Essay Example on Vince Lombardi, A Legendary Coach

Published: 2022-08-30
Essay Example on Vince Lombardi, A Legendary Coach
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Leadership style
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1476 words
13 min read

Vince Lombardi is a well-recognized legendary coach who once asserted that leaders are made and not born. As a matter of fact, Vince Lombardi's quote is relevant in the modern world, as different companies require great leaders. Therefore, various firms develop their leaders; however, a number of them fail because they treat leadership development as well as business operation as a separate challenge. With that said, Vince Lombardi led his team to three as well as five total NFL championships. On the same note, the individual mentioned above won the first two Super Bowls. The individual under review is regarded as the greatest coach as well as a leader in football history.

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It is important to comprehend that Lombardi is one the greatest leader of all time as far as football is concerned. Specifically, Lombardi had a natural capability to lead in him, and this was disclosed throughout his lifetime with football. It is noteworthy that Lombardi had the correct things to tell his players in any circumstance, and this is what made him the greatest leader as well as coach. For example, he used to say that winning is not a seasonal thing but an all-time thing. Therefore, his players had in mind that they had to work hard to win always. The players understood that for them to win always, they had to do the right thing every time. Specifically, the player came to understand that winning is a habit. With that said, Lombardi comprehended that the key to becoming a winner was insider his players.

What is more, he understood that every player was in a position to become a winner just some of them did not recognize it (Buckman 1). Therefore, Lombardi was a leader who had considerable confidence in his players as well as various individuals around him. In simple terms, this helped him win the hearts of his players and became a winner and the greatest leader of all time.

Vince Lombardi is considered an inspirational as well as an encouraging leader who treasured victory as well as success. In particular, Vince Lombardi's leadership style begun when he was young as well as left behind a considerable legacy that involved achievement as well as greatness. He is regarded as an ethical worker and had a tireless attitude towards winning. For instance, the individual at hand never settles as well as was not satisfied until victory was attained. When he became the head coach of the Green Bay Packers team, he worked hard to turn a group of non-believers into excellent champions (Mastro and Shevella 1). In this case, Vince Lombardi used to explain into details to the lowest player or even student and he never moved until every player understood. In particular, he had a special way of being in a position to explain his approaches to every individual as well as would ensure that each person involved understands before going forward.

In his coaching career, Vince Lombardi made a team that works together to attain the set goals as well as objectives of a championship. It is evident that he led in a way that encouraged his team to work hard for Vince Lombardi as he did for the team. In particular, he installed the individual drive that he had acquired in his life with his various players, and this is considered a special thing about his team. Using his leadership style, he was in a position to improve as well as produce a 7-5 record. Vince Lombardi used his leadership style to win the hearts of his players, and they were ready to follow him willingly. In particular, Lombardi sold the concept that once players believe in him, they are ready to do anything for him and then believe in themselves.

It is noteworthy that the inspirational leadership style was unparalleled, especially in the football field. It is unfortunate that during Lombardi's time, some coaches used to beat their players down as well as attempted to get in their head. However, Lombardi used to coach his players as well as show them the excellent ways of winning. On the same note, he never played favorites, and this earned him substantial praise. Lombardi believed that whoever was an excellent player would have time to play even if he was a hardworking player or even a high paid star. In this case, Lombardi played a critical role in instilling the mindset that winning is the only way into his players and he made them understand that they were either losers or champions. In particular, these made players look up to him, and they did whatever he asked them to without questions or objections. Notably, this was vital for Lombardi to become the kind of coach and leader he wanted to be.

Trust was an important aspect for Lombardi's leadership style. In particular, Lombardi's players believed in his leadership as well as coaching style in spite of the fact that it was not easy. On the same note, Lombardi was a strong believer and knew that a hardworking team is capable of winning a game (Park). What is more, Lombardi put his players via considerable workouts as well as practices to ensure they were fit for the competition. It is evident that Lombardi was in a position to push his players to the edge and they always cooperated. Lombardi's inspirational leadership style helped his players understand that they were the best and this instilled substantial confidence in them.

It is evident that Lombardi did not judge his players whenever a problem occurred. Specifically, he had a special as well as an unparalleled approach to get into the players heads as well as address their challenges. Specifically, he was capable of doing this because he was a player and understood the experience of being coached. On the same note, Lombardi had a unique way to coach his players to comprehend and make everything as easy as possible. In simple terms, it is clear that Lombardi was an excellent leader and he gave his players the confidence they required as well as they took it and applied it in the football field (Buckman 1). It is important to note that Lombardi made his players understand that they were in the fight together with their coach. This made them work hard and become champions.

It is prudent to note that Lombardi's inspirational leadership style demonstrates teamwork spirit as a vital part for individuals to succeed. On the same note, Lombardi was a great leader as he instilled his work ethic into the players and those individuals who surrounded him. He played an integral part in giving his players considerable confidence to believe in themselves that they are champions. With that said, it is evident that Lombardi's leadership style involved critical thinking as well as comprehending others to be a success. He is considered an excellent example of a good leader and his leadership style indicates his great record of accomplishment of making losers champions (Mastro and Shevella 1). In particular, he was in the position to inspire individuals who never thought could be winners and encouraged them to the extent of winning the games themselves. Precisely, this is the fundamental objective of being an excellent and great leader.

Overall, it is evident that Lombardi's inspirational leadership style was unique during his time, and this inspired his players to work hard and win trophies. Specifically, the aforementioned leadership style is important in encouraging individuals that they can do the unthinkable. For example, the Green Bay Packers team had no thought that they will be winners. However, Lombardi changed this perception and made them believe in themselves, and the players came to understand that they could make it. In fact, Lombardi was an excellent leader who had considerable confidence in his players as well as various individuals around him.

What is more, he was an ethical worker and had a tireless attitude towards winning because he never settles as well as was not satisfied until victory was attained. Besides, Lombardi had a special way of being in a position to explain his approaches to every individual as well as would ensure that each person involved understands before going forward. Simply put, Lombardi used inspirational leadership style to ensure that his players had the right attitude and mindset to become champions.

Works Cited

Buckman, Belinda L. Vince Lombardi as a strategic leader. Army War Coll Carlisle Barracks PA, 2002. Accessed from

Mastro, Victor and Shevella, Johnny. "Coach Vince Lombardi, the Power of Example, a Tribute." The Coffin Corner. (1996): 1-2. Accessed from

Park, Jack. "The Leadership Secrets of Football's Master Coaches." (2016). Accessed from's%20Master%20Coaches.pdf

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