Paper Example on Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy

Published: 2023-11-14
Paper Example on Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy
Essay type:  Problem solution essays
Categories:  Maternity Healthcare Pregnancy Substance abuse
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 592 words
5 min read

In the article "Maternal Smoking Before and During Pregnancy and the Risk of Sudden Infant death" (Anderson et al., 2019), Anderson and colleagues estimate that it is possible to reduce the current US sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) rates of more than annual 3700 infant deaths by 22% if mothers did not smoke while pregnant.

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(Anderson et al., 2019) also found that smoking cigarettes in pregnancy doubles the risk for sudden unexpected infant death (SUID). It also states that there is a link between the average total number of cigarettes smoked daily and the estimated risk for SUID. The article analyses the findings of a retrospective cross-sectional study using birth/infant cohort-linked death data set from 2007 to 2011. In 2011, the study analyzed smoking behavior three months before pregnancy and the effect on SUID risk.


((Anderson et al., 2019) argues that public health campaigns have successfully reduced other SUID risks but that the risk caused by maternal smoking has increased in recent years. (Anderson et al., 2019) states that maternal smoking increases the risk for SUID by double as compared to no smoking, the risk increased doubly for each cigarette smoked. The average number of cigarettes smoked per day was a great determinant of the risk for SUID. The risk for those who smoked less than a pack per day, 20 cigarettes, steadily increased after which the risk was found to plateau. (Anderson et al., 2019) thus suggests that public education efforts to stop maternal smoking would have a larger impact on SUID rates if focused on those smoking less than a pack per day as compared to the traditional target that focuses on those smoking the most.

The reduction in the amount of cigarettes smoked daily during the pregnancy and influence on the odds of SUID was also analyzed, included those mothers who completely quit smoking. After comparison with those mothers who did not reduce or stop smoking (Anderson et al., 2019), the risk was reduced slightly with the bigger reduction being for those who stopped smoking.

As for the SUID risk for those who smoke three months before pregnancy, the risk was comparatively increased for those who quit before pregnancy compared to non-smokers. This risk (Anderson et al., 2019) argues could be to other factors such as having an environment with other smokers or the mother being unaware of pregnancy in the early first trimester and the need to stop smoking. It is also likely for the mother to pick up smoking after birth. However, the risk was noted not to be significantly affected by the number of cigarettes smoked daily before pregnancy. (Anderson et al., 2019) advocates for women to stop smoking before pregnancy.

The study noted a limiting effect of a smoking environment during and after pregnancy that has an independent influence on SUID risk. It also noted that self- reported data on maternal smoking might be influenced by inaccuracy, especially since it is socially accepted that smoking is unhealthy.


It is the view of (Anderson et al., 2019) that the current US SUID rates would be significantly decreased if no mothers smoked and that cessation of smoking has a positive effect on the risk for SUID thus mothers should be encouraged to stop smoking for the greatest reduction on the risk. However, a reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked daily would also cause a small reduction in risk.


Anderson, T. M., Ferres, J. M., Ren, S. Y., Moon, R. Y., Goldstein, R. D., Ramirez, J., & Mitchell, E. A. (2019). Maternal Smoking Before and During Pregnancy and the Risk of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death. Pediatrics, 143(4). doi:10.1542/peds.2018-3325

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