Essay Sample on Male Infertility

Published: 2023-12-25
Essay Sample on Male Infertility
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 782 words
7 min read

Male infertility is a condition caused due to the male producing low sperm, blockages, and sperm functioning abnormally. It is a relatively common condition where up to 13 out of the 100 couples who do not get pregnant with unprotected sex, it all comes to male infertility. It is very frustrating not to conceive a child, although several treatments.

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The typical sign of infertility in males is where a couple cannot sire a child. Sexual function problems are some o the sign and functions of male infertility. For instance, small volumes of fluid ejaculated, complicated with ejaculation, challenges maintain an erection or reduce sexual desire. Also, abnormal breast growth decreased body or facial hair, and the inability to smell are some of the signs and symptoms (Lotti and Maggi, 2018). When growing up, males do not recognize the symptoms and signs. They tend to know that everything is ok and boast around, especially around their age mates when young.

It is crucial to see a doctor if one cannot conceive a child from time to time, especially if you have a groin, penis, testicle or scrotum surgery, a history of prostate, testicle of any sexual challenges. Discomfort, pain, or if one has a swelling or lump in the testicle area or if one has ejaculation or erection problems, it is advised they visit the doctor as soon as possible.

For a sperm to be mature and healthy, it depends on many things. Factor such as temperatures also affects as you find the temperature of the scrotum may affect fertility, leading to male infertility. The most common challenges associated with making and growing sperms include not being made at all, not moving the right way, being oddly shaped, not growing altogether, and being produced in low numbers. Most of the factors that affect sperm problems are adapting traits that one was born with, in each case.

Some of the health, lifestyle, and other causes include drinking alcohol, tobacco smoking, emotional stress, depression, drug use such as steroids, and taking other medications that can lower the sperm count. Other causes of low sperm numbers include childhood infections, for instance, mumps and long-term sickness like kidney failure. There are also environmental causes that can result in infertility, which mostly involve being exposed to toxins, chemicals, and heat, which reduces the number of sperm production. These environmental causes include being exposed to massive metal exposure, such as lead and other heavy metal. X-rays or radiation exposure can reduce the sperm level, although they eventually will recover. Overheating the testicles to some elevated temperature impairs sperm production, which brings to those who use hot tubs and sauna as their lifestyle (Durairajanayagam, 2018). Research has shown that this lifestyle is not that bad since the damage is only temporary.

The important thing that people need to know is that infertility is not your partner’s fault or your fault. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) estimates that in all the infertility cases, a third of it is due to males and the other two females. Nevertheless, some solutions are called assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs). These are high- tech methods to join the egg and the sperm that assist whenever sex is inappropriate (Abu-Naser, 2016). The health care providers have assisted by advising if pregnancy does not work; they should try the method. There are many methods for retrieving the sperm cell, which is only decided for by your urology.

The remedy of all these is that male fertility can still be avoided and prevented from occurring. Some of the items are to regularly keep the weight off, avoiding activities that cause prolonged heat for the testicles, reducing, avoiding stress, limiting or, if possible, avoiding stress. Not getting a vasectomy and avoiding heavy metals or exposure to pesticides and other toxins (Bisht and Dada, 2017). Prevention is better than cure. You will realize that now you may not see the effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle, although in the future, it becomes so stressful when a male is ready to start a family, and it becomes challenging to conceive a child. Even with the ways to solve it, complications such as it is expensive and involves reproductive techniques, surgery, or other procedures that may be implemented and generally the stress and the difficulties in a relationship related to the inability to get a child.


Bisht, S., Faiq, M.&, Dada, R. (2017). Oxidative stress and male infertility. Nature Reviews Urology, 14(8), 470-485.

Abu-Naser, S. S. (2016). Male infertility expert system diagnoses and treatment.

Durairajanayagam, D. (2018). Lifestyle causes of male infertility. Arab Journal of Urology, 16(1), 10-20.

Lotti, F., & Maggi, M. (2018). Sexual dysfunction and male infertility. Nature Reviews Urology, 15(5), 287-307.

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