Free Paper with an Annotated Bibliography Sample about Electric Vehicles

Published: 2022-03-21
Free Paper with an Annotated Bibliography Sample about Electric Vehicles
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Energy Automotive industry
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 852 words
8 min read

Source #1

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Kim, S., Lee, J., & Lee, C. (2017). Does Driving Range of Electric Vehicles Influence Electric Vehicle Adoption? Sustainability, 9(10), 1783.

Summary: This published research aims to show the factors influencing the market share of electric vehicles. It highlights the importance of adoption of electric cars and the market statistics of the current electric cars in production in the world. Some of the methods of research used to determine the adoption of electric cars include data analysis of the market share of electric vehicles in 32 different countries since 2011 to 2015. This study also outlines the factors that determine the rate of adoption of electric vehicles. Examples of these independent variables include the pricing of the electric vehicles, the availability of stronger internal combustion engines in the market and also the driving range and the models available in the market. This study also explores the link between the recharging infrastructure available and electric vehicle adoption. The goes on to give recommendations that should be put in place to speed the rate of electric vehicle adoption all over the world.

Writers' Credibility: This is a well-researched and written article. The data and statistics are accurately presented to depict the current factors affecting the rate of adoption of electric vehicles all over the world. The language and methods of presenting data are also clear. Data are presented in tables and using graphs where necessary. The writers have also cited credible sources in their research. The arguments put forward in this piece of research are persuasive since they are factual.

Assessment: This study has been instrumental in helping me understand why the rate of adoption of electric vehicles worldwide is still very slow. The importance of this research cannot be underestimated especially since it can be used as a steppingstone to fasten the sale of electric vehicles.

Source #2

Hawkins, T. R., Gausen, O. M., & Stromman, A. H. (2012). Environmental impacts of hybrid and electric vehicles-a review. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 17(8),997-1014. 10.1007/s11367-012-0440-9

Summary; This study consists of a literature review undertaken to determine the impact of hybrid and electric vehicles adoption of the environment. Data comparing the effect of electric vehicle use on the Global Warming Levels and the effect of the internal combustion engine use on the global warming levels has been outlined in this piece of research. The research includes 51 state -of the art environmental assessments of the use of electric and hybrid vehicles on the environment. The data extracted from this research has then recommended in helping to determine the best EVs vehicles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study also highlights the fact that although Electric Vehicles (EVs) are efficient in cutting the greenhouse emissions, there are instances when they are not efficient as compared to the internal combustion engine(ICEs). This includes the use of coal powered electric vehicles which perform worse as compared to improved internal combustion engines.

Writer's Credibility: This is a persuasive study. The authors have gone to great lengths in trying to present the data. The authors have given their statistics in clear tables and graphs that can easily be interpreted. The tone of writing is academic and professional. This source is thus very credible.

Review: As far as environmental conservation is concerned this source has been so helpful in pointing out the importance of hybrid and electric vehicles. These vehicles have very minimal emissions and can cut the greenhouse gas emissions from the conventional internal combustion engines significantly. The study has also given me insight on why internal combustion engines are very harmful to the environment and also why they should slowly be phased out.

Source #3

Ke, W., Zhang, S., Wu, Y., Zhao, B., Wang, S., & Hao, J. (2016). Assessing the future vehicle fleet electrification: The impacts on regional and urban air quality. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(2), 1007-1016.

Summary; In the past three decades, rapid progress has been made in the manufacture of highly efficient hybrid and electric vehicles. However, there have been significant challenges in determining whether electric cars are useful in improving the air quality. This research highlights a study conducted to prove whether electric cars are any better in helping to purify the air. The main concern put forward to question the efficiency of electric vehicles in air purification is the complex chemical elements used by hybrid vehicles and the changing patterns of emissions in areas where cars in use have been electrified. This study was conducted in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region in China.

Writer credibility: The authors have given their statistics in clear tables and graphs that can easily be interpreted. The tone of writing is academic and professional. The writers have also cited credible sources in their research. The arguments put forward in this piece of research are persuasive since they are factual. It is a highly reliable source of information.

Review: This study has given me a better understanding of electric vehicles in that if they are not used as required, they can be a source of air pollution. This research can be used to produce more efficient electric vehicles that will minimize environmental pollution.

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Free Paper with an Annotated Bibliography Sample about Electric Vehicles. (2022, Mar 21). Retrieved from

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