Paper Example on Pseudomonas Alkanolytica Using in Treatment

Published: 2023-01-13
Paper Example on Pseudomonas Alkanolytica Using in Treatment
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Medicine Pharmacology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 699 words
6 min read


Development of long-lasting and straightforward way of treatment remains the essential factor to consider when looking for the best method to ensure safe disposal of any form of waste. There are various ways to do such a treatment process; these examples range from using a chemical to other more natural methods such as the use of micro-organisms. The introduction of natural ways of handling the waste will be of a lot of importance in production. In this section, I will address how the technology was chosen will enhance the effectiveness of the process and how it will affect the cost of treatment as a whole.

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After the application of chemical treatment into the waste, the use of a biological method will be of value in that it will ensure that all the particles are degraded so that they lose their harmful trait. Introduction of this method at the last stages will also ensure that minimal effort will be put in the use of equipment and monitoring devices. It is also worth noting that the use of a biological method then introduces the treatment process to a relaxing point as this method does not require the use of a small temperature range and precise conditions. Application of the technique will also help immensely in cutting the cost as it is relatively cheap. Furthermore, this process does not introduce another need for removal of the sludge that will be costly to dispose of (Shahaby & Essam Eldin 2684).

For this research, I propose the use of Pseudomonas alkanolytica. It is vital in the use of this treatment process because it is known to breakdown the carbon nature materials. its availability in the local environment also makes it a right candidate in use in this case. Various studies carried out on the bacterium show how it is of great importance in the use of oil-based waste. Furthermore, it is known to thrive in the most adverse of conditions and a low need for attention then adds to the list of its pros (Antwi-Akomeah et al., 17).


Pseudomonas alkanolytica is locally available and low price, and it can be purchased from various laboratories and research centers across the country. During the treatment process, the bacterium is introduced into the sewer in its last stages. It is observed that during this stage, the level of the hydrocarbon has dropped. The introduction at this stage will be crucial because it will give the final refining to the quality of waste being released. Pseudomonas alkanolytica is capable of reducing the oil base in the waste in about 48 hours. This ability then makes them apt for this task.

Expectations and Secondary Treatment

At this stage, it is expected that the bacterium will quickly react with the waste because the entire crude layer has been removed. The expectation is that it will work within a period of 48 to 56 hours. This then allows the bacterium to make the maximum use of the conditions in reserve. Research has shown that it will be valid on the application and is observed to work at optimum temperatures of between 260 C to 320 C. their growth is also optimum at this stage and this will help increase their population and accelerate the process (Alalayah, 6).


In conclusion, the use of this method will not only benefit the financing due to its fair cost but also play an essential role in ensuring that there is no further waste being produced by the plant. Its result is impressive and will be critical as far as obtaining a minimum amount of any risk of exposure to the environment is concerned. The plant will be benefiting from the method under the shortest time possible, and this opportunity will also be used to collect any residue that will be generated.


Antwi-Akomeah, S., Fei-Baffoe, B., Belford, E. J. D., & Borigu, M. (2018). Hydrocarbon contaminated water remediation using a locally constructed multi-stage bioreactor incorporated with media filtration.

Alalayah, W. M. (2017). Simulation of the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons utilizing Artificial Neural Networks.

Shahaby, A. F., & Essam Eldin, K. M. (2017). Desulfurization of crude oil and oil products by local isolated bacterial strains. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(4), 2695-2711.

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Paper Example on Pseudomonas Alkanolytica Using in Treatment. (2023, Jan 13). Retrieved from

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