Please answer ALL PARTS OF THE PROMPT that you choose

Published: 2023-03-04
Please answer ALL PARTS OF THE PROMPT that you choose
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Finance Development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1039 words
9 min read

Answer the questions in each prompt with sources (when applicable). For example, you may be asked to provide the following:

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Evidence from chapter six through eight in the Rosen (2015) text

Information contained in one peer-reviewed article from the Library databases (i.e.) MedlinePlus and/or from the journal resources course tab in the course shell

Evidence from at least one media clip available on YouTube or another internet source, which provides support for your point of view

Your response to all parts of the prompt should be a TOTAL word count of between 500 to 1000 words of content.

You are required to provide a reference list

Any final submitted without a reference list or proper in-text citations will receive a zero

However, your reference list is NOT included in your required word count.

Prompt One (Industrialization & the Spread of Disease):

What is the relationship between industrialization and the spread of disease discussed in chapters six through eight of the Rosen (2015) textbook?

According to Rosen (2015), there is a relationship between industrialization and spread of diseases (Rosen, 2015, p.107). In the first place, industrialization resulted into growth of urban areas with the mushrooming of towns, causing population concentration in one place, which meant congestion. With overcrowding of urban areas, there is easier disease spreading, and also with time, it led to deterioration of sanitary conditions. Also, in the face of the initial phase of industrialization, public amenities were scarce, for instance, hospitals increased the mortality rate at onset of industrial development (Rozins & Day, 2016). During industrialization, factories began to increase which required labor which with time rose the question of community health

Give a few examples, which demonstrate your analysis of the Rosen (2015) text

The England Elizabethan Old Poor Law was first in place to address the issues of pauperism; however, with time, it seemed that poverty was not the only issue to be addressed due to arising problems in community health, which necessitated medical care provision (Rosen, 2015, p.107). The need of developing modern urban setting also brought about the necessity of development of new approaches to diseases prevention. In the end of18th century, after a series of epidemics in Manchester, the Health and Moral of Apprentice act was passed mainly to oversee the dismal health of factory workers, especially the child laborers (Rosen, 2015, p.115).

Since the 19th century, what were a few major disease outbreaks, which caused public health officials to engage in widespread epidemiological and disease prevention efforts?

During the 1795 winter, Manchester amongst the first industrialized cities suffered series of outbreaks; the typhus fever epidemic lead to the voluntary Board of Health formation (Rosen, 2015, p.112). It was rendered ineffectual after receiving much opposition the unhealthy status prolonged with unsuccessful attempts for improvement of sanitary conditions. Also, the 1831-1832 cholera outbreak necessitated the reinforcement of disease prevention measures resulting from neglected sanitary conditions, which lead to more sickness and deaths (Rosen, 2015, p. 115).

Give three to five examples. Provide at least one reference from the Rosen (2015) text

The overcrowding cities and towns were alarming causes of health problems. Public spaces meant for relaxation and recreation were scarce and limited to saloon and shops; in 1845, Manchester and other surrounding cities lacked public parks (Rosen, 2015, p.113). By that time, there was little interest for proper sanitary arrangements as they were considered as non- remunerative expenditures. Populations found in poor district encountered housing problems where they lacked water closet and privies; however, this condition was not limited to this population as the working-class homes also experienced the same. Congestion, unhygienic conditions, dirt are characteristic to where a new industrialized system has taken root more, especially in the earlier industrial civilizations of United State, Belgium, France, and Prussia.

How does the journal article you chose enhance or clarify the information you read in chapters six through eight of your Rosen (2015) textbook? (i.e., address the relationship between industrialization and the spread of disease)

Rosen (2015) gives clarity on the disease genesis and insight on role of industrialization in the spreading of diseases (p.111). The journal takes the readers through the pre-industrial times when factories were less and compared it to the time industrial revolution was taking its roots. Distinctively, the growth of industries led to many underlying factors like urbanization, migration, pauperism which can be linked to deteriorating health conditions. In this light of the industrial revolution, the article demonstrated how the societies' minds was also evolving with the encounters of diseases and epidemics to a much better approach of solving community health problems. Further, the article reveal how the disease burden brought about the necessity of coming up with viable preventive measures of diseases.

Why did you choose the media clip as a visual illustration of the concept of industrialization and the spread of disease, and how is it relevant to chapters six through eight in the Rosen (2015) text?

The media clip is a good demonstration of the concept of industrialization and the spreading of disease, as depicted in Rosen (2015) chapters six through eight, as it takes us back to the times of the agrarian revolution where there were few factories. Man was the source of labor, but with the industrial revolution in place, machines replace human labor, which saw people moving to the towns to look for jobs. Industrial labor opportunities attracted people to urban areas, which saw the population increasing from 15 percent of the pre-industrial times in 1750 to 50 percent by 1850, and by 1900s, the population had grown to 85 percent. With this came overcrowding of cities, and with fewer public amenities such as hospitals, the spread of diseases become rampant leading to loss of lives. Also, with congestions in town, it made disease spreading much easier where people could catch communicable diseases. Housing become a problem, and also getting clean water for human consumption was rare due contamination from the factories and human waste. Moreover, the cities were filled with filth and dirt with dangerous condition for human existence, which threatened human lives.


Rosen, George (2015) A history of public health [Revised Expanded Edition] John Hopkins press Baltimore. ISBN 13: 978-1-4214-1601-4. ISBN 10: 1-4214-1601-8

Rozins, C., & Day, T. (2016). Disease eradication on large industrial farms. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 73(4), 885-902.

Simple History, (Oct 2017). The Industrial Revolution (18-19th Century). Retrieved from

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