Free Essay: How the Performance of a Team Is Influenced by the Transformational Leadership

Published: 2022-07-13
Free Essay: How the Performance of a Team Is Influenced by the Transformational Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership style Transformational leadership
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1785 words
15 min read

A leader has the responsibility to guide others. Improving team performance is usually a challenge for many leaders. Several factors such as skill sets, different personalities, and work ethics are among the challenges leaders face when working to improve team performance. A leader can help team members collaborate and grow if the leader has a set of skills to overcome the challenges. The research, therefore, strives to answer the question of how the performance of a team is influenced by the transformational leadership style. With over 30 years of experience in design as well as delivery of various portfolio programs, Joan has excelled in various executive positions including being the head of leadership and learning events. She effectively diagnosed and implemented collaboratively much-involving culture change initiative making her enjoy praises from the individuals and organizations she has touched. The research also pinpoints the leadership style used by the autarchic and the executive in the qualitative approach to test the hypothesis relating leadership style and team performance

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Transcribed interview with Joan on how the performance of a team is influenced by the transformational leadership.

Interviewer: Why do leaders engage followers?

Joan: leading teams effectively is a continuous process that entails a wider range of refined skill-set for the purpose of handling the variety of instances bound to occur.

Interviewer: what are the ways to form a culture that positively responds to change?

Joan: it all points out to the relationship between the leader and the subordinates.

Interviewer: what unique thing do you do for your team to make them lively and up to the task?

Joan: leaders have several challenges in directing human capital towards the realization of organizational objectives. Leaders cannot succeed alone, therefore; they need the general effort of the other employees.

Interviewer: what's your opinion comparing the past and current methods of managing followers?

Joan: the contemporary world advocates for bringing together skills and resources from a variety of employees. We, therefore, champion for the strong leadership and teamwork.

Interviewer: what do you see as a challenge in the handling of human resource?

Joan: the major challenge in the contemporary job set up is directing human capital to a direction of realizing the organizational objective. It all involves adjusting the leadership growth in skills and the ability to manage as well as motivate the team to grow as well.

Interviewer: is there any importance of the team in your organization?

Joan: of course yes. Leaders alone are unable to find solutions to the several challenges that are in the workplace. In the contemporary workplaces, there is a need to bring together a variety of skills and resources from different sets of individuals. And this is the reason why as a team leader, I emphasize on means of creating a strong bond among team members and strengthening leadership.

Interviewer: how do you go about managing your group?

Joan: the team members need to consent to their leader. It is indeed important for the team members to recognize their leaders. This is when the leadership has what it takes to be a leader. Leaders also should have an ability to make and maintain means to increase their member's participation, incorporate the diverse personalities as well as having the ability to work along with those with deviations in the group. This is the moment the leaders begin to bring out their ability to initiate the transactional leadership character.

Interviewer: what other personality characters should a team leader have other than the experience and academic qualification?

Joan: a transformational leader should be a good negotiator. The leader should be able to design agreements that the members can exchange for the intended results. Through this, the leader can reward performance in the direction that the intended goal and also punish failures. Such leaders usually become proactive in how they think and act. They also become too radical, creative and innovative as well as being open-minded. These lead to the creation of committed and enthusiastic team members

Interviewer: how do you carry out your performance management analysis?

Joan: as managers know, there exist three levels in the performance management system and it includes team, individual and organization. For the individual, the personal performance is measured through evaluation of your performance towards the intended goal.

Interviewer: How does your organization carry performance measurement systems for the three different categories?

Joan: for the measurement of the performance in the different levels, usually a leader designs a concept called the resulting agreement where the leader on behalf of the followers do negotiate with the government units and the authorities above them in power. The individual evaluations are regulated by the state laws and in the NGOs, they are evaluated based on the competency to carry out the regulations of their job descriptions. Adjustments have been done to the procedure of evaluations and the focus has of late been in the customer relation, teamwork, result and professional commitment.

Interviewer: what is the main role of the leaders with these characters in the organization?

Joan: the contemporary adjustments in the public administration calls for equal measure for the adjustment in the leadership and management changes in relation to performance and leadership. The leader is therefore seen as having a key role in the organizational development as they create meaning, as well as shares in common the reality of the organizational goals. They also ensure that their followers are motivated and have a common purpose to meet as their daily obligation. In general, the leader creates the direction and the future of the organization.


The manual coding and the theme analysis involve six step procedures which include familiarization with the data, preliminary coding, searching of codes, theme review, naming of themes and finally reporting.

Data Familiarity

Manual coding method used in finding themes in the interview. For manual coding of the qualitative analysis, the researcher reads and re-reads the transcribed interview for familiarization as the researcher considers the following questions for coding purposes: what people intend to accomplish? What are they doing? How do they do it? What strategies do they use? Which means did they employ? What do members say? Do participants know what is going on? What axioms are put in place? And what is really taking place?

Initial Code Generation

It is done through data on a systematic to give meaning to the data. For specific question of the research that is how transformational leadership affect teams' performance, the use of the manual coding was employed in order to capture the perspective of the study on the research question from which the analysis is to be done for this theoretical analysis of the theme. Coding was therefore done on the parts of the interview that touched significantly on the research question. Open coding was used as there were no preset codes and modification done along the process of analysis. The desire to have the team working with the main focus to reach a better result became a recurring question in the interview which was also fundamental in the findings of the research question. A discussion is done and the codes generated. The codes generated are then ranked and a concentration is done to the ones that have the direct link to the research question. This is done through hand on hard copies and highlighting sections.

Searching Themes

In the findings, after using the codes to identify the data of interest, codes and data are used to identify the themes. The list of the code is then analyzed and then collates it to come up with the theme that captures the needs of your research question. These are done through back and forth movement of the codes to come up with the combination of the code that brings a variety of themes. Theme relations and the varied theme levels can also be obtained through the use of the map drawn or captured in the sticky notes. Codes made cannot all fit for the themes, therefore some can be subthemes. Some themes can be obtained directly from the codes if they meet the entire minimum requirement for the themes. A temporary mixed theme can be created with codes that cannot find a specific theme to fall into, which is used to preserve codes that could be of importance on a later instance.

Theme review

Review of the themes already obtained is done to refine the output. This is done to create the confidence if the extract supports the case of contradiction, there may be a spill in the themes in order to achieve a narrow perspective of each theme. Coherent and distinctive themes are then desired for accurate data representation.

Naming of themes

This should be done in a descriptive manner. The researcher must show what the theme entails, its interesting portions and why the researcher thinks that it is interesting. It also captures how the particular theme relates to the other themes as well as how it engages the research cases where the theme is not meeting the already set expectations, then the researcher should go to the point of the theme review to redo the process until a coherent and easy to describe theme is reached.

Report production

The quality of the research depends on the analysis. This is achieved through the inclusion of the already established theme.


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