Free Paper Example on Global Warming

Published: 2023-12-25
Free Paper Example on Global Warming
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Food Global warming Crisis management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 861 words
8 min read


This crisis management plan will be activated when global warming becomes a major crisis in the United States and threatens food's growth and distribution to hungry people in the country. Another situation where permitted individuals would activate this plan is when the organization’s food banks reduce, hence unable to distribute food assistance and emergency supplies. The management team and the crisis response team set in the organization will have the authority to activate this action plan if any of the situations occur.

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The mission of Feeding America Organization is to empower neighborhoods that face hunger with access to resources and food through community food banks, partners, and people that believe that no one in the United States should go hungry in their lives.

The purpose of this crisis action plan is to help mitigate the effects that global warming has on the storing of food in food banks and distribution to hungry people across the various counties in the United States.

This plan will not be used immediately it is developed; instead, it will be stored and only activated under certain circumstances. Such circumstances include when the effects of global warming start affecting the food banks, and the organization finds it hard to distribute foods to people across the country due to less food stored and inadequate emergency supplies available for delivery across the country.


The organization will use the plan to ensure that it acts as a backup plan when the food banks start running out of food and emergency supplies to be distributed to the people in need due to the advanced effects of global warming across the world. Therefore, the plan will help ensure that this organization continues sending supplies and staff to support neighborhoods in need even when food production is at its lowest, and the organization does not receive enough donations to fill its banks due to global warming effects.


The organizational structure to implement this action plan will include the organization's management, the crisis team, key employees in the organization such as department heads and senior executives, and important stakeholders such as food suppliers and partners who work closely with Feeding America Organization.

The staff in America Feeding organization is responsible for various activities; hence, they must be protected, especially during crisis mode operations. The team serves the needs of people faced by the crisis by donating food stored in food banks. Failure to protect and engage the staff in organization planning would fail the organization in the future. Therefore, the staff should be paid well and respected to avoid any exploitation and ensure that they work to the fullest for the organization's wellbeing.

Employees must monitor any direct production within the organization effectively by revisiting the organization's rules, plans, and regulations to ensure that people are served the best during the crisis. Food banks should be increased to provide more food storage. Processes of receiving the donation of food from partners should be conducted in a manner that the organization maintains a good relationship with the food and fund partners. During the crisis, the organization must ensure that it has a crisis team that would manage any direct production and products from the organization. Guiding partners would give the organization more generous contributions. Failure to conduct effective processes and direct production would make the organization fail due to a lack of enough food donations during the crisis.


Feeding America Organization is made up of great supporting partners who have made tremendous contributions to the organizations. The logistics support is essential based on the partners' commitments and contributions, which are more than $150,000 and about 1.5 million pounds donations that are a combination of grocery products, food, gifts, and funds. The partners include CISCO, Carrier, and Cheeky, among others. The personnel also support the organization by implementing the plan of providing services to needy people. Logistics and personnel are such supportive aspects of the Feeding America organization. They should be well maintained by engaging them in all the organizational activities' to avoid organizational failure.

Feeding America Organization may face threats from excessive food waste and food insecurities due to poor management and employee coordination in ensuring that it continues providing hunger relief across the United States. Lack of preparedness and quick response to disasters when they occur mainly due to lack of effective teamwork are other significant threats that the organization is likely to face.


Disasters of faulty products, embezzlement cases, power outages, and lack of adequate information offered to consumers may cause the organization millions in losses. To avoid this disaster growing into a crisis for the organization, the crisis team manager will create a team that tests all foods' quality before they leave the company for distribution to the hungry across the United States. The organization will make it clear to its customers and staff that people come first before money, so in case of an event where faulty products are released to the public, they should recall them and send them back after correcting the mistake. The organization will create a unique brand for its products to avoid getting copied, and its process tarnished.

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Free Paper Example on Global Warming. (2023, Dec 25). Retrieved from

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