Reflective Essay: Problem Solving, Free Example for You

Published: 2022-02-25
Reflective Essay: Problem Solving, Free Example for You
Essay type:  Reflective essays
Categories:  Problem solving
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1057 words
9 min read

Problem-solving is one of the effective methods of finding solutions as it has helped me to relax and have a brainstorming session where I come up with ideas that assist in find suggestions that can work. In addition, the problem-solving sessions are opportunities for me to learn about my strengths and weaknesses since I have to identify solutions to issues that require immediate attention while others need more (Zhang & Bartol, 2010). The course in Management Problem Solving has equipped me with skills that will help me in my personal and professional life since I will evaluate a situation before making a major decision. I will weigh the options I have before I can make the final decision, which means that it will be the best of the alternatives I have with me. The problem solving process involves collecting, analyzing, and evaluating, and implementing the best solution from a list of alternatives time (De Dreu et al., 2011; Taylor, 2013). Hence, there is need to understand a problem and brainstorm the available solutions before coming up with one answer that solves the issues within the shortest time possible and the frameworks present. For instance, in research skills, problem identification becomes the foundation for finding a bearing for the entire project since one develops questions from the problem highlighted in the beginning.

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I also understand that learning through reflection helps in strengthening my mind since I have a better understanding of content taught in class. This is a time where I consider all the amount of information that my mind has absorbed, and I am willing to look at it from a different perspective while having a deeper understanding of what the teacher wanted to teach in class. Reflections allow me to perceive my kind and thinking process and take action towards the development of ideas, which is the sole purpose of focusing my attention on the content (Remington-Doucette et al., 2013). When am done reflecting, am in a position to understand why I reacted in a particular way and what I should have done or said if I were equipped with more information. Once reflection becomes part of my schedule, I am in a position to influence my study mates to engage in the process since it helps them in their studies as well.

Some of how I can improve from the lesson is having an understanding that every problem must have a solution. Therefore, the most important thing is calming down when faced with a problem whether in my personal or professional life. The next step is understanding where the problem is so that I can be in a position to initiate a solution finding process (Bardach & Patashnik, 2015). If I am working in a group, I should understand and list down the interests and perceptions of every individual so that we can confirm that we are moving in the right direction and that every person has a commitment towards solving the problem. After this step, a group can engage in a brainstorming session (Oldenburg & Hung, 2010. Every person suggests a possible solution. The idea here is understanding that all possible suggestions raised have a possibility of being solutions to the problem. Evaluation of possible solutions takes place at length where team members discuss every suggestion in details while analyzing the advantages and disadvantages. If working as an individual, one has an easy time deciding on the option to take since no consultation takes place (Proctor, 2014). However, when working with a group, all members must understand that choosing the best alternative depends on the quality and nearness to getting a final solution. Hence, it is not based on preference and popularity of the individual who made the decision. Baker (2017) argues that it is important to document an agreement as proof that a team went through an evaluation process before they arrived at the solution.

Implementation comes after selecting the best alternative from a list of options. Every member of a team must remain committed towards the implementation process since workforce, integrity, control measures, due diligence, and care must be present. Different skills, knowledge, and strengths become necessary when implementing a solution since some problems might arise. Hence, people with technical skills and are highly competent must present their ideas so that the implementation process can be easy and efficient (Hwang & Masud, 2012). It will also take a limited amount of time if the right team handles the implementation process.

It is important to do regular checks and evaluations, which help in identifying whether a solution worked (Isaksen & Ekvall, 2010). Monitoring helps a team identify whether the solution implemented was a long-term or short-term or there might be the need to have reviews and revisions on the ideas brought forward. Problem solving is an ongoing process as monitoring can locate some underlying issues, which may require immediate actions to help solve issues at hand. However, when one becomes used to finding solutions to problems, then it becomes a natural process to brainstorm.


Baker, R. (2017). Problem-solving. In Agile UX Storytelling(pp. 107-116). Apress, Berkeley, CA.

Bardach, E., & Patashnik, E. M. (2015). A practical guide for policy analysis: The eightfold path to more effective problem solving. CQ press.

De Dreu, C. K., Nijstad, B. A., Bechtoldt, M. N., & Baas, M. (2011). Group creativity and innovation: A motivated information processing perspective. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 5(1), 81.

Hwang, C. L., & Masud, A. S. M. (2012). Multiple objective decision making-methods and applications: a state-of-the-art survey (Vol. 164). Springer Science & Business Media.

Isaksen, S. G., & Ekvall, G. (2010). Managing for innovation: The two faces of tension in creative climates. Creativity and innovation management, 19(2), 73-88.

Oldenburg, N. L., & Hung, W. C. (2010). Problem solving strategies used by RN-to-BSN students in an online problem-based learning course. Journal of Nursing Education, 49(4), 219-222.

Proctor, T. (2014). Creative problem solving for managers: developing skills for decision making and innovation. Routledge.

Remington-Doucette, S. M., Hiller Connell, K. Y., Armstrong, C. M., & Musgrove, S. L. (2013). Assessing sustainability education in a transdisciplinary undergraduate course focused on real-world problem solving: a case for disciplinary grounding. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 14(4), 404-433.

Taylor, D. W. (2013). Decision making and problem solving. Handbook of organizations, 48-86.

Zhang, X., & Bartol, K. M. (2010). Linking empowering leadership and employee creativity: The influence of psychological empowerment, intrinsic motivation, and creative process engagement. Academy of management journal, 53(1), 107-128.

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