Gender Expectations: Lessons Learned and Ideas Explored - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-13
Gender Expectations: Lessons Learned and Ideas Explored - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Society Stereotypes
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read


In the modern epoch, the exploration of gender expectations and gender roles has turned out to be a critical aspect of discussion. Conspicuously, this same topic has led to diverse deliberations dependence on individuals' views. Explicitly, this paper envisions on exploring the lessons learned about the topic of gender in this unit, the gender roles, and expectations I find myself falling to, whether the genders norms are innate or are learned in the society and ultimately my ideas and thoughts in regards to the topic of gender.

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Lessons Learned About the Topic of Gender in This Unit

It is undoubtedly evident that there has been an assortment of lessons learned on this particular topic. One of the lessons is that contemporary society has defined copious notions in regards to the different ways men and women are anticipated to dress and conduct. An instance of this is that girls and women are commonly expected to dress in characteristically womanly ways and be courteous, helpful, and cherished. On the other hand, men are usually expected to be sturdy, aggressive, and also brave.

The second lesson learned is that there are multiple gender role expectations in every community, culture, or ethnic group. Nonetheless, these gender roles can have a very imperative discrepancy considering various groups. In addition to this, they also have the aptitude of changing in that same society over time.

Thirdly, there is the lesson of gender stereotypes. In simpler terms, a stereotype can be defined to be an extensively acknowledged decree or bias in regards to a particular individual or group. In the majority of cases, stereotypes are excessively basic and happen not to be correct.

Gender Roles and Expectations I Find Myself Falling To

Apparently, every individual finds themselves falling for diverse gender roles and expectations. Having stipulated that, I find myself to be no exception regarding this particular context. Primarily, one of the gender roles and expectations that I fall into is that of dressing code. Precisely, I expect women to dress in a certain way to avoid providing the men as opposed to the opposite gender.

Secondly, I anticipate that men toil hard to cater to their families. It is the sole duty for the male to ensure that they provide the mandatory necessities that the family ought to have. If a man fails to undertake this role, he is considered a solemn failure.

Ultimately, I also fall for the gender role and expectation that wives ought to be submissive to their husbands. Regarding my school of thought, women should treat their husbands with the utmost respect. In doing this, the men will feel appreciate and will want to toil more.

Are the Gender Norms Innate or Are They Learned In the Society

To a great extent, I would consider the gender norms not to be innate. The primary rationale for this that the majority of them are learned depending on what I can view from the society undertakings. Based on the miscellaneous interactions with different individuals residing from diverse cultures, gender roles and expectations are established imperatively.

Some of My Ideas and Thoughts in Regards To the Topic of Gender

The topic of gender can be viewed in multiple ways. However, conferring to my perspective, this ought to be a vital aspect for consideration in any community set up. Moreover, it should be deliberated in regards to the different genders in place. Individuals should be allowed to have their say and choice concerning the different societal gender roles and expectations. In essence, this will prompt individuals to have important respect for each other.

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Gender Expectations: Lessons Learned and Ideas Explored - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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