Free Essay with a Briefing Note to Improve the Quality of Lives of the Elderly Who Live Alone

Published: 2022-08-26
Free Essay with a Briefing Note to Improve the Quality of Lives of the Elderly Who Live Alone
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare policy
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 542 words
5 min read

Briefing Note To The Government Of Canada To Improve The Lives Of The Elderly Living Alone Who Can Barely Get By


The goal of this note is to present different options and give the recommendation to improve the quality of lives of the elderly who live alone and can barely get by. These elderly in Canada live alone and do not have anybody to help them with their day-to-day chores.

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According to the 2011 population census, about 5 million seniors aged above 65 were registered. Out of this number, about 92.1 percent stayed in private houses while another 7.9 percent lived in collective households like residences for senior citizens or healthcare related facilities. This has changed over time as a significant population of the elderly lives alone with no one to help them, and this has progressively increased over the years. Among those above the age of 65, the majority (54.4%) lived as couples in 2011; an increased proposition than the previous decade in 2001(54.1%). The prevalence of living in a pair in private homes decreased with time as more elderly people live alone without anyone to help them with their chores. This calls for interventions by the Canadian national government and helps the older citizens.

Current Situation:

Statscan's latest statistics on census reveals that more elderly Canadians are living alone as the nation's population ages. This is part of the findings from the 2016 census which assesses the number of people that live under the same house, the type of families in Canada and the range of languages spoken. For the first time in Canadian history, the number of elderly people living alone has surpassed other types of living situations.

Depression is a major issue among older adults, and the symptoms can affect each aspect of their life, affecting their energy levels, appetite, hobbies and relationship with others. During this time, staying at home and living in a familiar environment can be beneficial to their well-being but research reveals that a high number of elderly who should be receiving assisted living care are living alone, at their homes.


If an elderly needs assistance in daily chores like bathing, eating and dressing, it means that they have reduced cognitive functioning linked to middle stage dementia. Even in their homes, poor eyesight and minor safety risks can put them at risk for falling and even death. As a result, the national government can implement the following options to help them. It is unfortunate that many are depressed and are unable to recognize the symptoms or do not adhere to the steps to get help.

Option 1

Increasing the Number of Service Centers: these will facilitate their engagement in a range of different services and activities like exercise, spiritual and cultural activities, awareness, and educational activities. In the service centers, specialized organizations can be formed to help deliver services to the elderly such as dementia care.

Option 2

Elderly pension: The government to provide assistance for elderly allowance and offer grant where necessary to held elderly employ workers to help them with some of their daily activities. The grants can be given based on the amount of wealth that the elderly have accumulated.

Recommendation: Option 1 since it provides a holistic solution to almost all the issues faced by the elderly in Canada.

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Free Essay with a Briefing Note to Improve the Quality of Lives of the Elderly Who Live Alone. (2022, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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