Essay Sample on Multimedia Performance

Published: 2024-01-27
Essay Sample on Multimedia Performance
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Technology Media Theatre Art
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1194 words
10 min read


The technological world has developed new methods and approaches to representing data and information. Multimedia technologies have played and continue to play a significant role in the world of communication. Entertainment, advertisement, and a general approach to disseminating information has necessitated the need to have and implement multimedia technologies across the board. Klich and Scheer define multimedia as using multiple media in presenting information (Klich and Scheer). Multiple media implies the use of text, images, sound, and motion pictures simultaneously. The digital world has captured and promoted the use of multimedia approaches in different spheres of life.

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Multimedia performance, on the other hand, refers to the use of multiple media and interfaces such as video and other forms of immersive and interactive media to inform, educate or entertain an audience. According to Klich and Scheer, multimedia performance is usually live performance and incorporates multimedia's primary tools (Klich and Scheer).

Multimedia Performance

Poll cites five different multimedia forms, including educative, interactive, communicative, narrative, and productive ones (Poll 22). Each of the five serves a different purpose. Journalism, fine arts, and entertainment fall under the communicative and interactive media (Roedig and Schmitt). It plays a significant role in entertainment and shows the full potential of creativity. In education, multimedia presentations are used in developing computer-based presentations that facilitate learning. Modern schools are working hard to incorporate multimedia systems to ensure that the best is achieved in implementing multimedia practices in education.

Commercial activities, on the other hand, have not been left behind either. Digital advertisements have also harnessed multimedia's power in ensuring that the best is achieved in different aspects of advertisement and marketing. Movies, plays, and operas have also played a major role in catalyzing the need and use of multimedia platforms in ensuring that the best is realized in the use of multimedia performances.

Multimedia performances and platforms have also played a significant role in teaching and learning language. According to Roedig and Schmitt, the English language's widespread use has made it easier for different systems and individuals to use multimedia to teach and educate others in different languages (Roedig and Schmitt). Besides being a new platform in performance, the media has also made learning attractive and interesting.

Another critical area of concern that also enjoys the power of multimedia performance is virtual reality. Multimedia performance tools have made it possible to develop virtual platforms that ensure that the best is achieved. With virtual platforms, demonstrating complex and dangerous situations has become more comfortable and more direct. Scientific research, medicine, space science, and nuclear testing, among many other areas, are easy to learn and understand thanks to the multimedia platforms that exist in the market today.

In essence, multimedia performance has been a blessing in society today. The impact and the extent of use of these platforms is to ensure that the best is realized in terms of growth and development. The future of multimedia is equally promising. The current technological advancement might only be but the tip of the iceberg. Many others would see and ensure that success is achieved in various fields of expertise and further make life easier and entertaining.

History of Multimedia

The history of multimedia dates back to the 20th century. Newspapers turn out to be among the first models of multimedia performances that found themselves in society (Morrison 33). The exciting concept about it is that it allowed newspaper printing companies to use both text and images to convey different messages to the audience. The technology further grew to telegraphs, then radio, and the modern-day television broadcasting. The growth of multimedia systems is a success story that shows resilience and continuous growth over the years. The demand for better systems and approaches to doing business explains the changes in the market today.

The first multimedia performances were monochrome (Morrison). In other words, the colors of the performances were in black and white. The zeal and curiosity to capture real-life images saw colored motion images take precedence. Other than capture, new methods of handling multimedia content further came into the picture. Media editing to add effects and increase attraction is implemented in different ways and spheres of multimedia performance. For example, in music, disk jockeys use different methods to achieve a more captivating and interesting product better than the raw one. In film and theatre, scene mixing is being used to ensure that that suspense and many other effects are achieved.

The current systems seem advanced, but the future has more than what we expect today. The rise of three-dimensional, four-dimensional, and seven-dimensional is evidence enough that multimedia is indeed evolving to meet newer grounds and standards. The internet has also increased the capacity and rate at which multimedia information is being consumed. The future of multimedia is promising indeed.

Multimedia Performance and Theatre

Theatre and the emergence of a new era in the field of performance and art. According to Klich and Scheer, merging digital technologies has developed a new world of content that people want to see and taste (Klich and Scheer). But there exists controversies about the use of multimedia devices to bring performances on screens. Critics say that the new technology has drained trust and integrity for the media (Morrison). As a result, the sweetness of the theatre has been eroded. But the reverse is true. The reality is individuals have learned to adapt to changes and developed a taste for the new product in the market.

The digital space is multiplying tremendously and brings on board a range of stakeholders. Klich and Scheer states that the present technical crisis is most likely going to be solved soon (Klich and Scheer). Morrison is clear that there still goes untapped potential in multimedia performance at the moment, yet technology is constantly changing (Morrison). On the other hand, digital media's artistic concept required a keen eye that would unravel the mysteries and advantages that it brings on board. In other words, there is more to multimedia performance than what individuals in society and commercial space have identified.


Multimedia performances and multimedia as a field of study have revolutionized significantly. The changes are clear and possibly going to increase. Theatre is one of the major areas that incorporate society that has significantly benefitted from multimedia applications and advancements. The new multimedia performances have changed the entire information industry and made aspects that one would not have imagined becoming a reality. Fast forward to the future, success is inevitable, and the speed and measures in place today is evidence enough. Other fields like education, science, and medicine have also benefitted from multimedia performances in different ways. In essence, multimedia came with a whole range of advantages to different stakeholders across the board.

Works Cited

Klich, R., and E. Scheer. "The evolution of multimedia performance." Multimedia Performance, 2012, pp. 19-38, doi:10.1007/978-0-230-35759-4_3.

Morrison, E. "Cyborg theatre: Corporeal/Technological intersections in multimedia performance." Contemporary Theatre Review, vol. 22, no. 3, 2012, pp. 428-430, doi:10.1080/10486801.2012.697736.

Poll, M. "Post-cinematic theatre and performance." Theatre and Performance Design, vol. 2, no. 1-2, 2016, pp. 181-182, doi:10.1080/23322551.2016.1180212.

Roedig, U., and J. Schmitt. "Multimedia and firewalls: A performance perspective." Multimedia Systems, vol. 11, no. 1, 2015, pp. 19-33, doi:10.1007/s00530-005-0187-2.

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