Free Essay Sample: Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Published: 2022-02-14
Free Essay Sample: Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Management Homeland security
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1391 words
12 min read

Homeland security is an American state security team that ensures that the homeland is secure safe and robust against extremism and other dangers where American ways of life, aspirations, and interests can bloom to the national effort to prevent the attacks from terrorism. Emergency management is the supervisory role that is charged with developing the basis within which societies decrease susceptibility to threats and cope with catastrophes. Emergency management tries to encourage safer and less open societies with the capacity to manage dangers and calamities.

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What were the main differences and the main similarities between the events of 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina? What lessons learned from the 9-11 were applied to the response to Hurricane Katrina? What mistakes were repeated? Given these two events, what do you think should be the key components of our domestic preparedness system (addressing both homeland security and emergency management issues)?

The similarities between 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina is that they are disasters that affected the citizens of this country. These two disasters could have been avoided and held diversely. Both of them caused a high number of deaths. Both the victims who survived the two tragic events were given bulks of funding. Ray Nagin the mayor also agreed that if the people had been forced to evacuate, many lives could have been saved in New Orleans.

When flooding began in New Orleans, there was a delayed response and no one was there to assist the sufferers of Katrina when New Orleans was hit by the Hurricane. The two disasters made many countries to learn a lesson for terrorism dangers and natural catastrophes. These lessons are prepared for calamities, how to respond to them and how to act during the action of the disaster. In both emergencies, the government reexamined its responses and its edifice for concocting and responding to extreme tragedies.

The difference between 9/11 and Katrina is that Katrina was a natural calamity and 9/11 was a human-made disaster. The homeland security and protection department should mutually plan for the branch of Guard's backing of Federal reaction activities. Everybody should work with the police and other agencies of government to make sure that they have full knowledge about the security issues and so that they can always be prepared on the terrorist attacks.

Based on what you have read and researched, what are the different authorities and jurisdictions between local, state, and federal governments in first, preventing, and then dealing, with an emergency event? Does it make a difference if the event is natural or intentionally caused? In what way? Where do you think the dividing lines should be? (Just in case you thought we would be wrestling with any easy, non-complex questions in this course -- guess what).

The different authorities that prevent and deal with emergency cases are Presidential Authority, federal government powers, and state authorities. When the president acts in the absenteeism of either rejection of authority or congressional endowment, he can only depend on his sovereign supremacies. The choice and nature of the presidential power result from Article 2 of the constitution of the United States. When the president acts according to the law of an oblique approval of Congress, his consultant is at its extreme because it consists of all that he holds in his rights. The definite art of leading under the constitution does not follow legal descriptions of the power of any of its divisions based on secluded sections. When the Congress of the United States has its capabilities limited to those precisely granted by the constitution of the United States compared to the nations, have the authority to safeguard the overall welfare of its inhabitants, safety and health.

Yes, it makes a difference if the tragic event is natural or intentionally caused because the Homeland Security department should have a national intelligence team which informs them about the security issues of the nation and they can try to prevent the terrorist attacks if there are any. When the president puts actions that are mismatched with the obscure or the articulated will of the Congress, his authority is at deepest recede. Hence he can only depend on his conditional bodies excluding any legal powers of the legislature over the issue.

University Homeland Security Policy Institute's paper on the NSC and HSC staffs -- to merge or not to merge. Based on this note, which side of the argument do find more compelling and why? Neither the NSC or the HSC have traditionally focused on the standard four pillars of emergency management -- preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. Given the enshrinement of an all-hazards approach in the Homeland Security Act of 2002, how does this, if at all, affect your choice?

Discrete councils with fused staff. When President Obama combined the HSC and NSC stuff and making one National security team, Obama sustained the HSC as a distinct and different unit form the NSC. The connection between National Security consultant and the advisor of the Homeland Security outlined the announcement of the president and changes to the organization of white house for counterterrorism issues and security of homeland which proposes that AP/HSCT will retain instant and direct access to the president. The argument that I find more compelling is about eradicating stovepipes and advance the process of decision making. General Jones said that the security of their nation should not be insincerely alienated into the components of national safety and homeland security.

Both security agencies should work together to make sure that they have enough full information about the progress of security in the country and the leaders should not let their departments to be disparaged because they are not sharing information among each other. If one of the security department tries to be superior to the other by not sharing information, they have got about security matters; they might fail to prepare for the attack while trying to gain praises from the people. Administration of Obama's outset of the national security society states that the whole idea of what creates the state safety community has to embrace a more comprehensive connection.

An administrative decision making can be well obliged by the United mediums and procedures that further, in a synchronized manner, debate, dialog, oversight and implementation. Homeland Security affects my decision negatively because it has been given many mandates than other security departments and it might feel superior not to share its information with other security agencies. For example, the team has been given authority to control the Domestic Emergency backing squad and the national tragedy medical scheme, and this might cause disagreements between the two departments if they want to govern themselves without being directed.

Questions: Review pages 243-249 describing the Incident Command System within the National Incident Management System (NIMS). According to the readings, what are the main differences between a single Incident Command and a Unified Command? What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of both?

The Multiagency coordination system, incident command system, and public information are the essential basics of occurrence management. These essentials give adjustment through steady terminology and developed organizational systems. Incident command is answerable for the general organization of the incident. The general management comprises of command staff coursework needed to back up the command function. The unified command consists of numerous jurisdictions, a single dominion or several dominions with multiagency engrossment. Unified management permits agencies with various geographic, legal and functional responsibilities and authorities to work organized and efficiently without disturbing personal agency authority, accountability, and responsibilities.

When an event happens within a solo dominion, and there is no functional or jurisdictional agency overlay, a solo IC should be selected with general event management accountability by the appropriate authority of jurisdiction. The nominated IC will create the objectives of the event on which successive incident arrangement will be grounded. Unified command permits every agency with jurisdictional authority and functional accountability for the occurrence to mutually offer management track through a mutual set of event strategies and objectives and a solo IAP.

Their strength is that they both provide IAP which approves all the requirements that concern the ordering and liberating the resources of an incident. Their weakness is that both of them must wait for approval before they release information or orders. For example, the unified command works for a solo combined management association, and this delays their effectiveness in work.

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