Free Essay Describing Middle-range Theory in Nursing

Published: 2022-08-19
Free Essay Describing Middle-range Theory in Nursing
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Nursing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 611 words
6 min read

Introduction of the theory/model

Middle-range theory in nursing provides the theoretical frameworks that connects other nursing theories with nursing practice. The grand theories attempt to incorporate myriad of concepts that represents broad range of phenomena within the disciple, several mid-range theories have emerged in professional literature (Smith & Liehr, 2018). These frameworks include those that deal with pain control, end of life, chronic sorrow, uncertainty of illness experiences and skill acquisition.

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Theorist background in detail and how their experiences have impacted theory development

Robert K. Merton was an American sociologist, born on 4th July 1910, and died on February 23rd 2003. His diverse interests included sociology of science, mass communication, social theory and professions (Smith & Liehr, 2018). Before developing the Middle range theory, he enrolled to study Parson's theory while in Harvard, and this it introduced him to European methods theory and it further broadened his ideas and conclusions about sociology. Unlike Person who saw the necessity of a generalized foundation in social science, he preferred a more limited mid-range theories (Smith & Liehr, 2018). He believed that mid-range theories bypassed the failures of the larger theories because they were too distant from observing social behaviour in a given social setting.

Crucial references for the original and current work of the theorist and other authors writing about the selected theory

Merton before developing mid-range theory studied Person's Social theory that generalized a phenomenon. He departed from the theory because Parson's formulations did not provide problematic as well as the direction towards a theory-oriented empirical inquiry into the observable worlds of culture. He advocated that sociologist concentrate on measurable phenomena and not attempting to explain the social world around them (Smith & Liehr, 2018). The mid-range theories included role conflicts, social mobility, reference groups, formation of social norms and normalization processes. During the post-war period, the mid-range theory had been applied to archaeological realm by sociologists like Lewis Binford and financial theory by Robert Merton, a Harvard professor. Recently analytical sociology has attempted to synthesis middle-range theories to more coherent abstract frameworks, and Peter Hedstrom is associated with this approach (Smith & Liehr, 2018).

The phenomenon of concern or problems addressed by the theory

Mid-range theory incorporates limited variables than the grand theories, and those variables could be empirically tested. Middle-range theories cluster around the concept of interest, and they focus on specific nursing phenomena and reflects on clinical practice (Alligood, 2017). The goal of the theory has been to describe, explain or predict a certain phenomenon.

Theory description

Explain whether the theory uses deductive, inductive and reproductive reasoning. Provide evidence to support your conclusion

Mid-range theory applies deductive reasoning. This is because it formulates hypothesis that could provide an explanation for a particular problem, and then it proceeds to use observations to test the hypothesis ( Elo, Kaariainen, Isola & Kyngas, 2013). Merton developed the theory, to move away from the social concept of generalization that applies inductive reasoning. His aim was that, socialists should identify measurable variables that can be used to draw a particular conclusion. He believed that it was a useful way of solving a particular problem. The theory itself is used to guide an empirical inquiry, and it involves abstractions that are close enough to observed data to be incorporated in propositions that permits empirical reasoning ( Elo et al., 2013). It deals with delimited aspects of social phenomena.


Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing Theorists and Their Work-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Elo, S., Kaariainen, M., Isola, A., & Kyngas, H. (2013). Developing and testing a middle-range theory of the well-being supportive physical environment of home-dwelling elderly. The Scientific World Journal, 2013.

Smith, M. J., & Liehr, P. R. (Eds.). (2018). Middle range theory for nursing. Springer Publishing Company.

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