Essay Sample on How Mcleod Should Handle Dilemma

Published: 2023-08-20
Essay Sample on How Mcleod Should Handle Dilemma
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Multiculturalism Diversity Conflict management Essays by pagecount
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 954 words
8 min read

As a new general manager of the All-Asia Paper Co. (APP), it is evident that David McLeod is faced with dilemmas. He has plunged into a new business environment in SE Asia, which is a new cultural setting. Therefore, in light of this, there is cultural dissonance that he has to balance to ensure that he succeeds in his new company professionally. Notably, McLeod is a Scotsman, and his successes in foreign countries such as Scandinavia, Canada, the U.S., and South Africa point to the fact that he can leverage cultural differences to achieve the desired outcome (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). McLeod's key dilemma is how to deal with a new manager with a forceful personality who is equally impatient. Also, he has to internalize the fact that he operates in a new cultural setting. When McLeod visited the mill for the first time, he was surprised by its state. He needs to develop a framework where he will take into account the company's cultural background, especially their perception of some important aspects of maintenance and safety (Aycanb et al., 2014).

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McLeod should consider infusing elements of Western values and standards that have been guiding him in his earlier undertakings to ensure that he achieves the goals set by Tommy Goh. After meeting Mr. Lai from the Ministry of Safety and Environmental Control, McLeod is faced with a dilemma of whether to enforce his earlier plans of overhauling the mill and returning into shape. Mr. Lai indicated that he was pleased with the mill's state, something that McLeod thought required serious restructuring to ensure that the workers perform their duties safely (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). McLeod is faced with the challenge of demonstrating to Goh that he will need time to overhaul the organizational structure. Goh seems interested in getting a killing on the impending rise in pulp prices. McLeod must find the perfect way to navigate the dilemma and institute a formidable system that will ensure that standards are observed while continuing to get good results. Lai has indicated that a negative report would be disastrous to the company. Further, Lai suggests that his son, although inexperienced, would get an ideal opening as a mechanical engineer if he is hired to work in the company's Control Distribution System (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). However, McLeod feels that the system, which is the AAP's nerve center, cannot be left on the hand of a starter. He must ensure that he sticks to ethical standards on hiring a competent person who will not pose a threat to the overall survival of the company (Aycanb et al., 2014).

Hartford’s Best Response to Bailey’s Predicament

Dan Bailey is facing a predicament on the rayon site. To ensure that the objectives at the site are achieved, his CEO Howard Hartford should ensure that he responds favorably to provide a good environment for higher performance (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). Undoubtedly, lives at the site are at risk since most of the workers lack the right equipment. The CEO should take a central role in ensuring purchasing the right gear for the contract and institute an organizational culture premised on observing safety measures. Bailey and his team are expecting a power boiler through customs, which will aid them in their operations. He is approached by Benny Burdiman, a procurement officer for the rayon project, to sign a form. The form is for a bill of "R.S. Tax: U.S. $35, 000," but he feels that he had paid for everything. Howard should ensure that he observes his moral values in business he has been outlining in the press (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). Further, he should strive to deliver the boiler by staying committed to ethical standards and save Bailey from being put at the center of corruption of the "Reliable service tax." More fundamentally, the CEO should promote ethical values to create a moral foundation that will guide every operation for the rayon project.


From the last paragraphs, it is depicted that there is a mismatch in ethical standards observed by David McLeod, Hari Tung, and Thierry Dupont. While Thierry Dupont, who works for a French multinational and one of the rayon project's vendors, celebrate that he has managed to win a lucrative contract through his "corruption skills," it is unethical behavior that should be discouraged (Butler & Bettignies, 2007). David McLeod emerges as an ethical individual who feels that one should not be proud of corrupt dealings in the business environment. Undoubtedly, winning a contract should be hinged on merit, where the best bidder manages to win it as that will guarantee quality for the project. Competition in bidding for contracts should be enriched to ensure that ethical standards and the much-needed quality are achieved. More critically, creativity should be guided by moral practices and not the desire to win contracts through corruption. Moreover, the creation of employment would be ideal, especially in a country with high unemployment rates. However, such jobs should be created through ethical practices to ensure that society becomes free from corruption.

Additionally, Hari Tung argues that western values are destructive to society and that the Asian culture has a strong sense of family. It should be noted that while Goh has a sense of community, he has become less concerned about the ethical standards that should guide business practice and is focused largely on profitability. From the debate, it can be deduced that countries should emphasize welcoming the transfer of desirable things such as technological progress and desist from embracing moral bankruptcy that may threaten the society's well-being.


Aycan, Z., Kanungo, R. N., & Mendonca, M. (2014). Organizations and management in cross-cultural context. Sage.

Butler, C., & Bettignies, H. (2007) Changmai Corp Case study. INSEAD-EAC.

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