Gaining Practicum Experience in Health Informatics: Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Gaining Practicum Experience in Health Informatics: Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1393 words
12 min read


The practicum experience involved health informatics capstone and cumulative experience in health informatics. The health informatics capstone integrated the cumulative experience of the students with the body of scientific literature. From this experience, the student has to gain experience from the experiential learning project based on various course activities. The cumulative health experience in health informatics allows the student to engage with the practicum coordinator while collaborating with the preceptor to apply the skills and competencies to understand real-world healthcare concerns.

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Experience during the Practicum

The Masters of Science in Health Informatics can be completed in six semesters and requires that the student complete ten courses with a field practicum experience. The health informatics practicum experience helps address the various significant aspects of medical informatics through hands-on activities and a unique program of choice. The practicum field offers the students the opportunity to learn from the outstanding medical informatics team, ranging from their colleagues to experienced instructors and successful career professionals. During the field practicum experience, the lab facilities that fully functional provide the necessary resources to the learners. As a result, students are provided with the opportunity to access the selected software resources to complete the course-related assignments.

The field practicum in health informatics is flexible. Students are given the opportunity to apply knowledge from the course to a practical health environment. As a result, during my practicum experience with the medical informatics team, I was able to interact with the electronic health records as well as interoperability and inpatient EMR, CPOE Deployment, and optimization. I also had the opportunity to interact with the health system as I provided health care services to the community. This was an excellent opportunity as I gained exposure to the real-world health care setting. Besides, I participated in various activities with medical informatics tea, which enhanced my hands-on clinical experience.

The medical informatics profession has enormous demands for healthcare employers looking for graduates who possess knowledge and skills in the multifaceted field of medical informatics. Besides, employers require individuals with a technical understanding of computer networks and problem-solving skills with experiences in health information systems. The practicum experience with the medical informatics team exposed me to all these experiences.

It took me 16 weeks to complete the practicum and have sufficient practicum experience with medical informatics in the hospital. I learned about the outpatient electronic medical records ranging from the deployment to optimization. Besides, I gained experience in reporting, analytics, as well as creating the dashboard. During my practicum, I practiced SQL, Axure, and Tableau. I frequently and freely interacted with the medical informatics team as I focused on finding a site, discerning area of interest, and developing my project plan. I articulated my attention as well as expertise and value to the organization. I was prepared mentally to link my interest to the project of the organization.

The medical informatics team was readily available to help me discern my interest in health informatics throughout the practicum. I was able to explore the potential practicum opportunities among the organizations within the community of the students. The team was of great assistance in pinpointing my interest in health informatics based on previous work experiences and projects, which helped me discover a common thread. Besides, I was able to develop a strategy to find the opportunity in my interests and skills based on how the world benefits the organization.

Throughout my practicum experience with the medical informatics team, I gained a view of the broad spectrum of career options in the health informatics program. The majority of the health informatics jobs are concentrated in the healthcare sector, with experience in the technological field. In the medical informatics department, where I obtained my practicum experience, I was able to explore various areas, including the academic health sciences center, hospitals, and health associations, and health libraries. I found opportunities in different health-related environments with the health informatics team's approval that allowed me to meet my practicum experience requirement.

An overview of the project that took place during the Practicum

My practicum experience was beneficial to both the institution and me. I gained expertise in electronic health records, interoperability, and inpatient EMR and CPOE deployment and optimization. Besides, I expanded my understanding of a health-related environment through interaction with the health system that entailed the reporting, analytics, and the creation of a dashboard and practicing the SQL.

I gained practicum experience in applying theory as well as methods while working with the health informatics team. I also gained experience in planning, organizing and implementing, and documenting a significant project, thus developing a professional relationship. During the practicum, I met the practicum waiver requirements that encouraged me to enroll in the health informatics team to enhance my previous experience. The hours for my internship were arranged so that I sufficiently interacted with the medical informatics team with more team set aside for the general practicum.

I learned to keep a diary of the daily practicum experiences through the log of activities in an outline form. The medical informatics team helped me select the project I could concentrate on throughout my practicum experience. However, I performed other additional duties assigned by my supervisor. Completing the health informatics practicum experience required my efforts while collaborating with the supervisor and the medical informatics team. I was required to list my objectives in the practicum experience form, the project descriptions, and the specifications with the medical informatics team's guide. At the end of the practicum experience, I evaluated the organization, and the medical informatics team allowed me to interact with the organization and gain a full overview.

During the practicum experience with the medical informatics team, I selected an area of interest in which I applied the knowledge and skills gained during the course while participating in the required practicum course. The practicum requirements from the course work provided me with the hands-on field experience that allowed me to work in a professional environment with the medical informatics team. The practicum experience was unique with the medical informatics team make the project a comprehensive and integrative.

The practicum experience allowed me to reflect and synthesize the course work I learned. The mastery of expert practice knowledge allowed me to translate my skills and experience to improve the biomedical informatics practice while focusing on the healthcare outcomes for patients and health systems. I collaborated with the medical informatics team to address the real-world health problem. The team allowed me to demonstrate expertise in medical informatics and competencies in applied areas of study. I was required to complete the practicum experience to complete the practicum course.

A Reflection of Lessons Learned

The practicum experience with the medical informatics team was one of the experiential learning methods that allowed me to gain practicum experience while learning from specialized people. It was a professional gateway to integrating knowledge with practical application. I was able to define the state of health informatics programs while examining the perceptions about the experience of health informatics professionals. The practicum experience had a positive impact on my skills as applications considered a selection of practicum criteria and linked education outcomes and the needs in the labor market. The active, experiential learning through a practicum experience with medical informatics provided an understanding of the structure of the health informatics program and competencies framework.

From the practicum experience with the medical informatics team, the program is a core element of the informatics educational ecosystem. It allows continued development and growth of the significant educational outreach approach while building the connections between the practicum program and the best health practices. The practicum plays a substantial role as it introduces the learned in the educational trajectories. The medical informatics comprises various fields ranging from medicine to computer science as well as social sciences. The practicum experience establishes a clear educational pathway with the students allowed to reach into new environments. The experience also attracts the student into the informatics educational pathways for the career trajectories.

The practicum experience helps draw on the long educational outreach experience with multiple disciplines recognized for engaging students and attracting diverse young talent. Through my practicum with the medical informatics team, I increased my awareness of educational opportunities as well as my career. The experience also helped me develop a more extended engagement strategy while exploring various areas in the field of health informatics.

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