Free Essay on Negative Effects of Diets

Published: 2022-11-30
Free Essay on Negative Effects of Diets
Type of paper:  Argumentative essay
Categories:  Diet
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1540 words
13 min read

Diet is an exceptional course of food that an individual limits themselves, either because of medical reasons or if they want to lose weight. Most Americans are the ones who have this urge of having a perfect body shape and they end signing up for a diet. The community greatly affects the way of living of a person; for example, Americans have a myth that if you want to remain on a perfect shape (being thing) u can on a diet in order to lose weight.

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Going on a Diet is good for your body if you want to lose weight and to prevent yourself from becoming obese. Although it has some of these advantages, it can also have some negative impacts on your body and also social effects. According to the first lady Michelle Obama, she said that since she withdrew from being on a diet, she has gained self-confidence that only was allowed in skinny people and she healed her interrelation with food that she did not have when she was on a diet. One cause of dieting is how a person looks at his body is determined by how other people see them.

Many people with excess weight believe that if they go on a diet they will lose weight. Research shows that is this myth is not very true. When you are on a diet on the first time, you might lose weight but after some time the weight comes back. According to Professor Traci Man, he says that around 10 % of people on a diet lose weight for the first five years but after this period the weight comes back. Traci defines people who are on a diet as unmotivated lazy morons or either their system is not working properly.

Dieting can affect your mental and physical health. Weight alteration in the body causes negative side effects that might harm your physical health. Dieting is believed to cause some diseases like high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes type 2. It also linked causing the elevation of 'cortisol' a stress hormone. Research shows that when you become stressed when you are on a diet you will develop a habit of 'binge eating'. This is a disease is a disorder whereby you eat more food than normal in a very short time. The study shows that binge disorder leads to obesity. Anorexia Nervosa is another eating disorder where an individual experiences constant weight loss and the victims tend to feel to be too fat but actually, they are losing weight. Girls and women are the ones who experience this mostly because they think if they are overweight even if they are gruesome underweight.

The human body states what it needs for it to work properly but the dieting prohibits you from giving the body whatever it needs. Dieting can be classified into groups such as the Haitian diet, low-fat diet, low carbohydrate diet, dash diet traditional diet, modern diet, crash diet, and fad diet. Studies show that eating is an instinct and not a skill to be learned. When you were a child you became hungry naturally and knew when you were full. Technically you just ate and did not bias any kind of foods. When you grow up, messages from other people brainwash your mind about myths concerning diets. Doctors advise you not to restrict your body from eating because you want to lose weight.

Being on a diet your mind becomes eroded and you will always find yourself thinking about food and hence food the main issue in life. Just in case you are on a diet you keep on reasoning about what you will take for lunch, dinner and what you are supposed to eat or not. Most of the time you will find it hard to behave normally in front of your friends and family because you are worried that you might eat over your normal food or what they will think of you when they offer you something to eat and you reject it. Diets also measure the worth of your life and health.

When you are on a diet with a low amount of calories your body loses nutrients that are required in the body. The body of a human requires a specified amount of calories and nutrients so as to run effectively so if you go on a diet you deny your body these requirements. Lack of calories in the body leads to a disease called Gallstones. When your liver senses that you are losing weight on a high note, it produces extra cholesterol that affects and thus you end up being infected with gallstones. The signs of gallstone include; nausea, vomiting, indigestion and also feeling pain on the upper abdomen and even on the back.

When the body is getting low nutrients such as carbohydrates and sodium, you might experience nausea. Nausea can also lead to visual problems whereby you start receiving visual disturbances due to the weakness in the body. The more you go for a long time without getting enough calories and nutrients the level of the blood sugar goes down and this leads to energy reduction in the body. The body and the brain require enough amount of calories and nutrients so that they can function effectively, but when you are on a diet you deny them these requirements you end feeling tired all the time. This is also known as fatigue.

Rapidly loss of weight in the body can also lead to often headaches. These are caused by low levels of blood sugar in the bloodstream. You can also experience constipation when you are on a diet because of a low intake of fiber. Fiber is needed in the body because it helps in digestion of food. If you experience constipation too much, try to eat a lot of vegetables so as to increase fiber in the body.

A low diet also affects women largely when it comes to the menstrual cycle. This is because of the rapid loss of weight in the body. This also increases mood swings in a person. Another effect of being on a low diet is that you lose your muscles. This is because the body starts to yearn for more energy and it ends up sucking the muscle tissues. When the body is receiving low calories, it ends up slowing down the metabolism. The body switches itself to starvation mode and it ends up using muscle tissues as the source of energy.

Some people who are on a diet buy drugs that stimulate the body and increase energy because they do not want to feel tired or fatigue. A type of this drug is called Ephedrine. This drug decreases appetite and also reduces elimination. People on a diet always think that it is perfect to use so as not to experience negative side effects of dieting. In the real sense, research has shown that it leads to some of the problems in the body such as heart attacks, strokes, insomnia or even at times, it can cause death. Another drug that is commonly used by Americans is the Akins diet. Most Americans believe that they will easily lose pounds of weight easily if they are on the Atkins diet but it has serious side effects in human health. Some of these side effects that Atkins diet causes are heart diseases, heart diseases, bad breath, constipation, headaches, and muscle cramps.

Sometimes dieting is hard and when you go for a long period of time without eating the required amount of food makes one be stressed out. Stress causes other health problems such as stroke and heart attack. These two major health problems can also lead to death. When you are on dieting, you tend to get thinner and this lowers your self-esteem. People have the perfect idea of getting into the right shape and they tend to control the feeling you have about yourself. Poor dieting causes sleeping disorders, indigestion and poor functioning of the brain. The study shows that eating too much or too less might cause a sleeping disorder called sleep talking. This is a process whereby an individual talks at night without his or her conscience. Dieting once in a while is healthy but it advisable to visit the doctor first before you start dieting.

Works Cited

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