Pharmacy Personal Statement - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Pharmacy Personal Statement - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Medicine Pharmacology Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 681 words
6 min read

The interest and enthusiasm towards Mathematics, Biology, and, more specifically, Chemistry I saw in my uncle, a cardiologist, always inspired me to plan in taking a Pharmacy course once I joined university. I always had a particular interest in Chemistry due to its impacts on our daily lives, which fascinated me with interest in the healthcare profession. Coupled with a strong ambition to render my Pharmacy course skills in an environment where I would directly engage with patients inspired me to pursue the career field. It is so amazing how the line of work actively engages people's lives in a lifelong learning process. Science and Mathematics have always been an integral part of my studies. I have paid utmost attention to the subjects through my studies, acquiring good grades in the pharmacy related subjects. Therefore, with good grades in the subjects, following my dreams and ambitions by applying for a pharmacy program is more appropriate.

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Prior to embarking upon a pharmacy degree, I wanted to be sure and aware of what I would be engaging myself in for my entire life. A couple of years ago, I did not know what pharmacy entailed other than the little knowledge of the job involves patients and medicinal drugs. Therefore, I decided to take a part-time job to earn extra cash at the local Sainsbury’s supermarket, where I put reliable and regular shifts for the past seven months. Here, I made a point of befriending the in-store pharmacist who helped explain and demonstrate time and again what the career field entails after expressing my passion for the profession. My friend has been very resourceful, being a mentor in pursuing my career goal. Though I did not work in the Pharmacy section, she was kind enough to spend time with her outside my working hours. Here, I could see the exciting job she does and the critical role she plays in the chain of treatment between General Practice (GP) and patients.

At present, the entire world is more engaged in healthy living with no scope for illness or other lifestyle health problems. Here, the role of a pharmacist is critical in fulfilling this aspect to the fullest. Therefore, the Pharmacy program is turning out into one of the best sought after and the global grip of the industry globally. The chosen program will offer me a broad scope to excel in the field, and I am more than passionate, motivated, and eager to perform well in this program. With the aid of past acquired knowledge from my in-pharmacist friend at Sainsbury and my experience in independent voluntary work at a local Pharmacy situated at Pittsburgh, I believe I have the necessary skills that entail the course. I possess a broad command of molecules' chemical composition and the variant functional groups integrated into it. Here, in my past school work in Biology and Chemistry, I acquired an intense good foundation on how parts of molecules and medicine affect particular body organs. With this kind of academic exposure, in addition to help from my in-pharmacist mentor, I have the basics of what entails in pharmacy, and I am prepared to pursue the career field.

Believing in oneself can go a long way in establishing thoughts in a focused and confident manner. Given the opportunity to pursue the Pharmacy program at the university, I am determined and enthusiastic that I will maximize the opportunity, meet new people, and gain a whole unique learning experience in my field of passion. In my part-time job at Sainsbury, I have advanced in my communication skills, interacting with different customers daily. It has dramatically allowed me to use my initiative and made it possible to interact with a broad range of situations with various people like in solving customer problems. Applying the same knowledge of responsibility and taking the initiative in Pharmacy's career, I am hopeful I will be resourceful and a great asset in the program. Additionally, I believe I will be a future help to the society by following my passion and pursuing a career as a pharmacist.

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