Free Essay Example - Human Experience of Illness

Published: 2023-07-10
Free Essay Example - Human Experience of Illness
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Personal experience Customer service
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 954 words
8 min read

The main objective of every hospital is to provide an environment that the sick can get the peace that allows their body to heal. The patients usually deserve to relax their mind and body to fasten their healing. Three concepts create a stable environment for the sick. These include the seen, unseen, and the storied background.

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The seen environment is the physical aspect of the surrounding. This environment pertains to all the things that can be seen, felt, smelled, heard, tasted, or measured. A hot and tasty meal, soothing music, and a colorfully decorated room can quicken the healing of a patient. Cool music enables the patient to relax his/her body and mind. Tasty and hot food nourishes their body and gives them life. The seen environment is neither spiritual nor mystical since it has evidence of existence (Shelly & Miller, 2006). In Ivan's story, his home is the perceived environment where he should get all the comfort he needs for his recovery. The patient fails to understand this following the treatment and attitude he receives from the family members.

The unseen environments are the objects that are seen by faith but not physical. These are realities that are never recognized by the five senses of human beings. Things like suffering, death, and birth can never be seen physically since they go beyond the physical body. It is in the unseen environment where God dwells (Shelly & Miller, 2006). It is at this place where the patients get to have positive thinking that enhances their recovery process. The get to fix their mind on the unseen things, and it is their belief that enables them to heal. In this environment, it only the patient and God who dwells in it, and it takes God's power to direct the patients' thoughts and beliefs (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Only God can help the patient in making the right decision. Ivan, in his mind, he only sees death, and through the help of Gerasim, he has come to accept the reality of death (Tolstoy, 2004). He believes his death will bring happiness to the family.

The storied environment is the understanding of hope. Here the caregivers and nurses share the words of faith with the patients after reading the scriptures (Shelly & Miller, 2006). By doing so, they give the patients a purpose to live hence fasten their healing process. The health providers motivate the sick to fight their health, thus lead to a better life. In this article, Gerasim gives hope to Ivan following the words he shares with him (Tolstoy, 2004). Gerasim was the only person who cared for Ivan and used the connection he had with God to give hope to his dying boss.

The phenomenology of illness describes how it feels like to be sick. Getting a disease, especially a terminal illness like in Ivan's case, can be stressful and confusing. In most cases, the patients usually find it hard to accept it. They tend to consult various physicians to confirm the results and come to terms with reality. After visiting several doctors and confirms the disease, the patients can at least manage to overcome the stress and confusion he had. After the doctors have explained everything regarding the condition and how it can be treated or managed, most patients tend to get some peace of mind. In the article, Ivan created an unseen environment making his family members and friends uncomfortable to visit his room (Tolstoy, 2004). After exploring all the options, he came to terms with his terminal illness. He realizes all the mistakes he did in life and accepts God by repenting all his sins what finally grant him peace of mind.

Phenomenology also describes the critical structure of patient experience. The illnesses make life becomes meaningless as the patients generate the feeling of helplessness, pain, and hopelessness. In the story, Ivan's wife narrates to peter how her husband suffered in his last days on earth (Tolstoy, 2004). Ivan underwent physical, emotional, and even psychological suffering. The illness destroyed the relationship he had with his family.

Personal Experience with Illness

My grandfather suffered from lung cancer. As a family, we found it difficult to accept his condition. He was diagnosed with stage four cancer, and the news did not sound right to him. That day the doctor disclosed that information to him. He looked devastated and confused. The look on his face made us all lose hope though we had to hide our feelings. According to the doctor, he was left with a few months to live. We had to come together as a family and give him all the support he needed. The first month was never easy, but he came to accept his condition and leave the few months left without regrets.

When his condition worsened, he refused the life-support machine. He gathered all the family members in his room the night before he died. He talked and encouraged us to remain united, loving, and supportive of each other. He finalized everything with a word of prayer and then released everyone to go to sleep. The next day, we were greeted with his lifeless body lying peacefully on his bed. At first, we thought he was still asleep until we touched his body which was very cold. His death saddened me, but my mind was at peace, for he is out of the suffering he endured for all those months. He was finally resting away from the misery life brought on him.


Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing. Downers Grove, Ill: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press. ISBN:978-0-8308-2765-7

Tolstoy, L. (2004). The death of Ivan Ilyich. Bantam Classics. Doi: 10.1089/jpm.2009.0092

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