Essay Sample Dedicated to Leadership in Healthcare

Published: 2022-10-18
Essay Sample Dedicated to Leadership in Healthcare
Type of paper:  Term paper
Categories:  Healthcare Leadership style
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1610 words
14 min read

Description of the situation

Health care centers are one of the most important organization is the current world. As a result, many scholars have majored their career in this field due to the ever-growing opportunities. However, these professionals are faced with different challenges that force them to turnover. The main cause has always been poor working environment. This situation is characterized with lack of reliable resources, enough space for inpatients and outpatients, inadequate human resource and working strategies. These issues are very critical to all employees and clients. Besides good salary, employees are not provided with a favorable working environment. Technically, all employees love being associated with a perfect or promising institution. In this case, the required change is rarely seen due to poor managers and strategist. As a result, many nurses and other health experts opt to turning over their jobs frequently. On the contrary, the hospital loses a lot of workforce and experienced human resource. Moreover, the customer's trust fades away with time.

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Analysis of the ethical challenges involved

Unfavorable working environment is a wide challenge dominated with various issues. To commence with, a poor working environment is characterized with unreliable resources. In this case, the machines and all other infrastructures are poorly maintained hence scoring below average condition (Alilyyani, 2018). For instance, the outpatients are required to take a huge time before they can meet their specialists. This case is resulted by the lack of enough specialists in a specific field. On the other hand, the admitted patients are put in a great risk due to average health safeties installed in the hospital. Under this issue, we find several patients sharing a similar bed since the space is not enough. Surprisingly, the attempt of expanding the wards seems not to be working because the officials and responsible executives are corrupt. Despite the nurses being contracted to receive good quotes and the end of the month, they are faced with payment delays that complicate their personal life. Inside the center, the daily asset monitoring systems have been corrupted hence giving wrong information on asset management. As a result, different departments include several charges for their personal benefit. In other cases, the nurses and other specialists have a chance of failing to report to work without being noticed. In other departments, cards and medicines are sold without filing the legal credentials of the patients. These conditions have caused employees unlimited challenges and at the same time put them under unrealistic pressure. To prevent this, the nurses opt resigning before the contract is yet over.

Analysis of leadership challenges involved

In this type of field, depressing results keeps on coming on the way of leaders such as managers, specialist and other leaders. With this kind of departments, a health care leadership can be described as partnership (Hargett, 2017). In this case, the executive manager relates with different leaders from each department in order to make progress. In this case, the system of leadership experiences several challenges. However, managing an organization like a health care center through partnership is idealistic since mobilizing resources is quite easy. On the contrary, the center experience different challenges based on collaboration and unity. In this institution, some partners are faked for personal benefit purposes. For instance, drugs and infrastructure distributors forge their competence by giving discounts and other advantages to the respective leaders. The action results to wrong recommendations by the subject leaders, hence assigning tenders to the wrong companies. In other cases, the leadership lack creativity, consistency and commitment. Severally, the interest of different leaders representing different departments brings in conflicts instead of discovering a quick solution. Generally, the leadership exposes the patients to great risks such as cells mitigation due to compromised drugs. The competence of several leaders is ruined by several greedy and unreliable leaders. Due to different expertise, the executive leader might get challenges when monitoring some technical departments.

Implications for patients' outcomes and safety

According to IOM, patient's safety is preventing the victims of a certain disease from experiencing harmful outcomes; a good outcome can be implied by pre-measures and general health status of a patient (Good, 2018). These pre-measures include learning from errors, preventing errors and following the cultural safety that incorporate professionalism. When we hear about safety, we opt to go with the quality outcomes. There is great concern in the quality of healthcare service that many hospitals use in the maintenance of the health of patients. The best movements are limited to protection from injuries, errors, infections and accidents. Several patients in different healthcare centers die due to preventable errors. In cases where the scenario is rarely experienced, we can comfortably conclude that the quality of the services is reliable.

Leadership Approach (theory)

A good leadership style is important in this field that includes different expertise. Logically, a business manager can only offer general strategies that could be revised and implied in different departments (Belrhiti, 2018). In order to come up with a reliable and healthy environment, I will consider using democratic style of leadership. In this case, I will include a third party in each department in order to make sure that all experts give a genuine point of discussion. On the other hand, I will include all employees to participate in a discussion on the best strategies that can bury the past. This approach will help in uprooting all forms of illegality in the center.

Communication and leadership style

Due to different reasons, the proposal can be turned down and by several parties. However, considering the current situation of the health center, I will opt taking another dimension rather than quitting. In this case, I am the executive leader and my aim remains bringing the organization back to life (Kalaitz, 2017). At first, I will change the communication style to passive. At this point, I am trying to convince the oppression on the important of moving with the strategy. Technically, the style of communication matches with the democratic style of leadership. In case the opposition remains rigid, it will get back to the drawing board and highlight all strategies related to authoritarian style of leadership. From this point, I will work by commanding all representatives until the right strategies are in place.

Decision making basing on ethical and personal principles

Decision making is a critical movement in this field and require good attention in order to escape violating ethical principles (Spergeon, 2017). In this case, I aim at including all staffs in the decision making. Moreover, I will ascertain that all rules follow ethical principles based on the available employees.

Management of personal beliefs

Personal beliefs are critical since they can limit or enhance your effectiveness as a leader. The beliefs play around making decisions, solving conflicts and communicating with others. In this case, my personal beliefs should be revised regularly in order to prevent any case of ignorance. When it comes to communication, I will always maintain a professional tone to all employees under my control. In this case, bullying and rudeness should not be part of the strategies. In other situations where people are involved in conflicts, I will evaluate the whole case and judge them equally. Moreover, I will make sure I give recommendations to all parties equally without showing any form of inequality. In this case, I will also consider diversity and generation differences hence managing the situation accordingly.

Leadership strategy

Leadership strategy is a simple term that is hard to be achieved in real sense. According to my leadership approach, I will consider making my strategy simple and clear to all parties (Stromgren, 2017). In this case, I will aim at remaining consistent all through my leadership task. In this case, my visions and goals should remain constant no matter the external forces that might corrupt the movement. Moreover, I will remain innovative, creative and collaborative with the team. In this case I will discourage all forms of competition and train my team to work together towards making the center a better place in whole.

Expected outcomes

Running a falling organization is one of the most complicated tasks in leadership. In my case, I expect to reclaim the glory of the center by creating a favorable working environment. At the end of the strategy, I also expect all departments to be competent and show the highest quality needed. However, I expect some challenges due to lack of openness and trust from other employees. Besides all challenges, I expect the center to be among the few which record the highest number of staff retention.


Alilyyani, B., Wong, C. A., & Cummings, G. (2018). Antecedents, mediators, and outcomes of authentic leadership in healthcare: A systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 83, 34-64.

Hargett, C. W., Doty, J. P., Hauck, J. N., Webb, A. M., Cook, S. H., Tsipis, N. E., ... & Taylor, D. C. (2017). Developing a model for effective leadership in healthcare: a concept mapping approach. Journal of healthcare leadership, 9, 69.

Good, J. P., Tourigny, L., & Simha, A. (2018, July). Ethical leadership in healthcare: The mediating effect of emotional exhaustion. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2018, No. 1, p. 13471). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Belrhiti, Z., Nebot Geralt, A., & Marchal, B. (2018). Complex leadership in healthcare: a scoping review. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 7(12), 1073-1084.

Kalaitzi, S., Czabanowska, K., Fowler-Davis, S., & Brand, H. (2017). Women leadership barriers in healthcare, academia and business. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 36(5), 457-474.

Spurgeon, P., Clark, J., & Ham, C. (2017). Medical leadership: from the dark side to centre stage. CRC Press.

Stromgren, M., Eriksson, A., Ahlstrom, L., Bergman, D. K., & Dellve, L. (2017). Leadership quality: a factorimportant for social capital in healthcare organizations. Journal of health organization and management, 31(2), 175-191.

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