Is there pressure on teenagers to go to college?

Published: 2023-01-06
Is there pressure on teenagers to go to college?
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Government World Accounting Community
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1370 words
12 min read

After graduating from high school, many teenagers face immense pressure to go to college. The society expects them to perform well in every possible field of life, which is impossible and too much to ask. Students have different qualities and traits and asking them to continue with their education or focusing on specific fields because of how promising the field is can be frustrating. Parents wish well for their children and pushing them to get a degree in higher education is expected. The 21st century is also a fast-growing century where it's not easy because discoveries are found every day, hence the end to keep up. Being a teenager in such a society puts immense pressure on them in terms of advancement and sharpening their skills.

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When teenagers are younger, during their childhood, there is no pressure on them or complications. But as they grow up and become teenagers, everything changes. Teenagers are brainwashed into thinking that getting a job and going to college is the only way they would be successful in life. If one does not have a degree, they are a nobody. The unpleasant pressure is created because people study so that they can go to college.

Given the above, throughout high school, teenagers are constantly reminded about what waits for them. While finishing their final year in high school, college is constantly in their minds. They feel pressure coming from teachers, parents, and guardians regarding joining the University. They are made to feel that the only honor roll that is accepted is going through the university and attaining a degree. Students try to achieve success by all means even if it means infringing on their health. Pressure on teenagers to become successful can be excessive. With age comes expectations which they are expected to live up to. The teenagers are required to be college-ready or four-year-university ready.

The guardians or older people guiding the teenagers do not have an idea of the possibilities the teenagers have at their fingertips. All options to make money should not necessarily involve going to college. Many parents from the older generation do not understand the other options that exist apart from going to college. The idea of getting a job without having to flip burgers, with just a diploma from high school is laughable. Other parents force their children to go to college because they want them to be professionals such as lawyers and doctors like them. Consequently, teenagers feel pressured. The society we live in is guilty of the pressure too. The labor market has also placed demands on teenagers because they are required to have degrees and masters to qualify for employment and earn a good living. The lack of freedom in making decisions make them feel frustrated increasing the tension.

Also, most students are not prepared for college, and when they are through with their final year, thinking they are going to be free at last, the pressure to go to college starts to mount. The last year of high school, which they thought was their final year to freedom turns into a year of preparation and stress deciding which college to go and whether they attain the bare minimum. They suddenly have coursework, financial responsibilities, and freedom that they get. They transition form not worrying much to being overwhelmed with everything, although this does not happen to everyone. The unpreparedness can be shown by the pressure they face while in college; this includes debt, health problems, and time management problems. Their families also experience debt in terms of finances needed to pay the college fees. At least every student faces these problems while in college.

Because of the college demands, students strive to get the best grades, and they find themselves in a pile of debt by the time they are done with college. Some students take credit to be able to manage their college education. The cost of course books and classes remain high while they also have to deal with the cost of living without a full-time job. To a teenager who just left high-school, their worry increases. Eventually, the whole vicious circle takes a toll on a young juvenile leading to depression and negative outcomes.

Additionally, many teenagers go to college, not because they want to, but because they see their peers and friends going to college and they feel the pressure to conform. Most of these students do not choose what is best for them, but the right thing to do, which is going to college. Sometimes, the choice to even peruse certain courses is based on what their parents think is best for them. They just do what they are asked to do. Given a choice, they would follow a different path. Maybe pursue a different course or not to go to college at all; therefore, sometimes the teenagers do not even have the choice to do what they want.

Students deal with peer pressure form the high school level, and they are notoriously known for not making the right decisions for themselves. The pressure to go to college comes from both peers and the family, making it even hard for them to make sober choices. Teenagers are always under pressure to fit into social situations. When they find themselves in life-altering situations such as going to college, they are faced with anxiety, stress, worry and even lack of confidence. The idea of going to college is met with being scared because they are expected to put in a lot in class work and also study while at home. Some teenagers have shown bad behavior after being forced to go to college by their parents and society. This sometimes leads to lack of motivations and consequent pressure and sometimes college dropouts.


While it is generally agreeable that there should be pressure on teenagers and all students to do well in school, such pressure can sometimes lead them to a breaking point. Although reasonable pressure is necessary to ensure students are successful, there should be pressure which is healthy. College is a great opportunity to increase the knowledge of students. It Also allows those who want to peruse their particular field of interest, become experts while chasing their dreams. It is an advantageous way to join the labor market, and nobody should feel any pressure about it. In the end, there should be a balance between a healthy amount of pressure and unnecessary stress to avoid overstretching the limits of such teenagers. Even though parents want the best for their children, they are young people who also should be allowed to make decisions for themselves. Meddling with such teenagers can sometime only add more harm to them. Therefore, with proper guidance, counseling and consideration of what the teenagers want, they should be allowed to make decisions for themselves.


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