QA 1. Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb's request.

Published: 2023-01-10
QA 1. Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb's request.
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Leadership analysis Economics Literature Community Books
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1218 words
11 min read

Mr. Newcomb is complicated to some extent and would require special advice to ascertain that he does not lose his life too fast. As a professional oncologist and the health provider of the patients in the oncology, I will apply the use of all or the most important principles to ensure that the advice doesn't interfere with the lives of the patient either socially, physically or mentally.

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To keep the principle in work, I would give my best positive advice that if possible, might help in sustaining the health of the patient. For instance I would tell Mr. Newcomb that " I will ensure that I do that by tomorrow my best friend, but do not be disturbed that you will die, in the meantime, I will provide best oncology skills to provide care and treatment for you, as long as I am here, never be afraid that you will leave us that soon, otherwise, I will provide the company, as we wait for the Mrs. Newcomb." This will not only provide a promising life for the patient, but he will also be relieved from the psychological stress that would take his life away as fastest as possible.

In reality, I will not allow Mrs. Newcomb to come in the unit because, seemingly, she is the reason for all the bad health in the patient, just as highlighted in the case study. Ever since when I was taking care of the patient, his life seemed to improve with time, and he was indeed promising for a better future, however, since the arrival of her wife, his life has been depressing and now the patient is even predicting for his death.

QA 2. Evaluate how you applied the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, and justice to the scenario.

In addition, this decision will be more nonmaleficence to the patient, as it will create the least harm possible to the patient. Harms are always categorized into two broad categories, short term and the long term, in the case of Mr. Newcomb, a short-term effect would result to a vital effect of up to death, to the patient.

Application of professional autonomy experience is also important. As an experienced and a professional oncologist, the advice given would be in accordance to the personal experience that I have since learned in the whole of my career, and the personal experience that I have gained from working with a number of patients. This helps because, in order to make such a decision, one must understand the possible effects of stress, and when it is added, what it could lead to. Other principles that the advice could have taken include the principle of fidelity, veracity, justice and even fairness. (Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2004).

QA 3. Examine how personal beliefs and values influenced your response to the scenario.

As a professional nurse who has worked in the adult oncology unit, for a long period of time. I have dealt with a number of patients and however much I can testify that I have never witnessed a similar occasion in the past, I picked on the closely related instances that involved stress in the past, and how I dealt with those particular cases, to resolve them appropriately. (Hoffman, K., Donoghue, J., & Duffield, C. (2004).

Additionally, I have experienced a number of failures and success in the decision that I made in the past data; the advice given is, therefore, a result of the evaluation of the positive achievements in the past only. The wrongly made decisions in the past also helped me in realizing the possible negative harms and the principle of nonmaleficence helped me in doing so.

Also, having worked with a number of workers with me, some professional and other juniors as well, I have also learned of various decisions that they once undertook, and the results that came out after the decisions made. Having this knowledge is very important as it will help in evaluating the best possible choice amongst many, and of course, this is what is referred to as (decision-making, the ability to pick up on a solution from a wide range of alternatives that best satisfies the situation).

QA 4. Describe three strategies to promote self-care.

In order to successfully achieve the self-care guidance in any adult oncologist patient unit. It is important to take care of some strategies in order to ensure that in the rise of cases like that of Mr. Newcomb, best solutions can always be highlighted that promise a positive outcome. "self-care for nurses is important because it promotes individual health and wellness, offering an outlet for stress and creating a better work-life balance," ("Basic Strategies for Self-Care," 2017). Some o the three strategies that could be applied in this case include,

Keeping close contact with the family and friends

Planning for healthier meals and snacks

Choosing the best type of exercise enjoyed.

One major strategy to be taken by a nurse is to keep close contact with the family members and friends. In the oncology unit, where a number of activities are involved, shift cases and various call assignments by the patients is mandatory, it is important to create a good rapport with these people since the work may at times come with a lot of stress. As a result, I decided to keep a good friendship linkage with my patients, so that in my free time, we can be making stories, have a lot of fun and laugh a lot.

Another strategy is taking good meals and snacks, to ensure that a healthy body is maintained at all conditions. Bad meals might lead to malnourishment of the body, may lead to weak body functioning. In the unit, there are many activities that involve use of energy, missing some foods, for example, carbohydrates may result to deficiency of energy in the body and a nurse may not be in a position to handle all the activities effectively. Some effects that may result when a nurse fails to undertake his/ her activities correctly, is mental stress that may eventually lead to the death of the nurse of mental disorder.

Choosing the best type of exercise is yet another major concern and strategy to enhance self-care of nurses in various healthcare units Arnold Schwarzenegger states that "training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body" ("Exercise Sayings and Exercise Quotes," n.d.). The need for physical fitness is very important to ensure that all the body parts work perfectly and that possible occasions of idleness, that may also lead to stress in them limiting them from serving the patients appropriately and promise good health.


Basic Strategies for Self-Care. (2017, September 8). Retrieved from

Exercise Sayings and Exercise Quotes. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hoffman, K., Donoghue, J., & Duffield, C. (2004). Decisionmaking in clinical nursing: investigating contributing factors. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 45(1), 53-62.

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2004). Nursing research: Principles and methods. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Retrieved from

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QA 1. Describe how you would respond to Mr. Newcomb's request.. (2023, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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