my phone texting my friends. I missed a lot of points that were addressed in the meeting by my family members. I was later allowed to speak. Everybody was there waiting to hear from me. While speaking, I took a lot of time, and the mistake I was doing was to repeat what others had already said before. I realized everybody in the meeting was devastated, and the look on their faces clearly showed me that I was wasting their time. I talked for a long time until everybody was out of the house. It was the worst experience I ever had in my life.

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Communication Goal

My communication goal is to learn to listen to others and communicating in a way that people understand. Every conversation aims to share information through the comprehensive participation of those involved in the conversation. Listening to others while speaking will allow me to understand them clearly. A good understanding is improved through a question answering process where the listener asks questions, and the person talking gets an opportunity to answer (Dawkins, 2005). In my situation, I was not listening, and it was not easy to understand what my brothers and sisters were saying in the meeting. I have a culture of developing a negative attitude towards different conversations. The negative attitude makes me believe that I am always the right person who should be speaking amid people. Possessing a conversation does not allow others to contribute, and this inhibits the effectiveness of the conversion process.

Another communication goal is always to maintain eye contact and avoid using my phone while others are speaking. Good eye contact makes the listener follow carefully the message the speakers is passing to the audience. Eye contact is a proper communication technique which also supports understanding of the message from the speaker (Bonaccio, O'Reilly, O'Sullivan, & Chiocchio, 2016). Maintaining eye contact, I think, would have allowed me to understand the relevant message shared earlier so that when my time to speak reaches, I will still be relevant. I must always work on how I communicate with people. I will ensure that while communicating with people, I can use simple words that are short and precise. Precise and straightforward statements are easy to understand, and they improve the concentration of the person listening. A good relationship is created in the process of communication since other people involved in the conversation are confident that you respect them since you are concentrating on their messages.


Bonaccio, S., O'Reilly, J., O'Sullivan, S. L., & Chiocchio, F. (2016). Nonverbal behavior and communication in the workplace: A review and an agenda for research. Journal of Management, 42(5), 1044-1074.

Dawkins, J. (2005). Corporate responsibility: The communication challenge. Journal of communication management, 9(2), 108-119.

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Essay Sample on My Brother's Voice of Reason in a Family Reunion Meeting. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from

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