Paper Example. Health Policy Model

Published: 2023-08-08
Paper Example. Health Policy Model
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nutrition Healthcare policy Community health
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 572 words
5 min read

The healthy state of society is paramount and ought to be maintained and ensure that everybody remains in a good state. As provided, the workplace and organizations ought to have sound health policies to ensure the well-being of society (Veerman, 2019). The formulation of the health policy model consists of three phases that ought to be executed before the actualization of the model. The phases include; the formulation phase, modification phase, and policy implementation policy. The research indicates that sugared sodas contain contents not fit for human health if consumed in large quantities; therefore, there is a need to regulate it through the formulation of health policy models ("Centers for Disease Control," 2018). The measures to be put in place include taxing the products to reduce affordability hence reducing the chances of purchasing sugared sodas.

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However, in the process of policy modification, there should be enough reason for its formulation to be positively accepted in society and organizations. For the health policy to be positively received, it ought to be understood that sugared sodas have health complications if consumed in large quantities. According to the Boston Public Health Commission, the consumption of sugared drinks contributes to obesity, which has been a concern to many individuals in society ("Boston Public Health Commission," 2017). Furthermore, sugared drinks contribute to heart disease and diabetes; hence it is crucial to formulate a policy to regulate the consumption of sugared soda.

However, despite the advocation for reduced sugared soda consumption, the producers of the products will be the major opponents of the policy. The speculated argument from the opponents includes; the sale of sugared sodas contributes to the revenue in the country. Furthermore, the products are not forced on people; hence people should be allowed to make their own decision on the consumption of sugared drinks. Moreover, the lifestyle of an individual is a personal choice; hence it is not necessary to judge one's lifestyle and regulate what they consume.

With the quest to ensure the policy is adopted in society, substantial evidence about the effects of sugared sodas ought to be provided. The information about the impact of sugared soda will be obtained from the WHO information on the side effects of sugared drinks and interviewing the people who have been affected by the sugared drinks ("Centers for Disease Control," 2018). Through the interview, first-hand information about sugared drinks will be obtained, and, in society, the reception of the primary data is high compared to secondary information. Availing such information with evidence will play an essential role in the reception of the policy.

The reception of the policy in a society largely relies on the support from diverse organizations in society. In order to ensure the policy is received, government entities ought to take part in the campaign advocating for the policy. Furthermore, health organizations such as hospitals and WHO involvement in championing for the policy plays a vital role in bolstering the adoption of the policy (Veerman, 2019). Hospitals and WHO will provide substantial data, which indicates a clear image of the effects of the sugared drinks hence bolstering the policy reception in society and within the organization.


Boston Public Health Commission. (2017). Retrieved 18 May 2020, from

Centers for Disease Control. (2018). Retrieved 18 May 2020, from

Veerman, L. (2019). Invited talk: Modelling the health impact of taxing sugared drinks in Australia and South Africa. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 13(1), 37.

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Paper Example. Health Policy Model. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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