Family Planning Initiative: Benefits to US Families Under Health People 2020 - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
Family Planning Initiative: Benefits to US Families Under Health People 2020 - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Medicine Family Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 777 words
7 min read


Health People 2020 is a United States’ federal government strategy of supporting a healthy nation. The United States works by ensuring it implements goals that will identify preventable conditions that lead to health complications. It is by developing policies that will minimize these threats.

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Initiative That Could Benefit Families in the United States

One of the Healthy People 2020 initiatives that will significantly benefit families in the United States is family planning. Family planning is one of the most critical actions of Healthy People 2020 since it plays a crucial role in the health conditions of children, women, and their families (HealthyPeople2020, 2020). Additionally, family planning support helps families, particularly the young couple, to achieve the ideal children’s spacing and family size.

Importance of Family Planning To Family Nursing

Family planning is one of the essential specialty support in which family nursing practitioners can effectively provide complex conception care and services to women who experience abnormal or unplanned pregnancies. The care is particularly critical to women with ailments such as blood pressure, diabetes, seizure disorders, and individuals with a history of pregnancy complications (HealthyPeople2020, 2020). Thus, the family planning care will help family nursing practitioners in ensuring that an individual’s health condition does not hamper all of the chosen conception methods. As a result, the family nursing practitioner will be able to promote better women’s health while avoiding complicated pregnancies that might occur in the future.

Benefits of Family Planning To Families and Its Impact on Nursing Practice

One of the most significant benefits that families can get from family planning care is the ability to space the birth of their children hence allowing the women to further their education and careers (Simoni et al., 2017). Additionally, the families usually have control of deciding the size of the families they want to have – hence contributing to the overall wellbeing of the socio-economic life of the community. Smaller families size enable parents to give a better experience to children. The biggest beneficiaries of family planning are young adults since it allows them to avoid issues like sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies. Family planning enables women who have given birth, miscarriage, or procured abortion to prevent getting pregnant immediately – since it can have adverse health implications for an individual (HealthyPeople2020, 2020). Furthermore, family planning care enables practitioners to offer consistent counseling to women, especially those who have undergone an abortion.

The initiative of Healthy people 2020 to implement a proper family planning care will have a significant impact on my career as a nurse. One of the considerable implications that this initiative will have on my job is the ability to get practical skills that build on my existing knowledge as a nurse. The practice will give me the ability to enrich my skills in coping with diverse groups of people before implementing a family care plan. Thus, knowledge of different cultural practices will enable me to be able to tailor a family planning care that fits a specific family and community needs. Additionally, the interactions with women and couples through family planning care sessions will allow me to develop my skills in problem-solving and decision-making in a group setup.

Implementation of Family Planning

My strategy for implementing a family planning care would start by; assessing the situation of the clients during a period of pregnancy and after childbirth. Consequently, I would seek to define the problem while evaluating the information gap while approaching each of my clients’ situations. Moreover, I would sit down with my clients and discuss solutions while outlining all the alternative family planning methods (HealthyPeople2020, 2020). After assessing all the options, the next step is to come up with a family planning plan of care. The last step is to do a follow up with a review and an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the chosen contraception method. Since the process requires the cooperation of my client, my strategy would be to encourage two-way communication, which will create a friendly environment for shared decision making.


Family planning is one of the best initiatives by Healthy People 2020 since it gives women the freedom to engage in their education and career development. Furthermore, it benefits the families by encouraging smaller families that will enable parents to provide sufficient resources for each child. Financially allowing families to manage their families with regards to their capabilities and position in society.


HealthyPeople2020. (2020). Family Planning. Retrieved July 29, 2020, from

Simoni, M. K., Mu, L., & Collins, S. C. (2017). Women’s career priority is associated with attitudes towards family planning and ethical acceptance of reproductive technologies. Human Reproduction, 32(10), 2069-2075.

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Family Planning Initiative: Benefits to US Families Under Health People 2020 - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from

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