Essay Sample on Preserving the Land

Published: 2023-02-21
Essay Sample on Preserving the Land
Type of paper:  Article
Categories:  Ecology Pollution Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 859 words
8 min read

Why Preserving the Land Might be More Valuable than using it for Other Purposes

Preserving the land is more valuable than using it for other purposes because of the many ecological services that human beings receive from these forests. It is expensive to provide the free ecological services that we get from nature (Camill, p5). The cost of these services is sometimes not measurable. Human damaged usually alters these services. For instance, deforestation affects the regulation of carbon dioxide, which mainly results in global warming. The rise in carbon dioxide also results in damage to the Ozone layer, which is impossible to replace. The forest damage also leads to Permanent loss of genetic information in tropical biodiversity. More so, it can affect many plants with medicinal value. The cost of land can make Earth an inhabitable place to human beings and other creatures. Therefore, it is our responsibility to preserve land other than using it for other purposes.

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Why There Is Room for the Peaceful Coexistence of Farming, Logging, and Conservation in Amazon

Even though the population within the Amazon forest is growing, there is room for the preservation of the forest. They should stop logging, especially indigenous trees. They should also practice re-afforestation. I case they log one tree; they should plant at least 20 more trees of similar species. Also, the population should avoid logging the indigenous trees completely. The people around Amazon should also plant many trees in the areas they have cleared. They should practice modern farming, whereby they can utilize a small piece of land, they should plant many trees in these firms. This way, there would be peaceful coexistence of farming, logging, and conservation of Amazon.

Why I Think Species Have an Intrinsic Right to Exist; and How Such Existence Values can be incorporated into Environmental Policy

I feel that species have an intrinsic right to exists, and this existence values should be incorporated into environmental policy. The species offer both market values and intergenerational fairness, some of which cannot be replaced. The species prevent pollution and damages to the environment. There are also non-market values that are provided by these species. We need to preserve the species for future generations. There are many ecosystem services that we acquire from the environment. They include gas regulation, climate regulation, and disturbance regulation .water control, among others. Therefore, there is a need to incorporate the existing values for these species into environmental policy because they are very crucial for the survival of human beings.

Why I Believe That Citizens of Tropical Countries do not have the Right to Deforest the Most Biologically Diverse Communities on Earth

I believe that the citizens of tropical countries do not have the right to deforest the most biologically diverse communities on Earth. Even though the European deforested large chunks of land in North-America for agriculture, the situation by then is not similar to the one, we are experiencing today. By then, most of the land in the world, across the continents was not cleared. Therefore, the impact could not be felt as much. But currently, only a little fraction of land in the world is covered by forests. Therefore, citizens in these tropical; forests should try and preserve these forests to ensure ecological services are available. Consequently, they do not have the right to deforest most biologically diverse communities on Earth because the forested land is very scarce and maintains the life for both flora and fauna. They should take the responsibility of guarding and conserving the forests.

In Order to Save the Tropical Forests, Citizens of Industrial Nations are going to have to pay for Developing Countries

The citizens of industrialized nations, to some extent, need to pay the developing nations to save the tropical forests. The developed countries have taken part in pollution. The damages caused by infection is reduced mainly by the effects of these tropical forests. At the same time, people surrounding these forests suffer due to a lack of farming land. Therefore, compensating and relocating these people is one of the best ways to conserve the forests. Governments of the developed nations should consequently come up with policies of paying these people and reclaim the forest.

What is Being Lost in The Deforestation of The Amazon Forest in Brazil

Deforestation involves slash and burn as well as logging. When all these trees are lost, we lose many ecological services. Some of these services include gas regulation, which regulates the atmospheric chemical composition, rule of climates like global temperatures regulation upon damping of the ecosystem in response to environmental fluctuation, and water storage, and retention. Other ecological services that may be lost as a result of deforestation include erosion control and preservation of sedimentation, cycling of nutrients, and formation of soils, plant pollination, and biological control, among many others (Camill, p7). The deforestation in the Amazon forest would result in the loss of all the ecological services that the forest has been providing over the years.


Camill, Phil. "The deforestation of the Amazon: A case study in understanding ecosystems and their value." University at Buffalo (1999).Retrieved from

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