Live Scan: Benefits for Community Policing Programs - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-14
Live Scan: Benefits for Community Policing Programs - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Technology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 565 words
5 min read


A live scan is an electronic inkless means in which fingerprints get captured using digital software, which is then transmitted to a correspondent state software system used by law enforcement agencies. It benefits community policing programs in that fingerprints of criminals can be electronically captured; hence crime records can be accessed through cross-referencing with the FBI database and other history responses (Turvey, 2017). Furthermore, it enables law enforcement agencies to retake a criminal’s fingerprints multiple times, thereby ensuring that they can capture better image qualities and be able to respond to criminal activities faster. It is efficient in terms of service delivery and efficiency as it limits error occurrence as it is system guided, less messy, and easy to use as compared to the older forms of fingerprint taking.

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It gives each criminal unique database imagery in which a criminal can get convicted in whichever state of arrest as the data included in the system is unique with an individual identification number. As such, law enforcement agencies can counteract crimes in communities through the use of the live scan as it incorporates digital prints, which can be cross-referenced to the FBI database giving out possible information on alias names, social security numbers, thereby creating an identification trace-back. Hence, no two individuals or people can have the same fingerprints (Turvey, 2017). Such unique features enable law enforcement agencies to streamline efficiency levels in community programs and those of the state. Equal measures promote equal living; therefore, unnecessary actions are eliminated, and profound reasoning is enacted. As such, crime levels would be eradicated by proper action resumption efforts, thus limiting crime.


Livescan use incorporates significant drawbacks; hence it does not entirely eradicate criminal tendencies. For example, live scan technology includes the use of scanners to identify and reciprocate a criminal’s fingerprint. The scanners, however, can be manipulated in that they do not know the difference between an image of a finger and the finger itself. As such, it can be misled by the shape of a person’s finger (Turvey, 2017). Furthermore, anyone can gain access to an authorized technician prints, thereby disrupting system software. A person can also gain access to such a database and steal important identity information. These inequalities would lead to unprecedented levels of criminal activities.

The drawbacks exist since technological advances have limits on factors such as software use and personnel access to identify information. Furthermore, they can be as a result of incompetency in basic operations and management of systems and personnel who run the programs. Livescan use aims at solving specific problems such as identity theft, which is rampant in multiple communities. It provides law enforcement agencies with a unit base in which they can identify a criminal and bring them to justice. It also helps to impose the need for technological advancements (Turvey, 2017). Therefore, inputs can get enacted to impose better training systems for civilians and law enforcement agencies. Unlimited access to creative measures increases the input needs for law enforcement agencies and impositions on the general public concern—similar actions aid community policing, thereby improving living standards.


In summary, technological advances are essential tools in crime eradication. As such, impositions serve as sanctions for which law enforcement agencies can mitigate crimes. Hence, creative structural systems strategies better measure implementation on criminal laws, jurisdictions, and community programs.


Turvey, J. (2017). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/929,365.

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Live Scan: Benefits for Community Policing Programs - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 14). Retrieved from

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