Free Essay Sample about Hospital-acquired Pressure

Published: 2019-12-02
Free Essay Sample about Hospital-acquired Pressure
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 964 words
9 min read

Hospital-acquired pressure is a costly ailment to treat. Therefore, the best approach to handle the condition is to invest in prevention strategies. Various researchers have identified effective methods of preventing HAPU. One of these methods, continuous skin assessment, is gaining considerable notice among modern day health care practitioners (Guy, Downie, McIntyre and Peters, 2013). This seemingly simple procedure involves actual examination of a patients skin by sight and touch, throughout the entire body from head to toe, to identify any form of abnormality. The inspection focuses on the bony areas that are more likely to develop pressure ulcers.

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One of the goals of this procedure is the early identification of any pressure ulcer that is starting to develop and those that have developed already, to assess the risk of future occurrence. Secondly, the procedure aims to identify lesions or excessively dry skin, which are the predisposing factors that may lead to HAPU. Finally, to provide the necessary data for quantifying incidences and prevalence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcer (Guy et al., 2013). This technique is just one amongst many methods that are meant for adoption by healthcare providers and are, therefore, key considerations in the training of nurses.

The practice setting is within a care-giving institution, with an ICU of not more than fifteen staff. This institution should be part of the For-profit healthcare system and also a holding company capable of operating through its various subsidiaries.

The selection of this scheme was tenable after the identification of practice issues and an in-depth review of the organization culture, policies, and practices. As such, this was before charging the wound care department to come up with innovative solutions that aim at achieving positive results while utilizing the existing staff resources. The study, therefore, seeks to implement organizational strategies which focus on the reduction of pressure ulcer incidences, through the development of effective wound care practices.

The project also aims to bring out the role of skin care champions in the management of pressure ulcer wounds. The skin care champion program aims to equip bedside nurses with the necessary skill set and resources to support the ongoing wound care services at the unit level. Furthermore, these professionals will also enhance inter-professional performance within the Institute by assisting the dermatology department to handle better and manage patients with complex skin conditions (Taggart et al., 2012).

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Pressure ulcers incidences are common among elderly patients and patients suffering from mild health conditions (Agrawal & Chauhan, 2012). Although a patient may develop pressure outside a care-giving institution, this project will mainly focus on the cases of pressure ulcers that develop under the supervision of health care providers, commonly referred to as Hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (HAPU). It is important for any healthcare provider to understand the section of the population most vulnerable to pressure ulcers. This population is mostly composed of the elderly, especially those above the age of 65. The reason for this high prevalence is that as an individual grows old, their skin becomes more fragile, thinner, and drier than before. This condition further links to the slow rate of production of new cells and platelets (Bhattacharya & Mishra, 2015). That makes their skins much more susceptible to damage. In the event of prolonged hospitalization, these individuals are likely to develop one form of pressure ulcer or another.

Patients who have been under medical tubes and other acute treatment aids are also susceptible to pressure ulcers. These treatment aids lead to limited mobility increasing the risk of developing pressure ulcers. If these also patients suffer other conditions such as diarrhea or acute hyperhidrosis, then their chances of developing pressure ulcers are higher. Other people likely to develop pressure ulcers are; Patients in a coma, patients recovering from surgery, and patients under continuous sedation.


The most efficient response measures for bedsore or pressure ulcers, come down to proper bedside care for at-risk patients. For patients in Intensive care facilities, this requires simple procedures such as turning the patient over at prescribed times, to avoid prolonged stay in one position, cushioning the patient in high-risk areas e.g. around bony prominences, maintain dry skin, and continued daily inspection and assessment of the patient. If a pressure ulcer does occur, then the caregivers can apply useful wound ostomy and dressing practices to ensure that the wound heals and is free from infection (Huang et al., 2011). However, in some rare cases, there is the need for surgical intervention.

The role of skin care champions is becoming clearer. Skin-Care Champions are individuals that are highly trained, with years of experience in treatment, prevention and management of skin related conditions (Taggart et al., 2012). These individuals are assigned to a hospital on a short-term basis, to work with the wound care department of an ICU unit. Their role is to impart the necessary knowledge base and training on techniques for future application in pressure ulcer management.


Most researchers point at proper nutrition as an appropriate intervention of pressure ulcer. Although there is still no direct relationship between pressure ulcers and nutrition, medical doctors continue to urge caregivers to ensure the right nutrition for patients under their care. (Shahin et al., 2011). However, to families that cannot afford the services of a dedicated acute care institution, it is possible to learn practical and modest intervention practices through literature or training seminars. This strategy offers a cheaper alternative, although it might result in costly treatment expenses if not done appropriately.


The primary objective of this project is to ensure that the total number of pressure ulcer incidences reduces by a significant margin. It further aims to provide the intensive care nurses with the necessary training, to prevent and treat patients in the future by ensuring that they are sufficiently ready.


The project is intended to run the full length of a 21-week perio...

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