Free Paper Example: Permissive vs. Authoritarian Parenting

Published: 2024-01-04
Free Paper Example: Permissive vs. Authoritarian Parenting
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  United States Parenting Childhood
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1185 words
10 min read

Parenting refers to the process of bringing up children and giving them assurance and care to guarantee their solid development into adulthood. According to Varela et al. (2014), the approach of the parents to train, teach, help, and develop their children differs depending on the disposition of the parent, cultural effects, role model the parents present to the children, and basic approach to the kids and child nurturing There are raging discourses on what is the best way of raising children. There are two main approaches to how a child should be raised. The Chinese approaches as advanced by Amy Chua and the American style of parenting, as postulated by Alan Paul. The two standpoints are radically different. The Chinese approach is authoritarian and is characterized by strict rules and discipline. and great demands. On the other side, the American style of parenting is permissive and is based on the values of free reasoning and creativity. the ideological difference between the societies, the differences in worldviews, and sociocultural influences is the point of departure for the parenting styles. Asian society is big on morals and values, while on the other hand, American society majors on individual rights, which extend to children. This paper argues that the 'Panda dad' parenting style is superior to the 'tiger mom' style for our children and their future

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The permissive parenting strategy, commonly referred to as 'Panda Dad' developed by Allan Paul, a Wall Street columnist, is characterized by little demands with high openness. American parents usually use this method, and they tend to be very loving yet provide few rules and guidelines. A review of the literature shows that various parenting strategies differently affect the self-esteem of a child. Western parents, unlike Asian parents, are very understanding and easygoing. They do not have a great influence on the lives of their children.

Children of parents with a permissive parenting style are usually encouraged to be creative. In turn, this inventiveness can spur a sense of imagination and result in the development of more interests. Parents who practice the 'Panda dad' style of parenting show their children much responsiveness and affection and their children (Singh, 2017). When there are fewer limits, kids can explore different avenues regarding a wide range of interests and pastimes. Youngsters who experience childhood in a less unbending condition have a simpler time taking advantage of their intrinsic inventiveness.

The 'Panda dad' child-rearing practice is tolerant, and is the ideal route for supporting children. With this style, communication can be, to a greater extent, two-way traffic. Both the parent and the child feel free to talk about what is in their minds. Likewise, these kids' confidence is also high since they realize that their parents will adore them genuinely, paying little heed to what they do. These parenting styles help to encourage assertiveness in children. Kids brought up with style are self-assured and freely express themselves without fear.

The Panda dad kind of parent will, in general, stay away from struggle no matter what, so they will surrender to whatever the kid needs. By all accounts, this may give off an impression of being a genuinely tranquil relationship with an insignificant clash. One of the advantages of a parent's viewpoint with this child-rearing style is that they accept that they are not genuinely harming their kids when they yield to whatever they need (Hanes, 2012). The relationship between the parent and the child is that of a friend. This goes a long way to encourage openness and boost the confidence of the child.

The permissive style of parenting is children tend to enjoy opportunity over obligation. Tolerant guardians place almost no obligation, for example, tasks or schoolwork, on their kids. They encourage the kids, rather than forcing them. Panda's dad's method of parenting is children-centric (Chao, 1994). The children participate in meaningful choices by and large held for grown-up gatekeepers without their parents' direction. An excessive amount of opportunity comprehends limits with their folks. This is because the guardians respond to their practices and exercises instead of forcing sanctions ahead of time.

On the flip side, the authoritarian child-rearing style makes it simpler for guardians to screen their children in communication. This contemporary life includes a few modern things. Children may spend time with terrible companions or engage in awful social practices. Along these lines, this methodology makes it simpler to screen their youngsters' conduct and accurately guide them. Kids like to spend time with and play with their companions after school. In such a case, it is simple for them to rehearse and get familiar with some undesired propensities, for example, smoking, drinking, or playing computer games (Singh, 2017). A study shows that youngsters with possibly one of the two guardians who are of the 'Tiger mom' mold generally have higher prosperity, for example, higher life bliss and confidence than kids with no legitimate guardians. Kids with definitive guardians have higher confidence, and guardians will, in general, be more favorable in building up their kids' confidence. The guardians additionally show parental help, for example, love and warmth, and yield beneficial outcomes on their youngsters' confidence. Also, as per Ang and Goh (2006), dictator child-rearing methodology is contrarily connected to scholastic execution. This implies youngsters whose guardians were dictators performed ineffectively in school when contrasted with those kids who had definitive guardians

However, despite the above-stated benefits of 'Tiger Mom,' the American style is far better in nurturing self-assured, positive, innovative, and assertive individuals. The authoritarian style of parenting may have far-reaching consequences for the development of children. The constant intimidation and iron fist domination by parents may negatively affect them psychologically.


In conclusion, this paper finds the American parenting style as advanced by Alan Paul more compelling. The approach helps one to appreciate that children are human beings now, and the preoccupation with what kind of adults they will turn out to be is unfounded and misplaced. They ought not to be shepherded as sheep around in a rigid, militaristic manner, but should be guided as logical and rational beings. The children, therefore, should be dearly loved, treasured, and given the freedom to express themselves accordingly.


Ang, R. P., & Goh, D. H. (2006). Authoritarian parenting style in Asian societies: A cluster analytic investigation. Contemporary Family Therapy, 28(1), 131-151.

Chao, R. K. (1994). Beyond parental control and authoritarian parenting style: Understanding Chinese parenting through the cultural notion of training. Child Development, 65(4),1111-1119.

Hanes, S. (2012, December 13). America's 4 parenting cultures: Which one is yours? Christian Science Monitor.

Singh, S. (2017). Parenting style in relation to children's mental health and self-esteem: A review of the literature. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 8(12), 1522-1527.

Varela, R. E., Vernberg, E. M., Sanchez-Sosa, J. J., Riveros, A., Mitchell, M., & Mashunkashey, J. (2004). Parenting style of Mexican, Mexican American, and Caucasian-non-Hispanicfamilies: social context and cultural influences. Journal of Family Psychology, 18(4),651.

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