Health Informatics Practicums: Experiential Education to Enhance Clinical Reasoning.

Published: 2023-11-12
Health Informatics Practicums: Experiential Education to Enhance Clinical Reasoning.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1563 words
14 min read

Health informatics entails the management and use of patient health care information. Health informatics practicums provide experiential education to students. Practicums offer significant connections to the theoretical learning in the classroom and real-life application of acquired knowledge(Test, 2019). Practicums assist students in growing their psychomotor skills to enhance their problem-solving skills and clinical reasoning(Test, 2019). Moreover, practicums sharpen a student’s communication and leadership skills. Health informatics practicum is a foundational stage in the healthcare practice.

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The health informatics practicum will expose me to the reality of patient care through the scheduled time to participate in the provision of care. The practicum will enable me to work with patient data, making informed decisions in my future career as a health informatics analyst. The practicum will sharpen my critical thinking skills, which are essential to analyze different healthcare data sets. The practicum will broaden my scope of thinking to increase flexibility in my data analysis skills. Since I will work with different data tools,the practicum offers foundational knowledge to enable me to learn and use other sophisticated techniques and data analysis in my future health informatics analyst career.

Health informatics practicum is designed to assist students in preparing the many different care settings. Thus, the students explore various care settings such as pediatrics, specialized care, labor, and delivery. Thus, the experiences I will get from the different care settings will help me in the future to develop medical data and systems to support the health informatics practice. I will be able to access information to identify relationships that can enable health informatics to make informed healthcare decisions. Moreover, the practicum experience will allow me to develop systems that will address underlying health informatics problems such as low care providers to patients in hospitals. The practicum experience will offer invaluable knowledge to apply in data and health information analysis.

Venous Thromboembolism(VTE) is a significant cause of death in hospitals. Health informatics should learn how to use VTE assessment tools to save patients who come to hospitals with that condition's symptoms. Health informatics should conduct a VTE assessment for all adult patients admitted in the hospitals(Sanfilippo, Wang, Luo, Carson, Thomas, & Gage, 2018). The VTE should assess whether the patient has the known symptoms of the disease or other risk factors for thrombosis bleeding. The use of VTE assessment tool is crucial since it will help health informatics have informed selection of the best thromboprophylaxis considering the patient’s preferences.

The VTE assessment tool provides a standardized VTE risk assessment and gives various risk levels options, thus guiding patients management. The VTE assessment tool is important because it helps to correctly detect all sick people at the risk of contracting deep vein thrombosis(DVT)(Sanfilippo et al. 2018). The tools offer actionable recommendations for treatment and risk prevention techniques. VTE assessment tools are simple to use since they require minimal laboratory tests and complicated calculations.

I attended several meetings where we discussed the importance of VTE assessment tools in healthcare. I learned that VTE assessment tools provide decision support to those who need various treatment combinations. Moreover, I learned from the meetings that the VTE assessment tool is very cost-effective and enables a patient to avoid bleeding risks. The meetings impacted my understanding of the use of VTE assessment tools in hospitals. I learned that health informatics should equip themselves with the necessary skills and knowledge to use VTE assessment tools to save patients from various health conditions.

Surgical information system(SIS) has been integrated into medical procedures to streamline surgical workflows. SIS eases the demanding workload of surgical procedures. Before a patient is taken to a surgical room, he/she must follow the laid hospital protocols. Sometimes the processes consume a lot of time that would be used operating. Thus, SIS development is critical to ease the work that healthcare providers did manually in the past. SIS reduces the work from appointment scheduling phase, operation room planning, anesthetist administration, and surgery documentation. Moreover, SIS offers an easy way to manage the stock room for optimal use of available resources.

SIS gives healthcare providers a good user experience through its touch interface and easy to use menu. The SIS has enabled hospitals to cut down expenses by minimizing time wastage during surgical operations. Many patients can be served within a shorter time than before. SIS has revolutionized the surgical workflow and its main participants. SIS provides anesthetists with different tools to record patient care in the entire surgical workflow. The documented anesthesiological process is streamlined to national standards and manages the patient's history during the admission process, in the hospital, and post-operative time. When the patient is about to be operated, the system is customized to meet the patient and the medical staff's particular needs.

Support members play a significant role during a go-live session because they offer the required assistance. The surgery information system, at times, may experience a technical problem during a live session. Thus, the support members help to troubleshoot the system and ensure normal working. Moreover, the support members are instrumental in what happens in the background. During a live session, people only have a view of the live session. However, the success of the live session wholly depends on the support members on the background. Thus, support members work tirelessly to ensure uninterrupted live sessions during the use of surgery information systems.

I had a great experience when learning axure software. Axure is clean, simple, and has a modern user interface. The user interface has been simplified for everyone to use. Moreover, the axure user interface is customizable, and it has a dark mode providing work autonomy. The software is optimized and extended to browsers. One can also build interactions directly in the interactions window, and the event and actions can be searched and filtered quickly. Axure software allows one to edit multiple interactions by using an advanced mode that permits the working of multiple cases.

Axure software offered me a good experience because it provides more versatile diagramming. The software has a pen tool for drawing custom shapes. Also, its inbuilt library has more than 600 vector icons that one can use in drawings. The software has options for flow diagramming since one can add connectors between drawings. Thus, one can extend the main prototyping functionality with new actions and events. Also, the software allows one to perform simultaneous events on widgets. Data-driven grids have also been making easier by the simultaneous prototyping.

I can rank Axure as one of the best prototyping software in healthcare. I was able to achieve smart designs within a shorter time using the software. The software offered me richer specifications, thus allowing me to do many trial designs. Since the software is straightforward to use, I was able to do many trials until I perfected my skills. Moreover, the software has widget notes that enhance rich text formatting. I was able to enhance my collaboration skills when learning how to use axure software. The software has an axure share cloud platform where teams can share their projects. Axure provides a more efficient environment for making designs.

Learning axure has helped me to realize my potentials. I can now master new concepts faster. When I was learning to use axure, most of the technical words were new to me. Moreover, I was not experienced in design work. However, due to the simplicity of the software, I spend a shorter learning time. Moreover, learning how to use axure has enhanced my grip. At times I felt discouraged because my designs were not neat. I developed negative thoughts, and at one time, I contemplated quitting. However, I applied the value of grit and focused on perfecting my skills. The learning process has enabled me to understand some of the qualities that I would not have distinguished.

Learning axure has enhanced my critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Axure learning involves the creation of wireframes and prototypes for healthcare use. When drawing the prototypes, one has to figure out correctly those that will provide the right impression. Thus, one has to think critically to develop the right design. In drawing the plans, one has to solve the problems of interpreting data and putting it in a diagram format. Thus, I have sharpened my problem-solving skills. Moreover, I can now interpret different data sets and come up with a useful conclusion. Learning axure has broadened my thinking and made me a helpful person in the health informatics profession. I have gained confidence because I can handle different tasks in the health informatics profession.

The health informatics profession is based on practical work; thus, students are required to learn new skills. The health informatics profession requires practice to perfect the necessary skills. Students are required to apply the knowledge gained in the classroom to provide healthcare solutions in real-life situations. The application of classroom knowledge in the health informatics practice helps students sharpen their problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and communication skills. Thus, nursing students should learn to use different tools and software that help to simplify their work.


Sanfilippo, K. M., Wang, T. F., Luo, S., Carson, K. R., Thomas, T. S., & Gage, B. (2018). Prediction of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in multiple myeloma (MM): Myeloma clot score (MCS).

TEST, C. (2019). Establishing nurse practitioner clinical practicums: Addressing fiscal realities. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(11), 663

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Health Informatics Practicums: Experiential Education to Enhance Clinical Reasoning.. (2023, Nov 12). Retrieved from

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