Free Paper Example on Homelessness

Published: 2023-11-20
Free Paper Example on Homelessness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 589 words
5 min read


Homelessness is a situation where an individual lives in the housing below society's standards or lacks any housing. Many individuals face the homelessness situation, which is because of various reasons ranging from economic to psychological. The situation compromises the quality of life the people live. Therefore, there are various interventions put in place by multiple parties to alleviate the suffering people are exposed to because of the homelessness. Rehabilitation positively affects the homelessness situation in the United States because of the help the people receive.

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Homelessness and Rehabilitation

There are various causes of homelessness, most of which are economical, therefore requiring adequate intervention. Also, there is a wide variety of interventions to homelessness, which have different effects on individuals' homeless situation. One of the interventions to homelessness is rehabilitation, where an individual is alleviated from the poor conditions associated with homelessness (Koh & O'Connell, 2016). The person is given convenience that allows them to have better housing, therefore temporarily solving their problem. In the United States, the effect of rehabilitation on homelessness can be investigated, which helps gauge its suitability as an intervention for homelessness. Rehabilitation has a positive correlation with the reduction in homelessness in most societies in the United States. That is whereby, through rehabilitation, the number of people in a homeless situation is helped to have a better life.

In some rehabilitation centers, individuals are equipped with skills they can use to earn a living, helping them afford a better life. When individuals have skills they can apply, they can have a stable income, which they can use to get better housing and escape homelessness. Furthermore, when an individual has better fortunes due to rehabilitation, they sometimes decide to help others get out of homelessness (Padgett et al., 2016). Therefore, that is an example of a secondary benefit of rehabilitating the homeless in the United States. Rehabilitation is associated with the restorative care of an individual. There are services such as guidance and counseling offered to individuals, which helps them deal with some mental issues they may have. Homeless individuals can then make better decisions, which enable them to afford better housing in the long run (Padgett et al., 2016). Therefore, it is evident that there is a positive correlation between rehabilitation and a reduction in homelessness in the United States.


There is a positive correlation between rehabilitation and the better welfare of homeless individuals. Therefore, it informs the efforts to reduce the homelessness situation among various people. When there is an increase in rehabilitation efforts, there will be a reduction in the adverse effects associated with homelessness in society. Therefore, more parties should be encouraged to cater to the rehabilitation needs of the homeless people.


Koh, H. K., & O’Connell, J. J. (2016, December 27). Improving health care for homeless people. Jama, 316(24), 2586-2587.

Padgett, D., Henwood, B. F., & Tsemberis, S. J. (2016). Housing First: Ending homelessness, transforming systems, and changing lives. Oxford University Press, USA.

Padgett, D. K., Tiderington, E., Tran Smith, B., Derejko, K. S., & Henwood, B. F. (2016, July 26). Complex recovery: Understanding the lives of formerly homeless adults with complex needs. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, 25(2), 60-70.

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