Paper Example on Cocaine Kids

Published: 2023-05-31
Paper Example on Cocaine Kids
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Literature Drug Books
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 535 words
5 min read

How was Max's business like any other business? How was it different? Specifically address the consignment system.

Max's business was like any other business as it required guidance and supervision like other businesses. Max carried out activities that were meant to generate profit in his business, unlike his other colleagues. His company seemed to be different as it involved the distribution of cocaine. Max used a group of teenagers to transport his product or rather the cocaine to the locations he had customers. In terms of the consignment system, it required the use of wholesale distributors who n turn supplied to the distributors who sold it in kilograms lots. In this scenario, Bellow the distributor are the suppliers who act like middle-level managers. At the bottom level of the supply chain is the seller who makes the retail transaction.

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How had the cocaine business changed over the years as per the discussion in the book? How did these changes affect the dealers?

Cocaine's business has gone through a change that is recorded regarding the competition. In West Harlem, the cocaine business has been experiencing a difference in regard to the number of dealers. There evolved many dealers in the region, and therefore, there was a need to remain popular to get enough customers. In this case, the dealers adopted methods that included the generous distribution of cocaine at times, Bekleidung, and having girls around.

How did Max become the head dealer? How was his promotion different from the norm?

Max is the head of the crew; he had a connection with Columbia dealers. He became the leader of the squad as he took the business from his elder brother, Hector. This was not a norm but somehow it happened and it made Max the leader.

How did the cocaine business affect the neighborhood? Specifically address how it affected the people, housing and other surrounding business as well.

The cocaine business had the moral values in the neighborhood destroyed as the young teens have no sense of morality as they do whatever they please. They are involved in premature sex and also practice a lot of substance abuse. The housing system in this region is also affected as they all live in one apartment. Moreover, the premise is its operational base where they sell cocaine.

How did the business affect some of the people portrayed in the book? Discuss at least two specific people.

The business had both positive and negative effects on Max. the positive effect as that Max was able to attain a lot of wealth but on the other hand, he lacked sexual freedom. This made his marriage with Suzanne to face wrangles. Furthermore, the business led to Chillie being shot as a result of a deal that went wrong. This indicates the struggles the crew went through, losing of their friends was challenging and they had to live with it. Drug business may be profitable but in the end, it has serious consequences. Max might have the wealth he required but that wealth could not help them to maintain their marriage with Suzanne. The marriage was full of conflicts as the author narrates. The two persons were directly affected by the business.

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Paper Example on Cocaine Kids. (2023, May 31). Retrieved from

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