Free Personal Essay: My Most Significant Personal Accomplishment

Published: 2019-06-24
Free Personal Essay: My Most Significant Personal Accomplishment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 726 words
7 min read

Life presents us with many unforeseen circumstances. It also presents us with an array of opportunities each almost every other day of our lives. The world is a place that has as one of its components or elements, the concept of demand and supply of daily services. Taking and making use of opportunities is very often the missing link in the lives of many. It takes grit, hope, a solution-centric foresight, refusal to embrace and accommodate a defeat and victim mindset, and good leadership ability for anyone to rise above setbacks in life. These main traits form the foundation building blocks of 1st Agency Professionals, Inc.

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From a thriving career as a nurse, I was diagnosed with a serious debilitating nervous system disease which kept me at home away from my dreamed career. Out of my recuperating season, I found a dire need in the healthcare system which I never saw when I was in the same system as a nurse. This point to the fact that adversity and tragedy do not almost always pronounce death sentences to our lives and dreams, but through them we can see a need and do what we can to meet that need. This is where hope and diligence stirred me to start this franchise in the healthcare sector.

I would have sat back and embraced pity, accepting the diagnosis as a sentence on my life. The rejection of that mindset and the need that I saw in the sector gave me the impetus to rise above the setback. With diligence I gathered all I could to chase the new dream that has been placed in my heart from what I had thought was a disabling disruption in my life.

Obviously, entrepreneurship needs good leadership skills, a solution-centric foresight and a strong determination to hang on which brought me to the place of hope. With hope and a proper focus, I was able to deal with the challenges that accompany start-ups. When I started, I saw a need and I gave time for the Agency to grow being fully persuaded that the demand for my services was out there. This period of incubation gave me time to reflect on my situation as nurse and the type of care we give to patients. My leadership skills were crucial if I was to provide alternative nursing care to people who will need it. In this season, the Agency began to grow and I started seeing a trajectory that surpassed my imagination.

1st Agency Professionals, Inc., as an alternative healthcare franchise, is my most significant accomplishment in life because it has come out of a time that I was not supposed to be thinking about becoming an entrepreneur of any kind. It came from a time of pain. It also came from a time of deep fear. Fear that i would not rise above my limitations. I had to overcome my fears on a daily basis. One of the things I am proud of is the fact that I overcame my fears, set my standards high and went on to create a winning entrepreneurship. I overcame discouragement from friends who told me I should take things a little easier. I chose to believe in myself when many didnt. I knew that my disability had to be turned into an advantage over the setbacks in my life.

Looking over the accomplishments that I have gained thus far, I am proud to say that If I could overcome my challenges, so can anyone else. I am not better than any other person out there, and therefore it usually gives me great privilege to encourage people who are facing a season of possible despair. I like encouraging others and telling them that If I can accomplish my dreams and goals, so can they irrespective of their debilitating circumstances. I overcame a negative diagnosis and went ahead to make great life changing accomplishments for me and the society at large. For this, I can proudly say that I am fulfilled. When people enjoy the services of my Agency, I feel fulfilled and like someone who is making a significant difference in the lives of others. Every day I wake up looking forward to making a difference in the lives of people around me and society at large. There is no better feeling than that of being accomplished.

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