Free Essay with Intervention Plan for Children with Divorced Parents

Published: 2019-09-03
Free Essay with Intervention Plan for Children with Divorced Parents
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Parenting Child development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1054 words
9 min read

Children that are born to a divorced family are often perceived to lack the essential provision that a child needs. Of essence, children are entitled to having both mother and fatherly loves during their growth period. The individual academic achievements are critically influenced by the instances of divorce. Children often experience loneliness and a sense of disturbance due to the absence of either parents or both. For instance, in the event of divorce, the children may be left out with the mother or the mother leaves them with the father. On the contrary, certain instances may also involve children being left alone under the mercies of the public and the government. Besides, children may also be integrated with the members of the extended family in the event of a divorced parent set up.

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Under the four main instances, this paper develops a four projection framework upon which students associated with family divorcee parents are accustomed to and can be assisted to mitigate the impact of the divorce incidence on their academic performance. In many instances, the effect is elaborate and may affect their psychological orientations to an extent of demeaning their logical thinking regarding any future element their lives. In this regard, ATL is considered to provide an essential element upon which the connection between divorce and the academic performances of the children in this set up. Technological aids is one of the essential components that can be incorporated into the mix towards enhancing children motivations towards enhancing their individual roles in academic achievements regardless of the social situation created by divorce. The four phases of the intervention could be done progressively based on the availability of resources both human and capital nature.

Project Timeline

The implementation of interventions will take an indiscernible period of time. The following are implementation steps with the projected time to complete each activity.

Establish the objectives (1 month) To eliminate wasted time, the first month of the project should be spent clarifying the goals that organization want to achieve with the implementation

Assess the current situation regarding the individual children status. This implies identifying the set up which can involve children left in the community care, living with extended family members or fully fledged abandonment where children have been living alone.

Identify some of the current challenges facing the children within 10 days and propose some of the immediate measures to restore normalcy on the childrens lives. Make moderations to ensure that children are able to couple with the resolution approach that will be undertaken later.

Define what the system must do (15 days) This process will encompass drawing a sketch future projection of the ideal path to be taken towards developing an identity for the children. Children require an association that does not generate stigma in future. Consequently, the stakeholders identify some of the essential components that are involved in generating social connection between children and the society as well as their immediate relatives.

Negotiate upon some of the elements that are central to the establishment of critical development framework towards resolving some of the immediate challenges involved in the upbringing of the children. This may involve considering some of the essential needs associated with the child during and after the period of evacuation from desperation or period of possible fallout from academic institution.

Train and accommodate the childrens possible capacity build up in order to manifest essential qualities that would dictate the best framework to adopt towards locating a possible long-term resolution. This may involve testing proficiency of the children including their resilience and general abilities to cope with the prevailing experiences devoid of adversely affecting their academic performances. (1 month)

Evaluation of effectiveness of the process. This involves engaging important system frameworks through thorough testing to ensure good performance as per the anticipated standard. Evaluation may take 35 days.

Note: reduced time frame for each observation and intervention is considered elemental to ensuring that children are not adversely affected psychologically by the interventions themselves


The implementation of the intervention will require human resources, which include; current staffs in the organization and situational analyst. Children experts would also be an important incorporation into the mix towards enhancing the social cognitive aspects of the children in the scope of the interventional plan. Overall, the entire intervention project is estimated to cost about $725. This cost has been pressed down as a result of a team of volunteers who will be involved in generating some of the anticipated project elements that are central to the child support initiative. The family members are also expected to provide some of the essential services free of charge.

Monitoring the proposed solution

The tools that will be used to measure the implementation of the project include questionnaire and a scale focusing on individual children as the respondents as well as the society based on changing perceptions towards the children before during and after the intervention.

Process for delivering the solution

Children from divorced parents are considered to have poor performance in mathematics in particular. As a result, the intervention will adopt a framework incorporating the teachers of individual children in the set up in order to understand the actual academic position of the child and provide a framework upon which children-centered teaching approach can be adopted within the grace period of restoring normalcy in the children learning process. Teachers will be the main variables influencing child performance, having a background snap of the childs individual needs that leverage their academic proficiency.

Data collection plan

Data collection will be based on the ideals generated from the individual children confession as well as the contribution of the independent observers who may include teachers and the neighboring entities.

Risk Management

The project implementation team will handle the arising barriers from within plan. For instance, social barriers such as lack of support from the family will be handled through enhanced collaboration with the society and the school which are the two main potential sources of important information regarding the childrens performances and social experiences from a past to present perspective.

Feasibility of Implementation Plan

This plan is deemed to succeed based on the fact that it involves a multi-taskforce and societal projection including all the important stakeholders in the child development including the school settings that are essential to defining their academic performance under focus here within the chosen framework.

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Free Essay with Intervention Plan for Children with Divorced Parents. (2019, Sep 03). Retrieved from

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