Personality Disorder Essay Sample

Published: 2022-07-27
Personality Disorder Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality disorder
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 651 words
6 min read

A personality disorder is a kind of mental problem which it involves a lack of guilt, a weak pattern of thinking, functioning, and the way you behave. A profile of thinking and feeling that sound right and appropriate to the person experiencing them but they are not, and they end up causing several problems to the person. Personality disorders are divided into two main categories; anti-personality disorder and borderline personality disorders.

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Borderline personality disorders are characterized by irregular patterns of varying moods, behaviour and self-image. Those people who have borderline personality disorders experience bad qualities which include prolonged anger, prolonged anxiety and depression (Arterburn & Wise, 2017). On the other hand, anti-personality disorders involve the person disregarding and having no important value for others. The person engages himself in violating the rights of other people.

Symptoms of borderline personality disorders include, cases to tend to mutilate yourself happen often, having self images that are weak, weak and less reliable relations with people, having moods that are not stable, control that is not reliable at all and also cases of trying hard not to be abandoned or even rejected (David Eaton, Rodriguez-Seijas, Krueger, Campbell, Grant, & Hasin, 2017). For purposes of treating this kind of personality disorder, dialectical behaviour therapy is the most convenient and active mode. Treatment can also involve individual therapy, holistic therapy or even group therapy.

There are several symptoms of anti-personality disorders. Not able to abide by social norms, fond of cheating, irresponsible and do not mind about the impact of anything they do. To treat and control this kind of personality disorders you can consider the following, stress and anger management education, psychotherapy and medication (David Eaton, Rodriguez-Seijas, Krueger, Campbell, Grant & Hasin, 2017). It is usually hard to offer treatment to people with the anti-personality disorder because the patient and the loved one it's hard to accept that there need to go for help.

To compare and contrast anti and borderline personality disorders is enabled in several ways. These two personality disorders differ from each other in many ways which include, people who have borderline personality disorders seek interpersonal relationships and keep a destroyed self-image which comes with depression more often compared to those people suffering from anti-personality disorders (Newton, Mulder, Boden, & Joyce, 2018). People suffering from anti-personality disorders are mostly fond of directing the aggression they experience to other people, most people who are more likely to offer no help while those who have borderline personality disorders do not do this but they direct the aggression to themselves, the assault is self-directed. Making therapy to people with the anti-personality disorder is more complicated than to borderline personality disorders since they have a much-raised ego of themselves and have impaired capabilities in forming attachments ( Arterburn & Wise, 2017). Anti personality disorders usually affect men at a higher rate than women while borderline personality disorder is more common in women than it is in men.

Borderline and anti-personality disorders are similar because both appear in the same cluster of personality disorders that is the people who have these personality disorders display common impulsivity and manipulated behaviors. Also, people suffering from these two personality disorders both in cases of substance abuse and suicidal behaviors they are at a higher risk. These two personality disorders are usually easily managed if proper treatment is imposed on the patient.


Arterburn, S., & Wise, R. (2017). Understanding and Loving a Person with Borderline Personality Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion.

David C Eaton, N. R., Rodriguez-Seijas, C., Krueger, R. F., Campbell, W. K., Grant, B. F., & Hasin, D. S. (2017). Narcissistic personality disorder and the structure of common mental disorders. Journal of personality disorders, 31(4), 449-461. Cook.

Newton-Howes, G., Mulder, R., Ellis, P. M., Boden, J. M., & Joyce, P. (2018). Predictive Utility of Personality Disorder in Depression: Comparison of Outcomes and Taxonomic Approach. Journal of personality disorders, 32(4), 513-526.

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