Free Essay: Introduction to Strategic Leadership

Published: 2023-11-24
Free Essay: Introduction to Strategic Leadership
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature review Leadership development Leadership style
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 407 words
4 min read

Davies, B. (2018). Strategic leadership in School Leadership and Management. Research Gate. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

The article defines strategic leadership and explains how it has been applied in the education sector. The author reflects on how leadership challenges in schools are solved by strategic leadership by having leaders who provide leadership and therefore are accountable when wrong decisions are made. The author states that strategic thinking is involved where the delegated leaders evaluate options and embrace the best decision. Strategic leadership in the schools used in the case study as per the article improved the functioning in schools when the leaders embraced strategic leadership. The managers make decisions based on the vision and leadership of the organization.

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Gupta, M. (2018). Strategic Leadership: An Effective Tool for Sustainable Growth. Research Gate. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

The article defines strategic leadership as the leadership style that enables organizations to remain competitive in an environment that keeps changing. The article states that organizations have strategic goals that they want to achieve in the long run; hence the strategic leadership makes the organization to embrace different ideas from different people. The articles also explain the challenges likely to be faced by leaders that embrace strategic leadership. The challenges include external and internal influence, challenges incorporation between different leaders that have different leadership skills. The article also states the characteristics of strategic leadership, which include leaders to be emotionally intelligent, vision, organized, and passionate about work.

Guillot, C. (2018). Introduction to Strategic Leadership. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

The author of this article published in the Civil Air Patrol website is Col Guillot. The article covers the definition of strategic leadership, components of the strategic environment, characteristics, and challenges of decision-making, and the essential competencies of a strategic leader. Strategic leadership entails decision-making across agencies, cultures, agendas, and personalities. It involves designing and implementing plans that are feasible, desirable, and acceptable.


Davies, B. (2018). Strategic leadership in School Leadership and Management. Research Gate. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

Guillot, C. (2018). Introduction to Strategic Leadership. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

Gupta, M. (2018). Strategic Leadership: An Effective Tool for Sustainable Growth. Research Gate. Retrieved 30 August 2020, from

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Free Essay: Introduction to Strategic Leadership. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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