Paper Example. Modification and Accommodation for Learners With Inabilities

Published: 2023-11-30
Paper Example. Modification and Accommodation for Learners With Inabilities
Essay type:  Proposal essays
Categories:  Learning Problem solving Child development Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 975 words
9 min read

Accommodation refers to changes that are usually done in the education setting with the intensions of enabling learners to manage their various challenges that can result from their inability to read and write due to their disability. Modification is a change done on the materials that the learners are using during the learning process (Weis et al., 2020). They include strategies for instructions and tools used in interventions to enables the learners to understand the materials fully by giving clearer instructions usually done on step by step

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Modification/Accommodations for Hearing Impairment

  1. The first Accommodation is an individual hearing instrument (hearing aid, cochlear implant, bone-anchored, tactile device)
  2. The second Accommodation is the classroom sound distributing system (CAD)
  3. The third Accommodation is reducing noise making in class
  4. The forth Accommodation is reducing of the auditory distractions
  5. The fifth Accommodation is to capture videos in a closed caption
  6. The sixth Accommodation is to pre-teach the vocabularies before the actual lessons
  7. The seventh Accommodation is to provide them with ASL Interpreter
  8. The eighth Accommodation is to provide these students with some extra time during exams
  9. The first Modification here is strategizing on how to adapt the aural into accommodating the reduced auditory access

Modification/Accommodation for students suffering from Dyslexia

  1. The first Accommodation would be for the teachers to enable them to use text to speech software.
  2. The second Accommodation would be providing the students with larger print notes
  3. The third Accommodation is to allow the students to record oral answers
  4. The forth Accommodation is to give the students instructions verbally.
  5. The fifth Accommodation is to put the students into smaller groups
  6. The sixth Accommodation is to extend the time for this particular type of students
  7. The first Modification here would be allowing the students to have spelling lists that are relating to the phonics rules

Modifications/Accommodations for Autism Spectrum Disorder

  1. The first Accommodation is to provide the students with an easily visible daily timetable
  2. The second accommodations are preferential seating
  3. The third Accommodation would be preparing the students ahead of time in case there are changes in daily routine.
  4. The forth Accommodation is to provide the students with a routine daily timetable
  5. The fifth Accommodation is to provide the students with videos, pictures, and charts for the visual learners.
  6. The sixth Accommodation is enhancing recording for auditory students
  7. The seventh Accommodation is to provide the students with a sensory tool
  8. The eighth Accommodation is to provide the students with a quiet corner
  9. The ninth Accommodation is to give these students an extra break
  10. The first Modification is the provision of word backs in completion of the worksheet

Modifications/Accommodations for ADHD

  1. The first Accommodation is providing these types of students with flexible seating (i.e., the standing desks and wiggle chairs)
  2. The second Accommodation is keeping instructions much simpler, clear, and concrete.
  3. The third Accommodation is to use extra verbal cues as this will enables these students to be more focused
  4. The forth Accommodation is to provide an option for these students on how to do their work
  5. The fifth Accommodation is to provide these particular students with a break
  6. The first Modification here is to give these student regular short tests instead of less often long test
  7. The Second Modification is to provides these groups of students with an oral presentation of written documents.

In cases like autism, child, modification, and accommodation would be the most important goals. An increase in calmness and improved interaction would be the essential objectives here. Accommodation will help such children in easy interaction with other learners despite their hypertensive state. Accommodation may also involve some changes in lesson presentations, equipment, and even environmental issues. In the same line, the modification will enable the learners to be taught in line with what they want and expect to be taught (Crim et al., 2018). This particular alteration is either made in the instructions of the paper, the structure of the performance of the assignment, or in the main content.

Communicating and actively engaging a child will be the main challenge in the case of a student who has a physical disability. Accommodation is also required in this particular fashion. Improving communication, enhancing interaction, and introducing active participation will also become the primary goals here (Weis et al., 2016). Therefore, accommodation here will have to be initiated using a different method of communicating, methods or instructions and upgrading the learning environment. This strategy will help in improving communication and interaction.

For the child with AD/HD, I have to come up with a plan that, first of all, will ensure that these particular children are very comfortable in their various learning environments. I will upgrade the classroom environment. I will have to limit any distractions that could distract these particular groups of children in their various classes. In the process of restricting distractions for these children in their classes, I would also divide their lessons and their multiple tasks into smaller and simpler steps (Thurlow et al., 2015). This will be improving their ability to commit to a particular primary task or a goal. Apart from all these, I will want to know more about the interaction and emotional state of these children in their neutral environment. In the same fashion, a modification will be needed in giving content, in performance, in assignment structures, or in giving out instructions


Weis, R., Dean, E. L., & Osborne, K. J. (2016). Accommodation decision making for postsecondary students with learning disabilities: Individually tailored or one size fits all? Journal of learning disabilities, 49(5), 484-498.

Crim, C., Hawkins, J., Ruban, L., & Johnson, S. (2018). Curricular modifications for elementary students with learning disabilities in high-, average-, and low-IQ groups. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 22(3), 233-245.

Thurlow, M. L., Ysseldyke, J. E., & Silverstein, B. (2015). Testing accommodations for students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 16(5), 260-270.

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Paper Example. Modification and Accommodation for Learners With Inabilities. (2023, Nov 30). Retrieved from

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