Free Essay on Leadership Styles of Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi

Published: 2022-06-06
Free Essay on Leadership Styles of Winston Churchill and Mahatma Gandhi
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Servant leadership Leadership style Winston Churchill
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1040 words
9 min read

Background to the leaders

Leadership entails an individual's inducement of a group to pursue common objectives and ideologies they share for common good. The practical process used by the lead member for his/her group to follow denotes leadership styles. Leaders, strength, and ability are quantifiable of their ability to sway others in his ideological path. Therefore, leadership skills are encompassed in the leader's ability to mobilize others or relate with their common good in pursue of visible goals or objectives. Any leader's strength and success are conceptualized on his or her ability to exercise power, enhance the welfare of the pack, offering empowerment, as well as oversee that everything is done appropriately. The different ways each leader executes his or her responsibilities define the leadership styles they presume owing to their personality traits, vision, among other driving forces that denote a human being (Oladipo et al, 2013).

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Evaluation of leadership theories

Leadership styles need both practical and theoretical perspectives to ensure organizations leaders are effective in their endeavors in realizing the goals and the drive that keeps them and the people who believe in them. Behavioral theories make the considerable focus on the leaders' behavior to presume any of the four categories of leadership styles autocratic, democratic, authoritative or Laissez-Faire.

Autocratic leadership

The theoretical perspectives autocratic leadership style hampers the non-consulting and bossy ideologies. The leader believes in his way of doing things and imposes authority on his subordinates. The former British Prime-minister Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill was a charismatic leader with autocratic leadership styles during his reign. His leadership traits were dictated by;

Extrinsic and intrinsic fears

Sir Churchill was faced by economic constraints when the United Kingdom was faced by various challenges from the World War II and his country was at the verge of external forces from the German Nazi.


Churchill was accused of the responsibility of causing multiple bomb attacks and other heightened contradicts during the war to secure British territories like the Dresden attack.


In his strong urge and need for power, he was able to survive heavy fights not willing to give up what he believed in.


Churchill was considered hold imperialist and racist views which lead to his sabotaging the efforts for anti-imperialist movements geared to suppress human rights abuses among minority groups.

Servant leadership styles

Gandhi made considerable struggles to serve the people he believed were worthy of equal representation in civil rights representation. His efforts both in India and South Africa made his gain popularity among the people he served with a strong will (Indira, 2012). His leadership skills were determined by the following personalities;

Non-violence civil disobedience

Gandhi steered oppressed members of the Indian community in India and South Africa to contest against civil discrimination

Passionate about the people

Gandhi's strong will to fight as a civil right activist made him put the interests of the people before his own welfare through long fasts which lead to his death due to starvation.


Gandhi lived a humble life with his wife and children and always willing to help the needy.

Interpretation of Leaders

Sir Winston Churchill

"I shall believe I am to be preserved for future things."

30th November 1874 - 24th January 1965


Attacker and resilience

Propaganda/ controversial



Charismatic oratory (Manchester, 2010).

Critical Reflection of Leadership Practices

Charismatic Leaders

Leaders who are considered as charismatic leaders have the self-awareness that is influential for others to follow. Winston Churchill falls under the category of charismatic leader because of his charms in making people of making people believe in his ideologies. Although he was firm in his leadership styles he was successful in achieving his objectives. He was able to charm the people with sarcastic irony when he said: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life".

Mahatma Gandhi

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong"

2nd October 1869 - 30th January 1948

Non-violent civil disobedience



Self-purification through long fasts


Over accommodative

Civil rights activists (Mahatma Gandhi,1957)

Servant Leadership

Servant leaders let others have their way and care about everyone's concerns. Mahatma Gandhi had a special hear and treated everyone as with respect and valued human dignity. He was quiet and a good listener to other people's grievances (Shaw & Demy, 2017).. His zeal to making the world a better place for all kept him focused on the path to serve others rather than exercising his power and authority. He believed in the philosophy: "I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it means getting along with people"

Innovative reflection on future Leaders

Leaders require focussing on transformative inspirations that make them hold their positions with diligence and authority (Oladipo et al, 2013. It is not only significant to exercise one's role in steering the operations of any group through imposing authority and instilling fear to the subordinates but, a leader needs to have essential skills that are unique to the organizational needs. Transforming the performance and ability to pioneer the needs of the people who look up to your leadership does not need a firm set of rules and regulations rather coming to common understanding and respect in collaborative and collegial togetherness.


The development of leadership styles helps the leader of any group accomplish the objectives of the group's association. In different types of leadership style, people come together to realize common goals establishing organizational structures and protocol help in enhancing the chain of command. The effectiveness of the goals realization is dictated by the leadership styles and the leaders' characteristics and his or her will to adapt and embrace change.


Indira Carr (2012). Stuart Brown; et al., eds. Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers. Routledge. p. 264. ISBN 978-1-134-92796-8.

Shaw, Jeffrey M. & Demy Timothy J. (2017). War and Religion: An Encyclopedia of Faith and Conflict. ABC-CLIO. p. 309. ISBN 978-1-61069-517-6.

Mahatma Gandhi (1957). An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth. 39. Beacon Press. p. 262. ISBN 978-0-8070-5909-8.

Manchester, William. (2010). The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill: Defender of the Realm, 1940-1965.

Oladipo K. S., Jamilah O., Abdul daud S., Jeffery L. D. & Salami D. K.(2013). Review of leadership theories and Organizational performances, International Business Management Journal, 7(1), 50-54.

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