Free Essay on Nonverbal Analysis: Big Bang Theory

Published: 2023-08-27
Free Essay on Nonverbal Analysis: Big Bang Theory
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Analysis Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 713 words
6 min read

The television show Big Bang Theory is one of the most exciting comedies of all time. To effectively communicate, the characters use both verbal and nonverbal cues to express themselves. Leonard is one of the main characters; he is Sheldon’s roommate and Penny’s boyfriend. In his communication, eye contact plays a significant role in ensuring that his message passes across correctly. Whenever communicating with Penny, she is the type of girl who demands eye contact in every situation. In cooperation, Leonard almost always converses with Penny with direct eye contact.

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Leonard comes across as a character that is really strong in the use of eye contact. Hidden behind the pair of spectacles, Leonard sticks his eyes on whoever he is in conversation with to ensure the expression is finely into the conversation. In almost every episode, Leonard meets with his friends – Sheldon, Howard, and Rajesh – at the university cafeteria (Sn 2, Ep 10; Sn 8, Ep 2; Sn 8, Ep 4). Leonard maintains a conversation with eye contact with his friends in the majority of these conversations, apart from Sheldon. The latter is forever on some gadget or using embarrassing words; hence Leonard never finds the big chance of maintaining eye contact with his roommate whenever they are together, be it ion the house or cafeteria.

There is one time, very memorable, where Leonard loses eye contact with his girlfriend Penny in a conversation. Penny had started some evening psychology classes, and they were reading a book written by Leonard’s mother (Sn 7, Ep 4). The book describes Leonard’s childhood vividly, and he cannot stand the snide attacks by Penny as described in the book. Penny reminds Leonard of his childhood manners like peeing on the bed, wearing his mum’s bras and sucking his finger (Sn 7, Ep 4). In response to Penny, he shies away and cannot look straight at her. This is an expression that clearly shows that the message and the intention of Penny hits home perfectly. The embarrassment he shows takes away the confidence that comes with direct eye contact.

Leonard is Sheldon’s roommate, a man who rarely looks into the eye. Sheldon is almost always up to his things on the computer, focusing on his stuff and giving a wide berth to social life (Sn 8, Ep 10). Therefore, Leonard’s eye contact character plays almost no role in his relationship with Sheldon. He could be talking to him all the while, looking at him, but not getting a similar response from Sheldon. The absence of eye contact in his conversation takes away too much of his intended messages.

They say that through the eyes, one can see love (Wang et al., 2010). It is highly likely correct. In conversations between Leonard and Penny, they can smile at each other without a word. Just eye contact between them is enough to send the right signal and attract warm hugs. It is also through eye contact that they express their most frustrating moments. At one point, Leonard is taunting Penny that he may pick up a girl and start talking to her (Sn 5, Ep 9). Looking straight into each other’s eye, she tells him to go ahead with his plan, albeit sarcastically. The message is clear from eye contact. He freaks out and drops the plans altogether (Sn 5, Ep 9). He probably feels that such would be a risky step, and Penny may end up punishing him for that singular move.

Eye contact communicates confidence and conviction (Wang et al., 2010). When one can sustain eye contact, they are more assertive. Leonard comes across as one of the most assertive and confident in the Big Bang Theory television series. He stands out among his peers and colleagues. Compared to other characters like Sheldon, he is the most expressive because he can easily maintain eye contact and pass a message without blinking. Eye contact is a cue that confident people take even without realizing it, and it helps them a lot (Wang et al., 2010).


Cendrowski, M. (2007). The Big Bang Theory [DVD]. Hollywood; CBS.

Wang, Y., Newport, R., & Hamilton, A. (2010). Eye contact enhances the mimicry of intransitive hand movements. Biology Letters, 7(1), 7-10.

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