Essay Example. Most Helpful Treatment Plan Concepts/Ideas

Published: 2023-04-23
Essay Example. Most Helpful Treatment Plan Concepts/Ideas
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read

Treatment assessment is critical, thus necessitating the inclusion of the following three concepts in treatment plans: problem statements, stages of change, and objectives and interventions.

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Problem Statement

A problem list is a critical component that allows the counselor to establish the client's need(s). It is integrated the initial stage for undertaking the treatment planning. It is then followed by the client "buy-in" to the problem phase, where the counselor gets to meet the client on their belief of what their immediate need is. It is in this understanding that the client's need gets to be well perceived by the counselor without bias. Therefore, the counselor can be able to convince the client on the additional advice that is necessary or helpful to the client.

Mutual understanding between the counselor and the client allows them to agree on the root of the problem affecting the client. This is usually achieved after mastering of the skill of making the client have a sense of being understood and showing genuine care, concern, and patience by the counselor. The counselor, therefore, establishes the phase of the problem in need of improvement versus statement-of-fact. The present issue is easily distinguished from the past problem, which may not be affecting the client directly on the present day.

|The client may have been under medication for particular prescribed treatments. After some time, another situation may arise that may require the client to see a counselor. This current problem may not be necessary for it to be solved through the use of the previous factual medication, as it may differ significantly in its own way of treatment administration. It is therefore essential for the negative consequences of using a prescribed treatment by the counselor to be discussed between the counselor and the client. This can be done through the counselor answering the specific responses of the client on how they feel or of any alteration of their behavior by the treatment. The answers provided by the counselor should be precise and definite on the consequence of the treatment to the client.

Stage of Change

The stage of change takes into account the problem statement through a cyclic process of a client. The pre-contemplation stage where a client decides not to change; the contemplation stage of them admit a problem but believes they are not addicted; the preparation stage where they take the necessary action to change later; action stage where there is actual change; the maintenance stage where the client ensures no going back to the old behavior; and relapse where the client goes back to the past problem behavior.

Assessing for the current stage of change is essential in determining the actual stage the client is in. This is achieved through the specific inquisition of the client by the counselor. The stage of change trivia depicts that in earlier stages, seven attempts on average are usually made before a successful attempt of change.

The ten effective catalysts for change are consciousness-raising, self-reevaluation, self-liberation, counter-conditioning, stimulus control, reinforcement management, helping relationships, emotional arousal, environmental re-evaluation, and social liberation. Precontemplation is catalyzed by consciousness-raising, self-reevaluation, and dramatic relief, and emotional arousal. Contemplation is catalyzed by consciousness-raising, self-reevaluation, environmental re-evaluation, and dramatic relief, and emotional arousal. Preparation is catalyzed by self-liberation, counter-conditioning, and helping relationships. Action is catalyzed by counter-conditioning, stimulus control, reinforcement management, helping relationships, and self-liberation. Maintenance is catalyzed by environmental re-evaluation, reinforcement management, helping relationships, and self-liberation.

Objectives and Interventions

Objectives make a treatment plan to be successful. They are created through individual assessment of a client as different, thus perceiving them as distinct. This ensures the viewing of clients as unique persons whose needs are specially differentiated. Interventions are therefore established by the clinician on the stage of change of the client hence successfully transiting all the changes.

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Essay Example. Most Helpful Treatment Plan Concepts/Ideas. (2023, Apr 23). Retrieved from

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