Free Essay Example on Religious Discussion

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay Example on Religious Discussion
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare God Christianity
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 475 words
4 min read


The verses which proclaim that God created a man on his image interact with brain-based disorders which are experienced by human being since mental illness is as a result of not following God’s commandments and committing sins. Christians equate brain-based disorders as with the work of demons and the proposal which mental illness is due to personal sin, which is against what the verses proclaim (Rashid & Calhoun, 2020). As the verses proclaim that human beings are in the image of God, there are special qualities of man nature, which enables God to be created and manifest in humans, but brain disorder arises as to the punishment by God for people who commit sins and disobey God’s commandments.

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People’s Disobedience

As a Christian, I believe that brain-based disorders such as anxiety, depression, or any other disorder considered as mental illness, which is experienced by human beings, have a connection to people’s disobedience and sin toward God. However, people who have placed their faith and trust in God have freedom from condemnation for their sins, as illustrated in Rom. 8:1, people might face its earthly consequences (Cherry, 2017). When our sins and brokenness provoke us, the conviction might overwhelm and give us moods of despair and grief. For instance, brain-based disorder relates to what versus claims. This was illustrated when David was threatened with his affair with Bathsheba and also the killing of her husband (1 Kings 12; Psa. 51; 1). Also, Christians believe that only bible study and prayers can dispel mental illness. The majority of the Christians conceptualize than mental illness as spiritual in nature, and it will be prevented by seeking medical attention (Choudhry et al., 2016). However, some Christian have extremist tendencies of believing that mental illness exists due to committing sins and does not require medical attention but wage evil battles to reclaim what the devil has taken from them as Christians.


In conclusion, the creation of man in God’s image closely interacts with the brain disorders experienced by human beings, mainly due to committing sins and disobeying God’s teaching. Religions gave a diverse belief system, which has an implication on brain-based disorders such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. The believers can tolerate strains and stresses which lead to mental illness, but several outmoded beliefs and rituals system can hinder positive growth and cause mental ill-health.


Cherry, M. J. (2017). Created in the image of God: Bioethical implications of the Imago Dei. Christian bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 23(3), 219-233.

Choudhry, F. R., Mani, V., Ming, L. C., & Khan, T. M. (2016). Beliefs and perception about mental health issues: a meta-synthesis. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 12, 2807.

Rashid, B., & Calhoun, V. (2020). Towards a brainbased predictome of mental illness. Human Brain Mapping.

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