Paper Example. Future of US Healthcare

Published: 2023-10-26
Paper Example. Future of US Healthcare
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Medicine Healthcare policy Covid 19
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 509 words
5 min read

In the United States, health is highly favored because health is something very important to the citizen’s lives. The US should ensure that it does all means to keep the healthcare system working right. The current pandemic COVID- 19, for instance, has affected a large number of people, and so this has adjusted the system of healthcare, and resources have been improved to enhance fighting of the disease. How the country has attempted to fight COVID-19 indicates promising future healthcare in the United States.

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Since we cannot eliminate all diseases as viewed by both scientists and technology, the country is working to ensure that it introduces some tactics that can be used to identify certain diseases much earlier (Bauchner, & Fontanarosa,2016). Through that, the disease will be treated while it is still in an early stage, and that will prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body or becoming severe. Also, with the likelihood of the introduction of data convener, which will help in storing personal data, the US healthcare system will appear much powerful because it will ensure that there is total privacy (Bauchner,2016).

Moreover, US is working to improve the infrastructure which will boost the healthcare, for example, data organization constructer has been set in place which will be able to serve the high number of patients within a short period of time. Data organization constructer allows enough space and facilities to use and enough doctors who have experience who can treat patients with a lot of care. Also, there will be accurate machines that will be used in measuring different diseases (Cleverley & Cleverley, 2011). With the ongoing research, the country is also expecting some devices which are wearable and devices which are tracking the body parts, for example, machines that help to monitor the heart.

The ongoing research is also giving the country hopes for some sensors which will be more secure and devices which will make work easier and reduce the distance of patients reaching the doctors since some devices will be available, for example, robots which can be used to pass information to the person who is far from you (Bodenheimer, Chen, & Bennett, 2009). The patient can explain the signs and symptoms, and the robot will take the information to the doctor’s office, and the patient will get feedback within a short period of time.


Bauchner, H. (2016). The Affordable Care Act and the future of US health care. Jama, 316(5), 492-493.

Bauchner, H., & Fontanarosa, P. B. (2016). The future of US health care policy. Jama, 315(13), 1339-1340.

Bodenheimer, T., Chen, E., & Bennett, H. D. (2009). Confronting the growing burden of chronic disease: can the US health care workforce do the job?. Health Affairs, 28(1), 64-74.

Cleverley, W. O., & Cleverley, J. O. (2011). Is there a cost associated with higher quality? Value-based purchasing (VBP) is on a path to becoming the new reality for the future of US health care. But will hospitals be able to manage the potential costs associated with the improved quality that VBP will require?. Healthcare financial management, 65(1), 96-103.

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