Free Essay on the Impact of Depression on Entrepreneurship in Africa: Challenges and Coping Strategies

Published: 2023-05-31
Free Essay on the Impact of Depression on Entrepreneurship in Africa: Challenges and Coping Strategies
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business Depression
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 782 words
7 min read


Depression has remained a challenging phenomenon in various entrepreneurial processes in Africa and has, therefore, become the main area of concern upon which thorough research needs to be conducted. Depression has hindered most entrepreneurs from Africa executing and running various businesses. Among the common cause of depression in Africa is the fear of failure. Most business start-ups frequently fail in their first trials. The costs, as well as risks associated with business failure, has become one of the main causes of depression among entrepreneurs in Africa. It is worth recognizing that depression is associated with adverse economic effects especially on both small-to-large enterprises in Africa

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The main objectives of the study are geared towards investigating the importance of focusing on depression in entrepreneurship; the impact of depression on entrepreneurship in Africa; various techniques that entrepreneurs can use in coping up with depression in Africa and the Western world; economic and health implications of depression on entrepreneurship in Africa; consequences of depression on small-to-medium enterprises in Africa; dominance and co-occurrence of depression among entrepreneurs in Africa; the relationship between depression and entrepreneurship; the relationship between depression and gender in Africa; how entrepreneurs struggle with depression in Africa and reasons why Africa needs to start focusing on the neglected issues of depression.

This research has adopted the usage of mixed-method approaches to help in summarizing evidence on the interplay between depression and entrepreneurship in Africa. The study has further conducted a review of published articles to help in an effective understanding of the closest relationship between depression and entrepreneurship in Africa. Moreover, the paper has gone the extra mile to undertake in-depth research on the internet from recognized sources to help in obtaining the best approaches to overcoming the challenges associated with depression in Africa.

After a thorough examination of the findings on this study, this paper has presented various recommendations that may help in coming up with a better solution for solving daily mental health problems like depression that most entrepreneurs undergo in Africa.


1.0 Introduction

Venturing into entrepreneurship is very challenging, and, therefore, it has become a common routine seeing most startup businesses fail. Robins and Beer (2015) argued that about 85% of startup companies fail to make it off the grounds. Most entrepreneurs find themselves subjected to depression more frequently than any other individual. Just like many other persons undergoing routines depression, most entrepreneurs find themselves in the same state without knowing that they have it. The majority of problems related to depression could be associated with the entrepreneurs' nature as well as their geographical locations. Moreover, the inherent characteristics of entrepreneurs can be another triggering feature that might increase their risks for depression. Having a comprehensive knowledge of this phenomenon, depression, can be very vital in knowing where to get assistance.

Robins and Beer (2015) further argued that due to the dominance of depression in the African society as well as its extensive implications, enhancing mental health, depression, has become one of the main challenges of the time. Approximately over one-third of African entrepreneurs can be associated with certain kinds of depression at a given point, and the number is growing, with depression issues predicted to be behind heart attack as the second leading illness by 2030. For instance, depression has been established as one of the substantial cause of unemployment in Africa and is, therefore, one of the main factors hindering economic growth in the continent. As can be seen from this example, the cost and consequences of depression seem to be significant.

While depression puts a substantial burden on the healthcare system of Africa as well as the economy, the associated cost is greatly felt by persons who suffer from the same or loved ones. Persons with depression not only undergo reduced direct psychological well-being but also experience indirect consequences through the adverse impacts of depression in their relationships, careers, and opportunities for growth in various aspects of a business.

By considering depression in the context of entrepreneurship in Africa, this paper places more weight on the link between the two. For one, what is considered as dysfunctional and functional concerning behaviors and characteristics of humans is broadly a contextual matter; this can be portrayed in the person-environment. The person-environment fit literature holds that individuals get attracted to a working environment that has values, work cultures, requirements as well as demands that fit their own needs, personalities, and skills. For instance, Kyaga et al. (2015) argued that it is a common notion, backed by evidence, that some extreme depression may be functional in the context of creative professions. Most persons who excel in arts happen to express signs of depressions and may register underperformance in case they selected a dissimilar career.

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Free Essay on the Impact of Depression on Entrepreneurship in Africa: Challenges and Coping Strategies. (2023, May 31). Retrieved from

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